Thursday, January 29, 2015

Review: Essence - I Love Nude LE Longlasting lipsticks

Hello! Today it's time to talk a bit about two of my latest lipsticks.  They are both from I Love Nude LE by Essence, you can check out the preview here. There were five different shades to choose from and I have decided on the two that were more pink-ish. I got myself shade  03 Come Naturally and 05 Cool Nude. If my informations are correct these will also be part of the new regular offer by Essence, which should be available sometime in February, right after the sales.

The other three shades are so light and so "nude" that they are barely visible on your hands, so I recommend you check the testers first. I couldn't decide which one to get, but the two I have were the most interesting from the bunch, so I kinda bought them both and told myself it's not soo bad.. the price is as with regular offer, 2,49 euros. I really have a huge collection of lipsticks/lipbalms/lipglosses/lipstains.. so I feel bad whenever I buy two different shades just because I can't decide which one I like more. Well, after bringing these two home I tested them on my lips and any regrets still lingering in my mind dissapeared. 

 The first shade I have tested and swatched was  05 Cool Nude. It's a pinkishly- browny shade, on me tends to look a bit more pink and pastel, but still very pretty. It's a warm colour so more suitable for anyone with warm and yellow undertone. The other one is 03 Come Naturally and is also a bit on the browny side but with a cool pink, almost lilacy undertone. This one could be more suitable for fair complexion with bluish and cool undertones. But I think if you are a bit more neutral to yellow you could still pull these two off with ease. 

The packaging is just like with every other longlasting lipstick, a plastic case, just this time in the matching shades. You get 3.8g of product inside and should last you for 24 months once opened,

The texture is similar to any other longlasting lipstick, creamy, but light. Easy to apply or blend, easy to use on the go without a mirror. Also covers pretty well, at least on me, one swipe is enough, maybe just dab on some more at the center of my lips.

As for the "longlasting" title. I have about six or seven of these and I still haven't gotten around to posting a full review for my other shades. But these are not really longlasting. If you expect them to stay put all day, they will dissapoint you. On me, my maximum was three hours, but by then it was already visible that lipstick was barely there.

And swatches:)
05 Cool Nude
03 Come Naturally

Come Naturally

Cool Nude

Hope this was helpful to you! Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly


  1. Come naturally mi je tooook lepa <3 Jo imam tudi jaz :)

    1. Ja res je ful lepa pa taka za vsako priložnost :)) Sem zdaj vidla ja da si tudi ti ravno danes pisala o tej šminki :)

  2. tud meni je ful dobra Come Naturally, še posebej, ker nima tak fejst toplega podtona in na meni zgleda sivkasto/lila rjavo :D
    drugač pa ni nič narobe da si obedve vzela ! :D

    1. Ja res je malo taka lila, prav zanimiva, take nimam še nobene, pa imam res zajetno kolekcijo šmink :P hehe, no glede na ceno si Essence šminke še lahko privoščim :P

  3. Jaz sem tudi hotela vzeti obe, ampak sem se na koncu odločila samo za Cool Nude in mi je prekrasna. :)

    1. Ja meni je tudi Cool Nude malo bolj všeč, je bila moja prva izbira samo se nisem mogla odločit samo za eno :P

  4. Zelo lepa odtenka:) Izgledata super na ustnicah. Na meni bi verjetno bila pretemna:).

    1. Hvala :) Mislim da bi ti Cool Nude kar ustrezal, ker je dost nežen odtenek, sploh s kakim nežnim eye makeup lookom, ki jih ti definitivno obvladaš bi šlo :)

  5. Na tvoji koži in ustnicah obe izgledata super :) Na drugih mi niso bile tako všeč, jih pa še nisem videla v živo, ker v NM jih še ni.

    1. Hvalaa ;) Upam da jih boste kmalu dobile, čeprav naj bi bile na voljo tudi v redni ponudbi sedaj ko se bo zamenjala redna ponudba :)

  6. Obe sta mi všeč, jih pa tudi pri nas še na žalost ni....

    1. Hehe, meni je Cool Nude morda malenkost bolj všečna in nosljiva, ampak res samo malenkost. Upam, da jih kmalu dobite tudi pri vas :)

  7. Lepo izgledata na tebi. Jaz sem ju swatchala v trgovini, pa me nista prepričali (trenutno mi mat šminke sedejo).

    1. Hvala :) Saj načeloma nista nič kar še nismo videli, sta pa vseeno zelo lepi :)


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