Sunday, March 23, 2014

PRODUCT OF THE WEEK #1: Labello - Lip Butter Vanilla & Macadamia

Hello again! I have to apologize first for being a little absent and not posting at all... I had quite some work for my studies and I haven't actually finished anything yet, but I hope to squeeze posting on my blog in my busy week....

As the title suggests, I will be writing about my favourite product of the week. :) I'll try to write each week about a certain product but I give no promises, since I would really be better doing what I must do not what I would like to do... I'll be using this title for writing a review of a certain product, show you some photos, some swatches... Also I'll try to actually use the product every day for a week and see how it works on me and write a proper and honest review. Since I have so many things yet to test and so many things that I rarely use I thought this would be a good idea to shufle through my stash more quickly and also be more organised :)

So to the product - today I'll write about Labello Lip Butter  Vanilla & Macadamia. :) This is nothing new and I bet almost everyone tried this product or at least the other version of it - Raspberry rose, which is also available in Slovenia.

I have this little pot on my desk at home and mostly use it at home. It's packaged in a small  round tin pot, containing 19 ml of the product or 16,7g. I use it at home also because there I have access to bathroom and I can wash my hands regularly before using the product.. otherwise it would be full of bacteria and dirty really fast..

The moisturizing formula contains shea butter and almond oil. The formula melts on the lips, giving them a nice scent, healthy glow and most importantly, restores suppleness.

This product is ideal for all vanilla lovers, because it's  actually aromatized with real vanilla and macadamia aromas. I could not belive the amazing scent this product has! It's not invasive or in any way too strong or too fake and plastic, it doesn't smell sugary but actually like a vanilla extract.

For  me this product does half of what it promises -  pampers lips, relieves dry, chapped lips. I must say it is more nursing than their sensitive lip balm or the classic one... It will not be enough in a really harsh winter, but for a person working mostly indoors, this would be probably good enough :) Still the nourishing and pampered feeling doesn't last and it doesn't help when your lips are really needing some healing. It's a semi good product regarding the effect on the lips, but I don't regret the buy since the aroma is really nice and I am a big vanilla scent lover :P

What about you? Have you tried this product? Do you like it? I would really love to buy the other two that we don't have in Slovenia - caramel and original... I bet those two also have really nice scents :)

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly


  1. Glede na opisan vonj, bi bil res idealn lipbalm zame :)

    1. Ja vonj je res krasen, tudi po tem ko je izdelek odprt že nekaj mesecev :)

  2. Mmmm jst ga uporabljam vsak večer pred spanjem, ker ga imam na nočni omarici. Vonj mi je super, definitivno pa sem že imela boljše balzame za ustnice. Ampak ni slab. :)

    xx, Kaja

    1. Nekje vmes je, če bi delala oceno bi dala nekje 3,5/5...

  3. Vonj je super, učinek žal malo manj.

    1. Ja žal, učinek ni ne vem kaj, samo priznam da niti nisem ne vem kaj pričakovala, ker so mi vse njihove labele bolj tako tako, bolj vonj in barva me pritegneta kot pa dejanski učinek...

  4. Meni je zelo všeč, ga imam že več kot pol leta :)

  5. Js ga uporabljam izključno zaradi vonja :P Sem pričakovala, da bo bolj navlažil ustnice, pa ni mi všeč voskast občutek :)


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