Thursday, July 31, 2014

NEW in July :)

Hello! Time flies doesn't it? I was a bit absent here and didn't post much... but it's the end of the month and its time for whats new in July :) Starting with a list of newbies..

- Oriflame Girodani Gold Iconic Liquid Lipstick in Raspberry Blush
- Bourjois  Volume 1 seconde mascara
- Deborah 5in1 Extraordinary mascara
- Ciate  nail polish in Paparazzi
- Uniq One All in One Hair Treatment Coconut
- Alverde Clear waschcreme Heilerde
- Fa Vitamin& power Vitamin B + Honey Melon shower gel
- Oriflame Discover Hawaii Aloha Beach shower gel
- Nivea In-shower refreshing after sun lotion with cucumber
- Fruit Of the Earth Aloe Vera 100% Gel
- Garnier Ambre Solaire Resisto Kids Very Hugh 50spf
- Sleek i-Divine Glory palette
- Oriflame Giordani Gold  CC Cream spf 35 in Light
- Bourjois Flower Perfection  foundation in 52 Vanilla
- Etude House Goodbye Pore Ever  pore primer essence
- Balea After shave gel sensitive
- Essence Road Trip LE dry shampoo

I was trying to be good and not spend too much on cosmetics, still one month can be  a long enough time to buy soo many goodies. Still, this month was more summer like, sunscreen, aloe vera, shower gels and such.. not much decorative items, but still, more than I actually need. And what a success, only one lip product XD

 Summer time products! First we have three shower gels, sort of. The one by Fa I got on discount at DM store... didn't really need it or anything, just wanted to use up my bonuses and this one had the nicest scent.. sweet, melony, summery :) Next to it is one by Oriflame, and as the picture on the bottle suggests, it smells of pineapple.. so this is for all pineapple lovers out there. Shower gel by itself is nothing special, probably won't repurchase again, but it was worth the try :) The last is actually latest in Nivea's in-shower  collection and it's supposed to help calm down your skin after being exposed to sun. So perfect for seaside and pools. I was saving this for seaside time... but as it will not happen, I will just use it in my own bathroom.. This is quite more expensive than the other in-showers, almost 6 euros. As I haven't tried it yet, I can not say what it's like.. Next to it we have Aloe Vera gel. This is my second bottle of it and I must say this is a very versatile product you can use almost anywhere.. face masks, skin care, after burns, after  sunburn, if you have dry skin or irritated skin. I really love this, I first bought it last year and still have a bit of my previous product, but I must say this is really worth all the money. Regular price is about 10 euros, but sometimes you can get 50% discount at DM store.. if you do, I really recommend you use it. Last is a product by Garnier. Not much to say, I needed a sunscreen so I bought this one because I just had a 50% off discount, so why not..  this is actually the only sun screen product for me this summer. I am not going anywhere hot plus it is raining all the time.. I just needed a little something for a couple of days when we went  on a festival, but even there it was rainy and cloudy, so not much need for sunscreen.

A combo of hair care and skin care. I have ordered Uniq One Coconut last month and waited about 10 days for it to arrive. I must say it is a pretty good product, an overall product that takes a really good care of your hair. Unfortunately you get only 150 ml for about 18 euros ( and I am already half way through the bottle... so I will have to start saving it.. otherwise I think it is possible to use up this bottle in about a month or so... plus I have really long hair and I spray it all over so it goes up fast. It has a very gentle coconut scent and so it makes it perfect summer product. Thous once dry even I have hard times detecting the coconut scent, so... if you are looking for a product that will give you a very strong perfume.. this is not it.
Next to it is a face wash by Alverde, from their collection for greasy and unclear skin. I have had this collection a couple of years back so this is kinda  a repurchase for me. I like it, but at the same time it's nothing special. I can not say if it really helps with acne and pimples and all, but it is gentle and can be used every day. I was actually looking for a replacement for my Aok face wash but wanted something good and cheaper than that one.. so this is quite a good alternative.

Face time! I got a surprise this week, by Oriflame :) They sent me Giordani Gold CC cream to test for free :) I have only applied it once so far and I must say it's pretty decent so far, light, easy to blend, smells nice... The shade fits me well, thou there are only 2 shades  available. I have the one called Light. Hmm.. for more I will have to test it more ;) Than, also just arrived today, we have a foundation by Bourjois called Flower Perfection. I have it in second lightest shade, called 52 Vanilla. Haven't tried yet so I can not say anything .. bought it second hand for a really silly price so I am really lookign forward to it and hope it will be as good as the 123 foundation is. I am actually thinking on posting a comparison post, with all my Bourjois foundations.. I should be getting Healthy Mix one very soon.. Last on the photo is a pore refiner actually, a base for under your foundation to help you cover your pores. It's by Etude House and it's called Goodbye Pore Ever.  I have tried it like 2 times so far.. good but maybe too much like a silicone feel...  must try it with different foundations to see how it will react :)

 And favourite part - decorative items :) Starting with Giordani Gold Iconic Liquid Lipstick, I bought this one from the first catalog it was represented in, because the price was lower, about 5 euros. I loved the shade Raspeberry blush the best and thinking of purchasing Fuchsia too... I love the liquid texture, applies like a lip gloss, but has so much more pigmentation and wears off nicely.. thou the only problem I have with this one is the first application. I need  some time to make the shade even all over my lips. But this one is really a lovely summery shade, quite a strong one too :) Next are two mascaras. I got Bourjois Volume 1 seconde one second hand and I must say it's pretty decent but not that good.. as always with their mascaras, I have never liked them much.. Maybe I just need to wait for it to stop being so wet..? The second mascara is by Deborah, the new one called 5in1 Extraoridnary mascara. It's quite heavy on the lashes but gives good definition. Still also very wet and need to wipe away a lot of the product... Last on the photo is a nail polish by Ciate.. Lisa Eldridge always wears a shade by them.. so I had to get one and try what the deal was about them.. well honestly, nothing special, or at least not for me. A beautiful shade of red but nothing more.. glossy finish but starts cracking off just the same as any other brand. Lucky for me I bought this one second hand for about 5 euros, normally these are more expensive and they are not available in Slovenia.

Last item for decorative cosmetics is another palette by Sleek... this is my 11th now.. so I am quite a collector of Sleek eye shadow palettes. This one is called Glory. I bought it second hand, brand new, for a silly price of 5 euros... normally they cost around 12 at slovenian  online shops... So I call this a really good deal. It consists of 12 shades,  first row for daily use and second for party time :) Just the right mix of everything. The pigmentation is as good as always, at least the shades I have already tried. Now I see they have a new palette called Arabian Nights.. so my wishlist is not over yet :P

 My last purchase previous week was this after shave gel by Balea.. just wanted to try if maybe this will work better for me, especially for bikini area, but well.. it is nothing special and I still get my skin irritated and red and need a week to heal so.. Basically a waste of money if you ask me. It costs about 2,50 euros, so at least I didn't spend much. Next to is a mini version of dry shampoo by Essence. I wanted to buy the one by Balea, because I already know it plus it's cheaper, but this was the only mini I could find. This costs almost 4 euros and doesn't really do much. It smells nice, but the hair don't look much better thou. So another item I am not satisfied with and probably will never repurchase.

Have you tried any of these products?

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Friday, July 18, 2014

Ocena: Oriflame THE ONE izdelki :)

Pozdravljeni! Zopet nazaj po krajšem oddihu stran od bloga... No, sedaj pa končno obljubljene ocene Oriflame izdelkov, ki sem jih prejela v test s strani Oriflame Slovenija :) Prejela sem jih proti koncu prejšnjega meseca in sem jih z veseljem uporabljala v preteklih tednih :)  Sem se odločila da bom tudi tokrat združila oceno v eno samo objavo, tako kot prejšnjič :) Če morda še niste prebrali moje prve ocene Oriflame izdelkov, si jo lahko ogledate tu :) Tudi tokrat testiram izdelke iz kolekcije The ONE :)

Bom začela kar pri izdelku, ki me je najbolj navdušil in sicer je to bil lak za nohte, The ONE Long Wear Nail Polish v odtenku London Red. Gre za pravo rdečo, tisto "true red" rdečo, ne preveč svetla, ne preveč temna, ni oranžkasta in nima vijoličnega pridiha. Res super poletna barva, no meni je to bolj celoletna barva, ker imam zelo rada odtenke rdeče na nohtih. Ne delam in ne poskušam delati raznega nail art-a, ker v teh res nisem dobra in natančna... ampak lep odtenek na rokah mi je pa vedno všeč :) Moje izkušnje z laki so navadno take, da gredo dol že po 4 urah nošenja ali pa še prej.. res groza, če pomislite koliko časa vam vzame da se namažete potem pa ne zdrži niti en dan.  No tukaj tega problema ni! Nalakirala sem si lak brez podlage, brez nadlaka in to samo eno plast in že je bil polnoprekriven in praktično skoraj čisto nič lisast! Seveda sem potem pomivala posodo, delala razne opravke, umivala lase in podobno, kjer sem dlje časa držala roke v vodi in kemikalijah, vendar je lak ostal praktično brez praske prve tri dni, no četrti je pa popustil in se pričel krušit. Amapak tole je zame pravi dosežek in sem zelo vesela da ga imam :) Sedaj me mikajo še drugi odtenki, seveda ;) Redna cena izdelka je 7,79e, več pa lahko najdete tu.

No naslednji izdelek tudi v podobnem odtenku je šminka za ustnice, The ONE Colour Unlimited lipstick v odtenku Endless Red. Ko sem jo videla na modelu v katalogu mi je bila takoj najbolj všeč od vseh ostalih in sem si jo najbolj želela poskusiti. Razočarana definitivno nisem, saj gre za šminko, ki je zopet tiste prave rdeče barve, močna in živa, ne nagiba se v noben podton, ampak slikat se pa ni pustila ;) Slika šminke na ustnicah je bolj svetla in bleda kot je dejanska barva.. Dejansko je šminka kar močna, in ko jo odpreš si misliš - jooj, to bo premočno in ne bo pasalo nikamor.. no ko je enkrat na ustnicah je popolna. Nanaša se enostavno, direktno ali pa s čopičem, občutek gladkosti, ki spremlja nanos pa je super. Res je prijeten občutek in sama tekstura šminke je precej mehka in tekoča, čeprav končni videz ni preveč podoben glosu, še vedno se vidi da gre za šminko. Ima prijeten sadno sladkast vonj, vendar ko je nanešena se tega niti ne vonja več. Torej končni izgled šminke je močna lepo prekrivna barva, ni potrebno veliko dela da se doseže enakomeren nanos in lep izgled, se ne razliva ven ob robovih ustnic. Edino kar ni najboljše je obstojnost. Pusti lepo obarvanost tudi po parih urah, po hrani in pijači, enakomerno in ni lisasto. Vendar bi si želela, da bi zdržala še malo dlje. Brez pitja in hrane vam bo zdržala nekje 2 uri. Vsaj tako je bilo na meni. Poleg tega ni potrebe po nobenem balzamu pod ali nad njo, razen pač pripravljene ustnice v smislu pilinga. Bi z veseljem poskusila še kak odtenek, tale me je zelo pozitivno presenetila. :) Šminka je na voljo tu, redna cena izdelka je 9,99e.

Tretji izdelek, ki sem ga prejela v test je The ONE Eye Liner Stylo v odtenku Blue. Gre za liner v obliki flomastra, zelo podoben izdelku znamke Catrice, ki sem ga ocenila tukaj. tale mi je nekoliko bolj všeč, ker se ga lažje nanaša in ima bolj natančno konico. Malo manjši aplikator kot pri Catrice in vsaj meni je bilo lažje narisati lepo črto z njim. Odtenek modre je super za poletje, verjetno ste do sedaj že vse napolnile svoje zaloge kozmetike z modrimi odtenki lakov in senčil, vendar tole črtalo si res zasluži poskus. Skupaj v kombinaciji z rdečim lakom in ustnicami lahko ustvarite klasičen morski poletni videz. :) Obstojnost tega linerja je zelo dobra, cel dan brez  problemov, popravki niso bili potrebni. tudi po 12 urah nošenja je bil še vedno na mestu. Edini problem, ki se ga imela s tem izdelkom je bil pri odstranjevanju. Morala sem res dolgo drgniti in uporabiti dva različna čistila, da sem ga nekako uspela odstraniti, ker je res močno pigmentiran. Malo mi je vseeno ostalo vijoličnih sledi na zunanjem robu oči, kjer sem tudi izdelek največkrat nanesla in v več plasteh, saj sem morala popravljati obliko črte. Všeč mi je predvsem to, da kljub večim plastem na vekah izgleda temno modro in ne črno, kot se mi je zgodilo pri Catrice. Priporočam :) Redna cena izdelka je 8,99e, trenutno ga imajo po zelo ugodni ceni 3,99e, več informacij si preberite tu.  Na roki izgleda kot da je izdelek preveč tekoč in se razliva, pri nanosu na oči nisem imela teh težav, bolj težave s tem, da se moram naučiti narediti lepo črto :)

In še četrti izdelek, ki sem ga prejela v test, maskara The ONE Lash resistance mascara Black. Izdelek lahko najdete tu, redna cena pa je 10,99e. Maskara obljublja, da je vodoodporna in da trepalnicam poudari volumen.  Moja izkušnja z njo ni bila pozitivna. Svojo obljubo maskara definitvno drži, je vodoodporna in sem jo komaj odstranila, oziroma sem mislila da sem jo, vendar sem zjutraj videla da so moje trepalnice še vedno zelo močne in temne. Naredi lep volumen, ampak na meni se ga žal ne vidi preveč, ker se mi trepalnice kljub vsem obljubam raznih maskar zelo hitro zravnajo in posedejo nazaj. Sploh kadar nanesem več plasti maskare. Pri tej sem navadno uporabila eno ali dve plasti. Krtačka je zelo dobra in omogoča enostaven nanos. Ni mi pustila nobenega panda učinka, morda le na začetku ko sem jo nanesla in se je malo krušila stran je bilo potrebno več pazljivosti, ampak enkrat nanešena in suha se ni več premaknila nikamor! Ko jo odprete bo morda delovala malo bolj suha, vendar ni, takoj ko pričnete nanašati boste videli, da je precej močna gosta in tekoča. Od vseh efektov, ki jih tale maskara obljublja, mi je bilo še najbolj všeč to da mi jih vse lepo poudari in zgosti. Na žalost pa jaz tele maskare ne morem nositi, ker me po njej pečejo oči. Ne vem v čem je problem, tako da jo bom uporabljala res samo ko bom nujno potrebovala zelo močno maskaro, ki se ne bo stopila v vodi, vendar za vsak dan vsaj zame definitivno ni. V bistvu moram na tem mestu reči, da mi je druga maksara The ONE, ki sem jo ocenila tukaj, bolj všeč in jo bolj priporočam. Pa še nekaj slik izdelka :)

Tako, to so bile moje ocene izdelkov linije The ONE :) A ste morda poskusile kakšnega? Mene sta najbolj prepričala šminka in pa lak za nohte, verjetno bom še kdaj kakšnega poskusila :)

Še enkrat najlepša hvala Oriflame Slovenija za možnost testiranja :) Najlepša hvala vsem za pozornost ;)

Love, UniqaPoly

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Disappointing products #2: Yves Rocher - Micellar Cleansing Water

Hello! Time to post about a product I didn't like. I have read many reviews before purchasing this and well.. it didn't work for me. I was expecting a lot, maybe too much, since this was on the top of many micellar lists of many users..

Packaging: Simple, plastic bottle, light green shade. Nothing special, also the design is pretty simple and classic for Yves Rocher products.

Scent: Very gentle, a bit reminds of soap and something fresh. It's not too strong thou.

Colour: The product also has a bit of colour, it's a bit yellow coloured.

Texture: It's more like a toner, so like any other micellar water I had so far, very watery.

How to use: Apply on your cotton pad, than go over with it all over your face and that's it. No need to wash over with water or any other cleansing product. At least so it says on the bottle.

Reality:  When I first used this I thought it was pretty good, nice scent, gentle, efficient. Than, I didn't use the product for about a month or so, and started it again. I don't think it spoiled or anything but it was different somehow.. or maybe some other reason, maybe my skin was in a perido whe it was more seinsitive. One cotton pad soaked with this micellar water is not enough to remove your make up and clean your face, you will need at least two. The problem here is that the first one was kinda ok, just slight prickly feeling on my face. The second one made my face feel hot and burning. And even than I was still able to find traces of my make up and needed even more cleaning. It also leavse a kind of film on your face, so if nothing else bothers you, you will need to wash your face after it anyway just to fresh it up and get that sticky feeling off.

Price: For about 6 euros you get 200 ml, which I find quite expensive and not really worth the money. You can get better products for less and a bigger amount at that..

So this is it, I do not recommend this product. I didn't like it and I will definitely not repurchase. What about you? Did you try it?

Hope this was helpful to you. Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Friday, July 4, 2014

Preview: Catrice - Lovely Lips For Fall/Winter 2014 Collection

Take care! A high level of pampering care is an absolute priority. And the lips loves subtle nudes in the Autumn/ Winter. The Beautifying Lip Smoother is a true poineer and offers a glossy, pampered finish with just as light colour-dispersion in rose and nude shades. It also visibly smoothens fine lip lines for flawless results. As a contrast to the soft nude, there are also intensive trend colors like elegant Merlot red and chestnut brown with a high-shine finish.

Velvet Matt Lip Cream – The ultimate trend: matt lips. Six colors with a velvety matt finish are in keeping with the spirit of the times. You have a choice of a retro red, blackberry, raspberry, coral apricot and rhubarb. They all offer a creamy mousse texture that’s longlasting with a high coverage and won’t dry out the delicate skin of your lips.


Beautifying Lip Smoother – Beautifier. The Beautifying Lip Smoother completes every natural makeup-look: a subtle color dispersion in pastel rose and gentle nude shades with a glossy finish ensure a soft, well-groomed appearance. The Lip Smoother visibly evens out fine lines around the lips for flawless results. Its flock applicator and the practical tube packaging perfectly round off the concept. Available in a total of 3 shades.

Pure Shine Tinted Colour Lip Balm – Stay with me. The Pure Shine Tinted Colour Lip Balm combines the shine and the smoothness of the Pure Shine Colour Lip Balm with an intensive color and durability of a tint. The soft texture is creamy and easy to apply – for a pampered look and feminine lips in 4 colors: fresh coral, subtle brown, bright raspberry pink and intensive retro red.

Pure Shine Colour Lip Balm – Jumbo chic. The creamy, super soft texture pampers your lips with moisture and leaves behind a smooth, shiny finish as well as a pleasant fragrance. Jumbo lipsticks don’t just look chic, they’re super practical, too, since they fit into even the smallest handbag. With a twistable mine. Now available in a new nude tone and a total of 7 colors. 

Ultimate Shine Lip Colour – Glamour and shine. The creamy, soft texture of the Ultimate Shine Lip Colour practically melts with your lips to provide intensive moisture, care and a beautiful shine. Available in 2 new shades and a total of shades.

  • Chestnut Tree – dark rosewood (New)
  • Pink a Berry – radiant raspberry pink (New)
 Ultimate Color Lip Colour – The classic. The Ultimate Color Lip Colors turn your lips into true eye-catchers with their high pigmentation and intense shades. The smooth and creamy pampering texture provides a gorgeous finish. Now available in 3 new colors and a total of 16 shades.
  • MATTador – retro red (New)
  • MATTraction – bon bon pink (New)
  • In a Rose Garden – English rose (New)

Ultimate Stay Lipstick – Strong and sophisticated. Intensive colors and a trendy satin matte finish. The highly pigmented, longlasting texture has a convincing high coverage without drying out the sensitive skin on your lips. A lovely companion for every day. Now available in a total of 12 colors including passionate red and pink shades, purple and nudes.

Longlasting Lip Pencil – The Longlasting Lip Pencil sets color limits, prevents lipstick from streaking and guarantees intensive color results. The longlasting, waterproof texture is smooth yet allows and accurate application. Practical: the wooden pencils fit comfortably in your hand and can be sharpened effortlessly when needed. Now available in 2 new colors – nude transparent and light rosewood – and a total of 12 colors.

Ultimate Stay Lip Liner – Perfectly outlined. The Ultimate Stay Lip Liner has an extremely longlasting texture with a high pigmentation. You can softly outline your lips in a flash with its pointy tip. This prevents lipstick from streaking and offers convincing color results. Thanks to the integrated pencil sharpener, you can touch up your lips any time any place. Now available in 9 colors.

Ultimate Shine Gel Lip Colour – Shiny kisses. Beautiful color and a multi-facetted, brilliant shine. The innovative Ultimate Shine Gel Lip Colour is a true allrounder: on the one hand, a gloss with a light gel-like texture, on the other hand a super creamy lipstick with medium color- dispersion. Available in a total of 7 colors and 2 new ones.

  • Sweet Macaron – macaron pink (New)
  • Better than Nude – soft nude (New)

Tinted Lip Glow Balm – Glow show. The pampering lip balm intensifies the natural color of your lips and tints it with a subtle touch of pink – which varies depending on the individual pH value of the skin on your lips. The result is longlasting, natural and 100% unique. The more often you apply the color, the more intense it looks. One shade fits all.

Vitamin Lip Treatment – A vitamin smoothie for your lips: this innovative lipgloss contains vitamin E and Q10, which pamper your lips thanks to their anti-oxidant and regenerative effect. The gloss provides a shiny finish in soft rose. Beauty and care united in just one product – the total package. Available in a shiny rose shade with a natural fruity fragrance.

Volumizing Lip Booster – The Volumizing Lip Booster gives your lips a wonderful volume effect thanks to its menthol ingredients and also hides fine lines on your lips. The results: feminine lips with a shiny rose finish.

Infinite Shine Lip Gloss – Glossy parade: Catrice lipgloss for intensive shine and radiant colour reflections. Thanks to its moisturizing formula, the Infinnite Shine Lip Gloss guarantees gorgeous, pampered lips without leaving behind a sticky sensation. Now a new peach shade is joining the range, which consists of a total of eleven colors.

Matte To Stay Smoothing Lip Polish – Three benefits in one products: the color of a lipstick, the durability of a lip stain and the shine of a lip gloss. Six shades – including a new one – guarantee a burst of color. Thanks to the soft flock applicator, an accurate application is quick and easy. The results: unique, brilliant color for up to 8 hours. No drying out.

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Preview: Catrice - Autumn/Winter 2014 - Nails

''A pure desire for life – that’s CATRICE. The brand is heading into the Autumn/Winter2014 season with this feeling in mind and inspired by the catwalks of the fashion capitals of the world!
Best-of! The Autumn/Winter fashion shows offer plenty of variety: visionary ideas withsculptural cut-outs, a new interpretation of the timeless elegance of classics, unconventional knitwear as well as a clever interaction of androgynous, slim lines and voluptuous femininity.Whether you go for a hip metallic look in silver and gold, soft nudes or the fashionable nudeeffect – these trends are an absolute must in the beauty as well as in the fashion world. CATRICE knows them all and unites all the must-haves of the season in one updatecollection. Fashion meets Beauty – by CATRICE.
Nail performance. In 2014, the nails are long with an oval or round shape. Effects – whether with a glitter or an ombre look – belong in every design this season. The new Luxury Lacquers Million Brilliance unite a texture with a high coverage and unique 3D particles while the Ombre Top Coat brings trendy colour gradients to your nails. Silver and gold shades are remaining on the colour trend card and are complemented by darker nuances like Merlot red and walnut.''

Colour meets Technology: a reservoir brush and Gloss Booster technology for an ultimate gel-like effect. The intelligent fibres absorb the ideal amount of nail polish required to paint one nail. The broad reservoir brush with rounded bristles saves the colour and ensures an accurate, controlled application. The wide range of trendy effects like the cosmic Mono or the Duo Chromes and the shimmering Metallics offers the right polish for every style. Now 20 new trendy colours are joining the range, including soft pastel highlights, newly interpreted classics in red and orange as well as numerous nearly black shades in dark taupe, purple and grey. Available in a total of 43 colours. 10 ml. 

Modern Metallic. This effect polish unites great coverage and awesome effects in one product. Metallic colours with a high coverage guarantee unique results. The combination of metallic pigments and pearl creates a nail finish that shimmers like liquid metal. Now available in eight extraordinary colours: the metallic classics gold and bronze, elegant nuances like anthracite, violet and blue-green as well as feminine rosé gold, pink and strawberry red. There are four with a glossy finish and four with a matt finish.

Beauty Jewels. The Luxury Lacquers Million Brilliance have an intense glitter shimmer to create special reflections of light on your nails. The concept unites a brilliant texture with a high coverage and unique 3D particles with beautiful effects. The polishes are now available in eight exclusive colours - including silver, gold and lavender – and come in a stylish, premium glass bottle. 

Master of Transformation. Hair, fashion, design – the ombre look is omnipresent. And now there’s the Ombre Top Coat so you can create this trendy style on your nails, too. Simply apply a pastel or light nail colour polish, leave to dry and then reach for the new Ombre Top Coat. With each application of the top coat, the colour nail polish becomes one shade darker. Always let the individual layers of the top coat dry really well before applying the next one. The colour gradient will be especially visible when each neighbouring nail is one shade darker: if you start off with your thumb in the original colour, then apply one layer of the Ombre Top Coat on your index finger, two on your middle finger and four on your little finger. The top coat dries extremely fast and the effect is absolutely trendy. Works particularly well with lighter nail polish colours.

Bright Light. The fast-drying white base coat offers great coverage and intensifies the colour of any nail polish applied on top. Additional benefit: the base coat is enriched with keratin to strengthen your natural nail structure. At the same time, it makes your nail polish last longer. Apply the Base Coat solo – without an additional colour on top – for a hip white look. With a subtle pearl effect. 

On the top. The new Million Styles Effect Top Coats create the most diverse effects with their multi-reflecting pearls and colourful pigments. The Top Coats – available in four versions – can simply be applied over colour nail polish or on your natural nail. The finish is individual, brilliant and colourful.

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Preview: Essence - Aquatix Fall 2014 Collection

''Underwater beauty! essence is diving into the depths of the ocean in August 2014 with the trend edition “aquatix”. The beauty pieces in this trend edition are as gorgeous as the colors of crystal clear water glittering in the sun and are sure to turn all girls into stylish mermaids! The color scheme consists of various blue nuances, aquatic turquoise as well as rosé and fuchsia. Combined with trendy products with glitter effects and a shimmer finish, the colors are reminiscent of the sparkling surface of the sea. In addition to cool eyeshadow sticks, highlights include the mermaid nail stickers with a surprising cracked fish scale design and a shimmering body gel with microfine glitter particles that give your skin a beautiful, summery glow. Take a refreshing dip in the cool water… with essence!''

Sparkle like the ocean! Thanks to microfine glitter pigments, the shimmer gel gives your skin a subtle glow. Easy to wash off and with a pleasant fragrance, it’s a true eye-catcher on any occasion. Available in 01 oceans next top mermaid. 

Reef experience! The highly pigmented, water-resistant eyeshadows in a practical pen shape create an ultra glossy finish on your eyes – in rosé, light blue or turquoise. The formula is enriched with glitter particles and is super easy to apply thanks to its soft texture. Available in 01 pearls are a girl's best friend, 02 under the sea and 03 mermaid's secret. 

Dive in... the longlasting, gel-based texture of the jelly lipgloss feels lovely and pleasant on your lips and creates beautiful glitter effects that sparkle in the sun. Welcome to Atlantis! Available in 01 under water love and 02 pearls are a girl's best friend. 

Deep blue sea! The texture of the crystal eyeliner has a large proportion of pigments to create longlasting, glittering eyeliner looks in turquoise and blue – perfect for trendy mermaids. The eyeliner can also be used to set glamorous highlights on the tips of your lashes. The brush applicator ensures an accurate application. Available in 01 aquatix bay and 02 mermaid's secret. 

Mermaid manicure! These innovative nail stickers are inspired by the sparkling world beneath the sea: simply stick on, file into the desired shape and then paint your nails. The foil will react to the nail polish instantly and crack open to create unique fish scale styles. An absolute must-have for all “aquatix” girls. Available in 01 pearls are a girl’s best friend.

Beautiful bay! The practical mini powder brush is ideal for applying the shimmer pearls and is sure to fit into any purse. The soft bristles perfectly capture the texture and spread it smoothly on your skin. Available in 01 mermaid’s secret. 

 Under the sea… from fuchsia to rosé to aquatic turquoise and various blue shades – your nails are sure to shine in the most beautiful colors of the underwater world. On top, each color has a different effect. Whether glitter, sand, holographic or a chameleon look – the longlasting nail polishes with a high coverage ensure exciting nail styles. Available in 01 mermaid's secret, 02 pearls are a girl's best friend, 03 aquatix bay, 04 under the sea, 05 finding dori and 06 under water love.

Shiny shell! The powder in the shape of pretty little pearls unites three different colors. Thanks to the light color dispersion, it gives your complexion a fresh look with a touch of shimmer. The cute “aquatix” container is lovely to look at and opens and closes really easily. Available in 01 oceans next top mermaid. 

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly