Saturday, April 25, 2015

Review: Oriflame - Colour Unlimited Matte Lipstick - Berry Crush

Pozdravljeni! Tokrat ocenjujem šminko znamke Oriflame, gre pa za linijo  The ONE Colour Unlimited Matte lipstick, v odtenku Berry Crush

Hello! Todays short review will be another Oriflame product, this time I had a chance to test and review their new lipsticks called The ONE Colour Unlimited Matte lipstick in shade Berry Crush.

Embalaža: preprosta, ozka in dolga linija, značilna za njihove The ONE šminke, plastična z sistemom na navijanje. Vsebuje 1.7g izdelka.

Packaging: simple, thin and long as usual for their The ONE lipsticks, plastic with a rotation system to get the product out. Contains 1.7g of product.

Odtenek: Na voljo je skupno pet odtenkov, cena izdelka pa je 10,90 evra. Odtenek Berry Crushbi najbolje opisala kot močna fuksija z rdečkastim pridihom maline. (Na swatchih deluje bolj hladna kot dejansko je, v živo je veliko bolj topla barva.)

Shade: There are five total shades, the price for the product is 10,90 euros. The shade Berry Crush is best described as a strong fuchsia with reddish undertone of a raspberry. (On teh swatches it looks more cool toned, but it's really a more warmer colour in real life.)

Tekstura, nanos, obstojnost, vonj: Tekstura šminke je mehka, kremna.  Nanos je enostaven in hiter, z enim slojem je že dovolj prekrivna. Glede na ta odtenek se mi zdi, da sem jo lepše nanesla z čopičem kot pa direktno, saj imam zadnje čase večino časa precej suhe ustnice, ta šminka pa rada poudari kakšne suhe dele ustnic. Za res polno in močno prekrivnost vseeno priporočam dva sloja, plasti se brez težav, tako da vam ne bo vzelo veliko časa. Obstojnost je dobra, na meni šminka zdrži 4 ure brez težav, potem pa prične bledeti in jo je potrebno popraviti. Zdrži tudi vmesno pitje, pač malo moram biti pazljiva ampak nič hujšega, prehranjevanja pa žal ni preživela, je pa vseeno pustila zelo lep "stain" na ustnicah. Ima rahel sadno- cvetlični vonj, vendar zelo nežen in prijeten.

Texture, application, longivety, scent: Texture of this lipstick is soft and smooth and creamy. Application is easy and fast, one layer would be enough. Considering the shade, I believe I managed a better application with a brush rather than straigth from the bullet, as I have drier lips lately, and this lipstick tends to emphasize drier parts of your lips. For a really full and strong application I suggest you apply two layers, but don't worry, there are no troubles with layering this lippie, so it won't take very long. Longivety is good, on me this lipstick lasts for about 4 hours, than starts to fade and needs to be reapplied. It can survive drinking, but not eating. After eating I noticed it still left me with a nice stain on the lips. The scent of this lipstick is subtle but likeable, fruity-floral mix.

 Občutek na ustnicah je zelo lahek, prijeten, vendar mi zadnje čase ta šminka rahlo dodatno izsušuje ustnice in tako potrebujem več sprotnih popravkov, saj ko se mi prične izsuševati izgleda tako, kot bi se hotela šminka zariniti v gubice in pregibe na ustnicah. Priporočala bi tudi uporabo te šminke samo kot neke vrste "stain" saj je res dobro pigmentirana  in se mi zdi, da že z rahlo obarvanostjo v odtenku Berry Cruch delujem veliko bolj zdrava in živahna.

The feeling on your lips is very light, comfortable, but lately this lipstick still dired out my lips a bit and than it needed some more fixing, because when it starts to dry it looks like it wants to settle in little cracks on my lips. I would recommend also to use this lipstick just as a stain as it's got a really lovely pigmentation and I feel like with just a subtle hint of Berry Crush lipstick I already look healthier and more lively.

Končni izgled na ustnicah: Kot že v naslovu piše gre za mat šminko in seveda bo vse ljubiteljice mat šmink zanimalo najbolj ravno to ali je "finish" res mat ali ne. Takoj po nanosu je šminka še rahlo svetleča, malce "glossy", mogoče ravno zaradi kremne teksture. Po nekje približno 20 minutah se šminka res "vsede" na ustnice in postane bolj mat, nikoli pa ni tako zelo mat kot so na primer Bourjois Rouge Velvet edition tekoče šminke, vedno ima še malo tistega pridiha sija. Če bi si želele določen odtenek in bi hotele da je res popolnoma mat si lahko kljub temu privoščite to šminko in jo potem doma zmatirate z transparentnim pudrom.

Final finish on the lips: As the title already suggests, this is a matte lipstick and of course all the lip products lovers will be interested mostly if the finish is really matte or not. Right after application I find the lipstick looking a bit glossy, maybe because of it's texture. After about 20 minutes, when the lipstick really settles in and becomes more matte it's still not as matte as lets say Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet liquid lipsticks, it still has a bit of that shine. Still, if you really like a certain shade you can always try make it matte at home with mattifying transparent powder.

(na sliki deluje rahlo oranžno, pa ni.... / on the photo it looks more like orange, but it's not..)

Hvala za vašo pozornost, upam da vam je bila ocena v pomoč, predvsem pa hvala Oriflame Slovenija za izdelek in možnost testiranja :)

Thanks for reading, hope this was helpful to you and thanks Oriflame Slovenija for the product and a chance of testing it out!

Love, UniqaPoly


  1. Pa res izgleda čisto shiny na ustnicah. Je pa odtenek lep. :)

    1. Ja nisem počakala dost dolgo po nanosu, sem hitro slikala in sem se potem spomnila da bi bilo mogoče bolje počakat še malo da bi bilo malo bolj mat, ampak res ni nikoli res čisto mat mat šminka, tako da niti ne vem če bi se kaj veliko razlike videlo... Odtenek je tudi meni super, se mi zdi tak res primerno pomladno/poleten :)

  2. Ooo, waw! Prekrasen odtenek je :)

  3. fantastičen odtenek šminke!! :)


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