Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Review: Bocassy - Serum and Light day cream

Hello! A new skincare review is up! Today I'll talk about a new skin care product I received to test in March and I am really liking it! It's by the brand Bocassy and I have been testing their Serum and a tester of Light day cream. This brand was new to me, I had vere had any products by them before or actually, I have never heard of them before. This is actually a French name and company but while taking photos I saw it was made in Croatia. While exploring the brand online I saw that they use lovely sleek glass packagings with velvet bordo red boxes. What's interesting about the boxes is that they include an inspirational quote printed somewhere on top of them.

Pozdravljeni! Nova ocena izdelkov za nego kože je tu! Tokrat vam predstavljam izdelek, ki sem ga prejela v test že marca, pa sem šele sedaj nekako zares stestirala in ocenila. Gre za novo znamko, francosko, ki se imenuje Bocassy. Testirala sem njihov serum ter mini tester dnevne kreme za obraz. Znamka mi je nova in nepoznana, pred tem je nisem nikoli poskusila ali zasledila pri nas. Med slikanjem sem opazila, da jo dejansko izdelujejo na Hrvaškem. Med raziskovanjem znamke po spletu pa sem opazila, da njihov slog vedno vključuje stekleno embalažo, z žametno rdečimi škatlicami. Škatlice imajo tudi nekje na vrhu kakšno lepo misel, kar doda tisto piko na in k občutku prestižnosti.

Let's talk about my impressions of the serum first :) Packaging of this lovely face serum is elegant and simple, classic red box, big glass bottle with a pump, contains 50 ml of product. Looks really expensive and chic. A plus is also transparent glass as it gives you a chance how much of the product is still left inside. The top and pump are plastic though... The price for this one is 24,92 euros at Muller store.

Najprej nekaj besed o serumu za obraz :) Embalaža seruma je elegantna, lična in enostavna s klasično rdečo škatlico. Vsebuje veliko stekleno stekleničko s plastičnim pokrovčkom ter pumpico, vsebuje pa 50 ml izdelka. Meni izgleda zelo elegantno in "chic". Kot plus štejem tudi prozorno stekleničko, skozi katero lahko vidite koliko izdelka je še ostalo. Cena v Muller trgovinah je 24,92 evra.

What it promises - this product claims to be strong firming and hydrating, suitable for all skin types. Also promises to spoil your skin with olive oil, vitamins A, E, d-panthenol, comfrey root extract. It also promises to include only natural originating oils, no added colorants, no added silicon oils and parabens.

Kaj izdelek obljublja - serum obljublja močno hidracijo ter učvrstitev kože, primeren pa naj bi bil za vse tipe kože. Vašo kožo bo razvajal z olivnim oljem, vitaminom A ter E, d-panthenolom, izvlečkom korenine gabeza. Vključuje le olja naravnega izvora, brez dodanih barvil, silikonov ali parabenov.

Usage -  Use every day in the morning separate or in combination with day cream. Apply it onto a cleaned skin by gently rubbing the serum to the face and neck area, and around eyes. For complete care use any of Bocassy creams.

Uporaba - izdelek uporabljajte vsak dan, posebej ali pa v kombinaciji z dnevno kremo. Nanesite na dobro očiščeno kožo in nežno vtrite po obrazu ter vratu, tudi okoli oči. Za popolno nego uporabite še katero izmed Bocassy krem.

Texture, scent, colour, application, my experience - I find the texture of this serum a bit more creamy than not, if I compare it to any other serum I have ever tried (Oriflame, The Body Shop , these two, actually three, come to mind right now) this is more heavy and creamy, though still more liquidy than your regular face creams. The colour of the product is light creamy white, but goes completely transparent in a matter of seconds after application. It has a nice scent, a bit more natural, like smelling flowers.. at least that's how it is to me, but it's gentle and not overwhealming at all. After application the scent does not stay on the skin for long. Application is easy and really quick, easy to use with the pump and the texture enables you to really rub it into the skin gently. I was using it mainly on my face and a bit over on my neck, but I never apply creams all over my neck to the collarbone. I usually use two pumps and I think that's quite enough for my face and neck. It sinks into the skin extremely fast, one of the rare product I have that absorb so well and so fast, one of the best qualities of this serum in my humble opinion. Also as I mentioned before it is more creamy than any other serum I have had so far, but it is still light weight and feels light on the skin, really more like I didn't even apply anything yet. On me this leaves a slight shine and in the morning it tends to grease me up a bit, especially around my nose and chin area. That's probably mostly because this is not really made for my skin type (oily to mixed) and condition (large pores, excessive secretion of sebum, acne).

Tekstura, vonj, barva, nanos, moja izkušnja - tekstura seruma je bolj kremna kot sem navajena pri drugih serumih, ki sem jih poskusila do sedaj. Čeprav ne toliko bolj kremna, da bi že mejila na kremo za obraz. Barva je svetlo bela, kremasta, vendar je takoj prosojna in ne pušča kakšnih belih sledi na primer. Vonj je nežen, naraven, nevsiljiv, spominja me na vonj kakšnih cvetlic, vendar ni klasično cvetličen. Po nanosu se seruma ne vonja dolgo, tako da ni moteče, če ste morda občutljivi na parfume in podobno v izdelkih. Nanos je enostaven in hiter, tekstura omogoča, da res hitro razmažete po obrazu in izdelek lepo vtrete. Sama sem izdelek nanašala predvsem na obraz in pa malo na vrat, nikoli ne nanašam izdelka vse do ključnice. Običajno mi zadostujeta že dva potiska pumpice za nanos po obrazu ter vratu. Izdelek se res izjemno hitro vpije, eden izmed redkih izdelkov, ki sme jih kdaj imela, da so se res tako zelo hitro vpili. To štejem tudi za eno izmed najboljši prednosti tega seruma. Kljub temu da je kremen serum, je vseeno zelo lahek, ne obteži kože, na obrazu se ga sploh ne čuti, kot da si ne bi ničesar nanesla. Sicer mi pusti rahel sij na koži in proti jutru se malo bolj zmastim predvsem okoli nosa ter brade. To pa bolj pripisujem mojemu tipu kože kot pa samemu izdelku, imam mastno do mešano kožo z velikimi porami, pretiranim izločanjem sebuma ter mozolji.

 It does claim to be suitable for all skin types, but I would recommend not to use it if you have really oily skin.  I actually had no idea my skin was so thirsty as I noticed that this serum really helped me hydrate my skin more, it looked more fresh and healthy looking after using this serum. Also, need to remind you I was only using this serum as part of my night time skin care routine, I feel it doesn't go well with my liquid foundation in the morning as I tend to look oily really fast and I didn't want to help myself  looking even more shiny by applying this product under foundation. I am sure thou that for those with dry skin type, layering a liquid foundation on top would work just fine. Also, as I was just talking about my skins condition at the moment, I think this didn't make any more clogged pores for me or any more pimples than my usual. As for firming effects, I have no idea if they really work or not, I don't need that yet... and I am a bit too young to notice any such differences.

Izdelek sicer obljublja, da je primeren za vse tipe kože, ampak bi bolj odsvetovala redno uporabo če imate res zelo zelo mastno kožo. Serum mi je sicer pomagal nahraniti kožo, izgled kože se je izboljšal, saj je ta bila videti bolj sveža ter zdrava. Opozarjam pa, da sem serum uporabljala samo kot del večerne nege, zjutraj pod tekočo podlago mi ne ustreza plastiti preveč izdelkov. Pozitivno se mi zdi tudi to, da mi serum ni povzročal nič več kožnih težav kot jih že imam, nič več mozoljev ali zamašenih por. Kar se tiče učvrščevanega učinka pa ne niti ne vem ali je deloval ali ne, ker sem trenutno še malo premlada in tega faktorja v izdelkih ne potrebujem oziroma ne opazim razlike.

And a couple of words about Light day cream :) I have only tested one tester with 5 ml of product. I used it in the evening after serum. The tester was big enough for about 4 uses. I will not comment on the packaging and such, I will just include my experience with the product.

It has a creamier texture than  serum, it's actually a more rich version of serum. I did not experience any irritations or any breakouts, but I did only test a tester not a full jar.  It has a slightly more nude-ish colour, not as white as serum. Blends well and is easly applied. It also claims to fit well under foundations, I wouldn't really know as I have only been using this one in the evening, before going to sleep. It's very nourishing and I feel like it could be a bit too creamy and heavy for greasy skin types like me, maybe just for a really cold winter or those who need to get their skin more nourished and need  a time out from their usual products. But long use could result in some clogged pores if you are really sensitive about every ingredient. Personally I could use this  even in summer, but only as a part of the evening skin care routine. The price for this one is 21, 91 euros for a jar of  50 ml. Available at Muller shops Čopova, BTC, Rudnik, Koper, Europark, Celje.

Še nekaj besed o Lahki dnevni kremi :) Testirala sem testerček, ki je vseboval 5 ml izdelka, uporabljala pa sem jo zvečer skupaj z serumom. Sicer gre za dnevno kremo, vendar zjutraj navadno ne dam veliko plasti izdelkov pod tekoči puder, ker se mi koža  že sama po sebi hitro zmasti. tester je zadostoval za nekje 4 uporabe, priznam da s kremami nikoli ne varčujem ampak jo res nanesem in vtrem ter zmasiram obraz medtem. Tekstura kreme je bolj kremna, bolj težka kot pri serumu. Pri kremi nisem opazila kakršnihkoli dodatnih mozoljčkov ali pa zamašenih por. Barva izdelka je malo bolj kremna, kožna, vendar tudi takoj postane prosojna na obrazu. Se tudi zelo hitro vpije, na koži daje lahek občutek, prijeten občutek. Obljublja, da je dobra podlaga pod tekoči puder, vendar tega nisem poskusila, saj sem kremo vedno uporabila zvečer. Načeloma se mi zdi, da vseeno ni najboljša izbira za masten tip kože, predvsem če imate poleg tega še mozolje, ki se jih želite znebiti, ker ta nega žal ne vključuje ničesar, kar bi se borilo točno proti njim. Za 50 ml stekleno posodico boste odšteli 21,91 evra v naslednjih Muller trgovinah - Čopova, BTC, Koper, Europark, Celje, Rudnik :)

Hope this review was useful to you! Thanks for reading!

Upam, da vam je ocena prišla prav! In najlepša hvala Bocassy Slovenia za izdelek :)

Love, UniqaPoly

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