Friday, May 30, 2014

NOTD: Deborah ShineTech GEL LIKE in 03 :)

Hey there! Another nail polish combo, also from last months shopping - Deborah GELlike nail polish in shade 03 :)  Just a short post  to show you how it looks :) Here's a link to the other one I bought last month, shade 09 :)
With this one I also used L'Oreal top coat and Essie Good to go topper :)) Enjoy more photos :))

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Thursday, May 29, 2014

NEW in May :)))

Hello! May is at an end... and here are my newbies :) I haven't posted as much as I hoped I will because I had some exams that needed to be finished with and well, honesty I really didn't feel like posting. I don't like to write anything, any kind of post or review here if I'm not really into it. So May was kinda like that, so many other things that I liked doing more.. But now I got the "itch" back and I simply have to post some more :P For the ned of the month I have for you my list of new products :) Check out the list and some quick comments about each product :)

Here's a list:
- L'Occitane Almond Shower oil
- L'Occitane Hand cream with shea butter
- Fruttini Coco Banana body lotion
- L'Oreal Paris Elseve Total repair Miracle instantane hair mask
- La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Corrective unclogging care
- Balea Teint Perfektion face cream
- Oriflame The ONE Illuskin Foundation spf 20 Fair Nude
- Oriflame Very Me Spring tenderness nail polish Tender green
- Oriflame The ONE Volume blast mascara in Black Blue
- Oriflame Giordani Gold lipstick Wispy Prune
- Oriflame The ONE Colour impact eyeshadow in Beige Pearl
- Makeup Revolution Focus&Fix eyebrow shaping kit in light medium
- Makeup Revolution  Vivid blush lacquer in heat
- Makeup Revolution Amazing curl mascara
- Makeup Revolution  Salvation intense lacquer in No ordinary love
- Deborah Eye design quattro 07 Turquoise touch
- Essence Beach Cruisers LE waterproof liquid eyeliner in shade 02 keep calm and go to the beach! and 01 sun, fun &copper
- Catrice Eyeliner pen waterproof
- Catrice Le Grand Bleu eyeliner pen in c01 Entering Atlantis
- Catrice Le Grand Bleu LE 01 Never leave Coral Reef matt lip cream
- Deborah Rossetto Milanored lacque in shade 7
- L'Oreal Color Riche serum in shade s103 Radiant rose
- Essens parfum copy of armani Acqua di Gioia
- O.P.I. nail polish in Vesper
- Revlon Photoready Airbrush foundation in 020 Shell Coquillage
- Vichy Teint Ideal illuminating foundation spf 20 in shade 25

Starting with body and hair care :) I have bought this Fruttini body lotion at DM store, I think they still have all of them on sale. I was summer inspired and craved coconut scent so I decided to try this one. Coconut scented products can be too strongly scented or maybe too fake, too plastic but this one is pretty gentle and I like it so far :) Not a great skin care product, just an average body lotion with a really nice scent :) Than I got a super deal and bought second hand (but new) L'Occitane almond oil shower which I already had a couple of years ago and really loved it. Also the hand cream with shea butter is really nice, especially because of the little simple packaging. Perfect for summer and carrying it around in your bag. Than for hair I had some 50% off DM coupons and I decide to try a L'Oreal hair mask and I must say it' s pretty damn good, butter than the one by Gliss Kur I have been using lately. Positively surprised and will definitely try some more of their hair products. I hear the new range Fibrology is really good. For face I got  La Roche Posay face cream, traded some other product for it and so far I like it, light texture, easy to use, but as for the effect - none so far. And than I also got Balea cream at DM store, which was also 50% off and I want to use it as a base for my foundations, since my Revlon Photoready primer is running out... Haven't tried it yet thou... have to finish the previous product first. :)

Next is special bunch of products that I have received from Oriflame Slovenija to try and review :) You can expect more detailed posts in the coming weeks, but so far I can say I really love the mascara, nice blue shade and gives good definition :) And the foundation is pretty awesome too, very light on the skin, feels like I have nothing on. I have been using the eyeshadow cream every day and been loving that too :) Unfortunately the nail polish doesn't look that promising as it did in the catalog but I will try that one for sure :) Also the lipstick is nice, maybe I just missed the shade a bit, thought it will be more light, more pinky, still really like that one too :)

And some more make up to test :) I received Makeup Revolution London from Lič and I am trying out the eyebrow kit and I really like it, this is my first eyebrow kit like this and I love to use it. My first thought was maybe this will be too light for me, but actually it's quite a good fit :) The mascara is unfortunately a dissapointment, I have so many better at home already I don't even want to use this one... Also blusher is my first one like this, in creamy formula. Very strong shade but kinda perfect for summer with a little of natural tan. Really positively surprised by the lip gloss - what a lovely shade and such a great pigmentation. I really recommend you try some of these, they are really cheap, like 1,95euros at the Lič store and so much better than any Essence lip gloss I ever had.

 And now some of my own shopping :) I bought Deborah eyeshadow quattro at Click2chic, they are still 30% off I think... This is my fourth quattro from this brand and I really like to use them a lot. The shades and packaging are simple but usefull and easy to take on your travels. As it looks like this has been a month of eyeliners.. I got both available from Essence Beach Cruisers LE and I've been loving both of them! Really great summer shades and actually waterproof! Pity they don't make such quality in regular range and offer even more shades, from the usual ones to the crazy ones.. This is definitely worth every penny :P Also got two eyeliners by Catrice, have yet to try them. One is black waterproof from their regular offer and one is from Le Grand Bleu LE called Entering Atlantis, just got it yesterday and have to test it :) Blue is everywhere this summer... and gold shades... will make a great combo for make up looks :)))

For lips I traded one of my products for a fresh and pinky shade of L'Oreal's Radiant rose, kinda like it. Maybe a bit too strong for me, but applied more gently it looks good :) Also bought Deborah Lacque shade 07, a kinda bright red with a twist and I must say I love wearing it, even thou the shade might not be just that good... I have a type  for reds now and I kinda sometimes don't like a shade of red lipstick or gloss because it has a bit of something I don't know how to describe and this simply just has it.. I need some more work to make the shade more even and "fat" on the lips, more covering and than it's the shade I want. If I let it wear down it looks really bad, like my lips are too dry, the shade makes me look kinda sickly.. Alright, maybe I'm a bit exaggerating but still... this just needs to be applied right or I don't feel good wearing it. Thou it is soo smooth and feels so good to have it on the lips.. Last is one by Catrice, a matt lip cream I just bought yesterday, also from Le Grand Bleu limited edition. Looks more like a raspberry red, but because it's matt it actually looks good on me too :) Love the texture :)

And some nail polish - O.P.I. in shade Vesper :) Muller is again offering discount on certain shades  and this was one that I was looking over and over for many months now.. like since December, each time they had a sale this was somewhere inside too... so I finally stopped resisting and here it is. Already wearing it today and loving it! Next to it is a copy of Gorgio Armani perfume Acqua di Gioia and it's just the same! Also lasts the same as if I bought the orginal, surprisingly thou. Plus, lucky me, I got this one for free ;)

And for finish.. some foundations :) I got myself one by Revlon ( did you notice I didn't buy anything from Bourjois this month? At all...? And also just one product by Revlon... hehe, it's hard to buy anything new from those two brands once you have such a selection of their product as I do XD). Haven't tried it yet, will see if this works for me, some online reviews I've read said this was a waste of money.. Hope it wasn't because this is pretty damn expensive for a Revlon foundation, will have to try and see for myself. Last product this month is Vichy Teint Ideal illuminating foundation :) I had a tester of this in the exact same shade  and I really liked how gentle this is and the shade matches me pretty good. So I got it also second hand, new and originally packaged with four little chocolates inside the large Vichy box. It says it's more for a dry skin, which I don't have, but this still worked for me and I think it will be a perfect summer foundation. Alongside with Bourjois CC cream and Revlon Nearly naked foundation :)

Have you tried any of these products? Any recommendations for me?

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Monday, May 26, 2014

Ocena: Somatoline Cosmetics - Intenzivni nočni tretma za vitkejšo postavo

Živjo! Danes objavljam v slovenščini, saj gre za oceno izdelka, ki sem ga prejela v test od spletne trgovine Click2chic . Somatoline Cosmetics se že nekaj časa najde tudi na slovenskih trgovskih policah, vendar pred tem še nisem poskusila nobenega njihovega izdelka. Ker sem že prej sodelovala s Click2chic kot njihova "chic ambasadorka", so me kontaktirali če bi želela poskusiti tole kremico, gre pa za nočni tretma za vitkejšo postavo.

Izdelek naj bi bil na osnovi ultra-aktivnih kompleksov morske soli in gline katera naj bi izrabljala posebno vpojnost kože v nočnih urah in tako delovala v boju proti nakopičenim maščobam ter pospešuje odvajanje odvečne tekočine. T.i. BioUltraslim - complex naj bi zmanjševal lokalizirane maščobne obloge, spodbujal odvajanje odvečne tekočine ter gladil in vlažil kožo.  Prav tako obljublja, da že po dveh tednih opazite do 33% vitkejšo postavo, ob tem pa je le potreben reden večerni nanos in nežna masaža.

 In še sestavine:

Sama sem preizkusila že veliko podobnih izdelkov, predvsem pa masažna olja za pomoč pri odstranjevanju celulita. Glede na podatke in slike po internetu sem si ocenila, da se moj celulit giba nekje med zadnjima dvema fazama, torej med tretjo in četrto - med skleroznim celulitom, ki se prepozna na maščobnih vozličkih, ki so že močno povečani - in med četrto fazo, kjer so maščobni vozlički boleči na dotik, pogost je pojav hematoma. Imela sem že kar nekaj raznih kremic in masažnih tretmajev različnih znamk, v upanju da bi morda vsaj kak procent izboljšalo izgled mojih stegen, vendar je bilo po navadi tako da se ni nikjer poznalo nič. Razen pač instant občutek da je koža gladka in napeta, takoj po tem ko se je krema vpila v kožo. Naslednji dan ali jutro je bilo že vse isto kot da se ne bi nikoli namazala niti enkrat. No nekaj podobnega se je zgodilo tudi s tem čudežnim izdelkom, ki obljublja vidne rezultate že po dveh tednih, oziroma kot je navedeno na škatli, že kar po 10 dneh. 

Sam izdelek je pakiran v ogromno plastično posodo, ki vsebuje 450 ml izdelka, kar se mi zdi kar precej in vam bo trajalo veliko dlje kot kak mesec ali 10 dni. To je precej pohvalno, saj večina drugih znamk te izdelke pakira po 200 ml, navodila pa so taka, da naj bi se z izdelkom namazali zjutraj in večer. Potemtakem greste skozi eno tubico kreme zelo hitro, nekje v dveh tednih se  že bližate koncu. Sama tega nočnega tretmaja gotovo nebi kupila, saj je cena kar precej visoka, malo manj kot 50 evrov. Sploh če v bistvu še niti ne veš ali bo kaj delovalo ali ne. Izdelek je svetlo zelenkaste barve, s precej močnim vonjem, ki ga ne znam opisati. Kolegica mi je rekla, da je imela tole kremico in da ji je blazno smrdela. Meni ni toliko smrdeče, ampak me moti ker je res močan vonj in moram potem nujno prezračiti sobo. Sama sem izdelek uporabljala en mesec pa mogoče še malo, vsak večer pred spanjem sem se namazala in res narahlo zmasirala. Ne takoj po tuširanju ampak tik pred spanjem, tako da sem potem počakala še par minut da se je vse lepo vpilo. Načeloma se vpije hitro, vmes ko masirate drugo nogo se prva že posuši. Nanašala sem predvsem na stegna in pa malo tudi do višine bokov in po zadnjici. Izdelka si nisem mazala zjutraj, ampak samo zvečer, nisem ga kombinirala z drugimi izdelki proti celulitu ali kakšnimi shujševalnimi dietami in podobnim.

Dejanski učinek na meni - hmmm ni bilo. Žal meni tale izdelek ni naredil ničesar. Vsaj ne na dolgi rok. Že opozorilo v navodilih napove ščemeči občutek ob nanosu, vendar sem ga sama čutila le redko. Z izdelkom res nisem skoparila, ker sem ga kar porabila skoraj malo več kot polovico, nekje še kakšna tretjina ga je ostala po enem mesecu. Tudi kolegica, ki je izdelek že imela pred mano me je opozorila, na ščemeči občutek ob nanosu, navodila izdelka pa trdijo da je to normalno, in da ne gre za alergijsko reakcijo. Sama sem ščemečega občutka navajena, saj so tudi druge kreme ki sem jih uporabljala imele podoben efekt, ki pa izgine zelo kmalu, najkasneje nekje pol urce po nanosu.  Mene je bolj kot pekoči občutek motil ščemeči občutek, srbečica. Jooj, ko me je pričelo srbeti po stegnih je bilo kar mučno, ker sem se morala res zadrževati da se nisem preveč spraskala. Tudi ta je dokaj hitro ponehala. Pekoči občutek, ki naj bi vam dal vedeti, da izdelek deluje sem občutila res le ene parkrat pa še to le na določenih delih stegen. Pekoč občutek spremlja tudi rahla rdeča obarvanost kože, ki tudi izgine nekje po parih minutah, na delih kože pa po slabi uri. Žal pa vsa ta vizualna aktivnost na koži in vsi ti indikatorji da naj bi izdelek deloval niso prinesli nič drugega. Krema ima bolj tekočo teksturo, kot kak losjon, ni tako gosta kot kakšne druge kreme. Občutek je tak bolj moknat, kar potem pripomore, da imate občutek, da je vaša koža mehka in gladka, ko se izdelek vpije. Po 10 dneh nisem opazila niti najmanjše razlike ne na izgledu, ne na mehkobi kože, elastičnosti kože. Po enem mesecu se mi je šele zazdelo da bi tole pa mogoče bilo vsaj malo dobro, ker sem opazila razliko predvsem v stanju kože, bolj je čvrsta, vendar je celulit še vedno enak in tam kjer je bil, obseg stegen se ni spremenil. Tudi sprememba ki sem jo opazila, bi lahko bila bolj posledica redne masaže kože vsak večer, kot pa izdelka. Morda bi v kombinaciji z redno intenzivno vadbo, ki cilja na stegenske mišice, primernim prehranskim načrtom, zadostno količino spanja in morda še kakšnim drugim izdelkom hkrati prišlo do bolj očitnih rezultatov po enem mesecu, vendar sem namenoma vse to ignorirala, ker sem želela videti kaj dejansko zmore izdelek sam, saj sem testirala izdelek in ne še celoten kompleks vseh drugih dejavnikov, ki pripomorejo k t.i. zdravemu telesu in priljubljeni vitki postavi. 

Izdelek je vredno poskusiti, v kolikor se že poznate, poznate svoje telo in veste ali vam morda katera izmed sestavin izdelka lahko pomaga. Priporočam potem tudi vse ostale dejavnike "suhih in lepih",  da boste prišli do željenih ciljev, odsvetujem pa samo zanašanje na izdelek, ker boste najverjetneje razočarani. Sama nisem imela nobenih pričakovanj od izdelka, ker sem jih res preizkusila že veliko in vem kako to gre... tako da nisem razočarana, ampak ravno nasprotno - sem vesela, da sem dobila možnost da poskusim izdelek, ki si ga sama ne bi privoščila in da sem imela možnost da vidim, da vsaj v tem primeru nič ne zamujam. :)

Pa še enkrat najlepša hvala Click2chic, ker so mi omogočili testiranje tega izdelka ;)

Če imate boljše izkušnje s tem ali kakšnim podobnim izdelkom, pa se seveda priporočam za informacije :)

Love, UniqaPoly

Monday, May 5, 2014

Review: Deborah Milano 24 Ore Absolute Volume Mascara

Hello! A new week, the holidays are over... And time for a new review :) Today I'll write about a product I really like and use a lot, it's by Deborah Milano and it's a black mascara called 24 Ore Absolute Volume Mascara. I don't remember right now where I bought it, probably DM store or second hand and I am really happy that I did!

This mascara has been used almost every day for the last couple of months, basically since the day I bought it. The packaging is very elegant and simple, kind of hourglass shape, it feels very comfortable to handle. It feels strong and sturdy, not a cheap plastic that breaks the first time it falls. 

It's got quite a big wand, but most of volume promising mascaras do. At first I needed some time to learn how to handle it plus it was really wet and needed to get a bit more dry, so the application wasn't too greasy and messy. 

My lashes are short and very straight, so I am always on the lookout for new products that would actually do what they promise, maybe have some volume, or some lenght, or just really be black and make my eyelashes visible. This may be a better mascara for someone who already has long and curly lashes, but even on me it actually kinda works and makes me look like I have some lashes :P  This gives me a bit of length, gives them some definition, thanks to the really black pigmentation, also gives a bit of volume, but not much. All in all, I can see the difference in the mirror from my natural eyelashes to the ones with mascara and I like it. Defines, makes them pop, but not too much. Would work for a daily look or special occasions. After you scrape off the excess product from the wand, the formula is not too heavy and not too dry. It doesn't make me look like a panda after a couple of hours ( but this also depends on your make up base and concealer, setting powder....). The only problem I have are the inner lashes, where I need to be more careful not to smear the mascara all over my lids. I don't layer it too much, or even the little bit of volume I get gets destroyed immediately. Mostly I use two coats, and even when it dries it still looks really black.

Good mascara, but not that good I would actually go repurchase it. I think I have to find a lighter formula, so I can layer more and still keep the effect.

Here are some more photos for you :)

bare lashes

2 coats

1 coat
Thanks for reading! Hope this was helpful to you!

Love, UniqaPoly

Sunday, May 4, 2014

POTW: REVLON Parfumed nail enamel in Bordeaux

Hello! My next product of the week is by Revlon and it's a nail enamel from their Parfumerie range in shade Bordeaux. I bought it with a bit of discount at Click2chic, this was actually the best shade they were offering. The others seemed to bright, too pastel... just not my colours. Also, I was really intrigued if this actually has a scent and how strong it is and whether or not the shade is also as nice as in the bottle.. And than I saw the bottle and I knew this had to be mine :P A bit silly, to want a product just because of the packaging, but I really like this one, it's the only nail polish that I have that has a different bottle and shade of the cap.

The shade is a deep wine red, with a bit of purple hues in it. I also had once a similar shade by Bourjois, I think it was from their 1seconde range. The application is simple, with a classical brush, it's just a bit smaller than I'm used to. Actually, one coat could be enough, but I didn't pay enough attention to even application and ended up needing two. The round handle may be a bit smaller than I'm used to, therefore a bit difficult to use, but I got used to it very fast :)

I have read a couple of revies before the purchase, and some commented that this has quite a strong scent that lasts. Personally, I detect some scent at the beginning, when the nail polish is drying, but that's it. Once dry I don't smell anything. And also, this was promised to smell of red wine.. Which is another thing I didn't get to smell at all. What I did smell was a mix of something sweet and bitter, really hard to describe. Maybe they think that's how bordeaux wine smells. 

Personally I bought this because of the promise of having a scent and because of the packaging. As for the shade goes it's nothing special, you can get a shade like this at almost any brand that sells nail polishes. I would not repurchase or try another shade, simply because this one didn't meet my expectations with the scent and beuase frankly, the regular price of the product is not so cheap and the shades are similar to other brands, meaning you can get the look you are going for with any other brand as well, possibly cheaper. The price for this product is mostly around 7 euros, which is not se cheap at all. The chipping started the same day, but it kinda lasted for three days on me, which is actually already impressive.

And some swatches :)

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Preview: Catrice - Le Grand Bleu LE :)

The blue hour. Soft pastels, bright azure, magical turquoise and dark marine shades: this summer’s fashion is focusing on the colour blue. Countless nuances of the cool aqua shade are coming together on the international catwalks with shimmering, sometimes even iridescent fabrics. Inspired by these extravagant couture gowns, the Limited Edition “Le Grand Bleu” by CATRICE was born. In June and July 2014, it offers the most beautiful beauty must-haves for a look with a pure summer feeling. The trendy colour blue paired with warm copper and soft rosé shades offers a collection full of variety, which is not only reflected in the longlasting Eye Shadow Pens, but also in the gorgeous nail polishes. Shimmering and metallic effects are absolutely essential in this edition. The red Lip Cream with a matt finish offers a bright and colourful contrast.

International Launch Date – June & July 2014 at Muller and local drugstores  only in these countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, South Africa, Ireland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Syria, Yemen, Marocco, Iraq, Singapore, Pakistan, Brunei, India, the Philippines, Myanmar, Mongolia, and Kosmetik Kosmo

Matt Lip Cream – Mermaid Lips. Shimmering eyelids and matt lips – an extremely appealing contrast. Subtly emphasize your lips with Matt Lip Cream in exciting red. The creamy, intense lip colour highlights the modern mermaid look and prevents your lips from feeling dry. Available in C01 Never leave coral reef.

Ultimate Nail Lacquer – Underwater Love. Ultimate colour, ultimate coverage and ultimate shine. The Ultimate Nail Lacquers bring the colour of the sea onto your nails. Five limited shades with various effects in shimmering rosé, fresh mint with glitter pigments, metallic electric blue, elegant marine blue and warm copper. Available in C01 Underwater Laugh, C02 Mermaiday Mayday, C03 Bella Aquarella, C04 Entering Atlantis, C05 Mermaid It.

Eyeliner Pen – Mr. Blue Sky. The trend outlook for 2014: expressive eye make-up in metallic cobalt blue. In this case, with a felt tip pen that ensures accurate eyeliner styles. Cool aqua-chic for a hot summer. Available in C01 Entering Atlantis.

Liquid Highlighter – Go with Glow. The slightly liquid yet creamy texture creates subtle highlights. Whether you apply it on your face, on the highest point of your cheekbones, directly beneath your brows or on your neckline – thanks to the precision brush tip, you can set accurate highlights and then blend them softly. The premium pen packaging turns the Liquid Highlighter into a visual must-have, too. Available in C01 Black’s Pearl.

Crystal Lip Gloss – Mother-of-Pearl. A sparkling appearance is guaranteed with the Crystal Lip Gloss. The semi-transparent, ultra-light texture offers a brilliant shimmer effect for shiny lips in the popular wet-look. Available in C01 Black’s Pearl – pink mother-of-pearl.

Eye Shadow Pen – Ocean View. The longlasting, pen-shaped eyeshadows have a creamy texture to create metallic effects for breathtaking eye make-up. Easy handling: the Eye Shadow Pen has a practical, retractable mine, which makes it a popular product for your handbag or travel case. You have a choice of shimmering pink mother-of-pearl, soft lavender, fashionable sky blue and warm copper. Available in C01 Black’s Pearl, C02 Underwater Laugh, C03 Mermaiday Mayday, C04 Mermaid It.

Love, UniqaPoly

Preview: Catrice - Carnival Of Colours LE :)

Fascinating Brazil. Unique landscapes, a passionate culture and a pure love of life. The enthusiasm for Samba, Carnival and football is contagious. This year’s World Cup as a colourful multi-vision show is much anticipated. When the whole World looks towards Brazil this summer, an inspiring host country will be opening its gates. International designers love the unmistakable spirit of this nation, simply cannot get enough of the Sugarloaf Mountain, the Copacabana and the colourful patterns. The matching Limited Edition “Carnival of Colours” by CATRICE will be dancing into the hearts of all Brazil fans. The diversity of the Amazon is reflected in the extensive range of bright colours: aqua-blue, purple, grass green, signal red, orange and sunny yellow are all the rage this summer. Highlights include the eyeshadows with three colours, the light lipglosses with a compact design and the beauty bag, which artistically presents gorgeous pineapples – the trendy motifs of this Limited Edition.

International Launch Date – from June to July 2014 at Muller and local drugstores exclusively to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Bosnia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Tunisia, Korea, Thailand, Pakistan, Brunei, India, the Philippines, Uruguay, Chile, and at Kosmetik Kosmo.

Baked Trio Eyeshadow – Wavin’ Flag. The Baked Trio Eyeshadow with a Wet & Dry formula is extremely versatile – apply moist for an intense look and dry for a more subtle make-up style. The exotic colours with a slight shimmer, including the Brazilian classics yellow, green and blue, are sure to put you in the mood for summer. Available in C01 Rhythm Of The World, C02 International Anthem, C03 Flag Attack.

Ultimate Colour Lip Gloss – Eu te amo. Light colour with an intensive shine. The texture is smooth, the packaging compact and extremely elegant. Simply choose between fresh orange, pink and coral or yellow with a subtle colour and a gorgeous pearl effect, apply with the flock applicator and enjoy the next midsummer night’s dream. Available in C01 Burning Down The Arena, C02 When I Say Li, You Say Lac…, C03 Go Yellow, Go!, C04 Feel The SpiRED.

Ultimate Nail Lacquer – Colourful Friends. Ultimate colour, ultimate coverage and ultimate shine. The limited nail polishes are sought after solo or as a team and are extremely convincing with their summery as well as classic colours, including a strong aqua-blue, grass green, orange, purple, sunny yellow, signal red and black – all plain and in a matt-sheen packaging with a beautiful pineapple print. Available in C01 Team Blue, C02 Viva Brasil, C03 Burning Down The Arena, C04 When I Say Li, You Say Lac…, C05 Go Yellow, Go!, C06 Feel the SpiRED, C07 Black For Gold.

Cats Eyes Eyeliner Pen – Go for Cat Eyes. The felt tip allows you to create slim as well as broad eyeliner styles as accurately as a pro. For an expressive line in deep black that’s sure to attract plenty of attention! Available in C01 Black For Gold.

Beauty Bag – Club Tropicana. The practical beauty bag with an exotic pineapple design is the ideal companion for all your travels, at the public viewing and on any shopping tour. Filled with the most essential beauty must-haves, this bag is an asset for any handbag and also a true eye-catcher!

Love, UniqaPoly

Preview: Essence Pure Skin Travel Set for Summer 2014

Summer is the time to travel and nothing is quite as annoying as impurities, spots and blackheads when you’re on vacation. When you’re on the go, there isn’t much room to carry skin care products around in your luggage. The set comes in a sealable bag and contains the anti-spot 4in1 cream wash, the anti-spot moisturizer as well as the SOS spot killer in a practical travel size. The ideal basis for healthy, pampered summer skin!

Essence Pure Skin Travel Set for Summer 2014
The pure skin care range offers everything you need – cleansing, care and instant action against impurities – to give you a radiant-looking complexion, especially if you have problematic skin. The pure skin range offers systematic care for young skin that leads to a clear complexion in just three steps. Step 1 “clean” cleanses the skin, step 2 “care” pampers it and step 3 “treat” offers instant action against spots and blackheads to ensure smooth, even skin. Thanks to highly effective formulas and the dermatologically tested CLEARDERM COMPLEX containing salicylic acid, zinc PCA and other anti-bacterial properties, problem zones and impurities no longer stand a chance. Additional ingredients such as allantoin and bisabolol relax and calm young, stressed problem skin. The products in the pure skin range have a clarifying, pore-refining effect and help you get rid of unsightly pimples and blackheads for good. Effortless and easy to use, your complexion will look wonderfully pampered and radiantly beautiful!
Essence Pure Skin Anti-Spot 4 in 1 Cream Wash – 30 ml
Multifunctional! The essence pure skin anti-spot 4in1 cream wash can be used for daily cleansing or as a peeling or mask. And it has a quadruple effect against impurities of the skin: it thoroughly cleanses your skin, removes blackheads, leads to a matt complexion and refines your pores. In a perfect travel size! Effectiveness dermatologically confirmed.
Essence Pure Skin Anti-Spot Moisturizer – 30 ml
Young, impure skin requires extremely light and non-greasy moisturizing care. This gentle moisturizer with the highly effective CLEARDERM COMPLEX not only offers skin the ideal amount of moisture, it battles impurities and reduces new breakouts at the same time. Optimal day and night care for a fresh complexion. Now in a limited travel set that’s perfect when you’re on the go. Effectiveness dermatologically confirmed.
Essence Pure Skin SOS Spot Killer – 7 ml
There it is again – just when you least expect it… a pimple! But now there’s a secret weapon especially for emergencies: the essence pure skin SOS spot killer! The innovative 2-phase formula with our CLEARDERM COMPLEX is super fast and effective as it dries out spots overnight to battle skin impurities. Shake before use, apply on the affected areas after cleansing in the evening, leave on overnight and simply rinse off again in the morning. Effectiveness dermatologically confirmed.

Love, UniqaPoly

Preview: Essence - Hup Holland Hup Summer 2014 Collection

Gooooooaaaaal! The time has finally come – the World Cup is back in the summer of 2014 and all eyes will be on Brazil! And Essence is here to ensure that everyone’s in the mood for soccer with the new trend edition “hup holland hup!”. Whether you’re heading to the Public Viewing with an authentic stadium atmosphere, a fun soccer garden party with a BBQ or staying at home in a cozy group in front of the TV – no matter where you watch the next game, essence offers the perfect fan equipment! The products are not just cool, super practical and a guaranteed hit on the fan miles, they’re also a perfect match for the Dutch football team’s kit. In addition to the popular fan face pen in the country colors, the unique must-haves of this trend edition include the individual paper lashes with a soccer design, the body tattoos with awesome soccer motifs as well as clips in red-white-blue to jazz-up any fan outfit. Let’s kick it… with essence!

International Launch Date – June 2014 at Muller, DM and local drugstores.

Nail polish Team manicure! The longlasting nail polishes in red, white and blue are sure to put you in the mood for the next World Cup game – whether you apply them individually or one after the other for an awesome Holland look. Either way, this nail style is sure to attract plenty of attention. Available in 01 topscorers, 02 hattrick!, 03 wilhelmus van nassouwe.

HandGelHands up! Hands up! Easier than ever and ready for action on every fan mile: with this hand gel, you can keep your hands totally clean without soap or water and give them a lovely, fresh fragrance at the same time! There are tiny round red-white-blue particles in the texture for a visual highlight. Let’s go… it’s time to score goals, Holland! Available in 01 hands!

Fan Pen Fan cult! The fan pen belongs in your beauty bag for each Holland game. This way, you can paint the Dutch flag on your face and body accurately and easily – and so can all your soccer friends! Let the soccer party begin! Available in 01 oranje boven!

Stickers – Blow the whistle for creative nail and body styles! Turn your nails and body into athletic eye-catchers with these fan stickers. Simply select a motif, carefully peel off the foil, place on the desired area of skin and press down. For longlasting nail designs, cover the stickers with a coat of clear nail polish to keep them in place – this way, the celebration will last twice as long! Available in 01 op de stip.

Armband – Hands up! The stylish armband completes every fan outfit and is sure to be a true eye-catcher when you next raise your arms to do the laola wave. Available in 01 langs de lijn.

World Champion Hair Tie – Kick the round thing into the square! With these hair ties, you can go totally wild cheering for Holland next time they score a goal. Not only do the hair ties look great with the Dutch colors and lettering on the two balls, they also reliably keep your hair in place. Available in 01 girl of the match.

Clip – Cool clip! The trendy, multifunctional clips can be attached to your kit, your bag and your hair – or anywhere that needs an extra portion of fan-feeling! Available in 01 olé olé olé olééé.

Lashes – Flutter those lashes! The false paper lashes are an absolutely individual beauty accessory for all soccer fans! You’re already sure to win the World Cup for the most gorgeous eyes while you cheer on your favorite team! Available in 0101 blik op het doel!

Love, UniqaPoly