Thursday, January 30, 2014

Review: L'Oreal Skin Perfection Micellar Solution :)

Hey there! Finally have time to share another review with you! :) Today I will review my first micellar solution I have ever tried - L'Oreal Skin Perfection 3in1 Purifying Micellar Solution :)

I have tried one bottle of the product and already used it up, so I have no other photos than these, sorry for the bad quality... The bottle containes 200 ml and it lasted me about a month and a half I think? Maybe a little less than two months. I was using it when I was too sleepy to clean my face the regular way or when I felt I had a bit more makeup on and use it after washing my face with my regular cleanser. The bottle is simple, plastic with white cap, nothing special about it. Serves it's purpose, but that's about it. The price of the product seemed pretty ok to me, a little less than 5 euros at DM stores (it was on sale). So since I didn't use this product every day I got the chance to try it with various make ups and bases and I could see when it works best. If I was using this every day I would finish the bottle really fast, probably in three weeks, which is really fast... I think the consistency of the product is a bit too much watery and it's easy to  squeeze too much of the product on the cotton pad.  Since this was my first micellar solution I can not really compare it to any other.

Personally, I would give this product 3+/5 grade. It's not too exensive, the bottle is easy to use and storage. The product itself does the job, removes the makeup and all that gets on your face during the day - but I'm not that impressed. On days I had little make up on, or I used bb cream it was ok and easy to remove make up, but on days when I used my Revlon foundation I used more of the product, more cotton pads and the result still wasn't that good. I used another cotton pad with my tonic water and sometimes I would still get it a little yellow from the remains of my foundation. And I did rub my face really well, so I guess that sometimes this just needs a little help with the normal "soap and water" cleaning. It's not a bad product, but overall I would say it's an OK product, a somewhere between medium and really good, but not great. Also the amout of the product is not that much, just 200 ml, but than again, you are supposed to have this product open only for 6 months, which means if you have and use multiple micellar waters at once it's even better the bottle is not bigger, so it doesn't have time to go to waste. I also asked two of my friends that tried this product and one of them uses minimal makeup and she said she is very satisfied with it and it's good for her. The other one uses even more makeup than I do and she also noticed that sometimes this simply doesn't do the job properly.

Also, this product didn't cause me any skin irritations, and more blemishes or rashes or anything like that, so as far as this is concerned it's a pretty good product :)

You can check the ingredients here :)

Thanks for reading! Hope this was helpful to you and take care! :)))

Love, UniqaPoly

Friday, January 17, 2014

Preview: Alverde Vintage Rose LE :)

Hello again :) Another preview for you, this time it's by Alverde :) The collection is called  Vintage Rose and should be available at the end of January 2014 :)

Eyeliner - A natural eyeliner makes the vintage look complete. The eyeliner with jojoba oil from organic farming can be applied accurately thanks to its fine applicator. For a particularly nostalgic eyelashes eyeliner can be pulled across the outer corner of the eye.
Available in the shades Vintage Nude and Vintage Rose.

Handbutter  with rose scent Aloe vera and glycerin provide the skin with moisture and lend a silky-smooth feel and a pleasant scent of roses. The recipe with shea butter and wild rose oil from controlled organic cultivation gives very dry hands rich care.The Hand Butter with Rose scent is a vegan product.

Kajal pencilThe eye pencil in the dreamy vintage colors can be precisely applied. For nostalgic beautiful moments! With the built-in sharpener. The eye pencil is available in the variants Vintage Brown, Green Stylish, Classic Grey and Black Original. 

Mono Eyeshadow Delicate eye shadow colors that are reminiscent of a bouquet of roses. It can discreetly create nostalgic makeup looks. With rose quartz powder. The recipe with chamomile flower extract from organic farming and bisabolol are gentle on the delicate skin around the eyes. The Mono Eyeshadow is available in shades Innocent White (vegan), Vintage Taupe (vegan), Passion Pink (not vegan) and Valentines Rose (not vegan).

LipstickRich colors for a vintage kissing lips with jojoba oil from controlled biological cultivation and shorea butter. Apply the lipstick from the center outwards. The lipstick is available in three shades, all are not vegan. 
 Mascara Shimmer + Shine - The transparent mascara with wild roses and almond extract from organic farming can be applied to the already inked lashes. It gives momentum and enchanting glow effects.

Mousse BlushThe light and airy texture of the mousse blushers can be gently spread over the cheeks and give a warm rosy cheeks emphasis. Apply just with your fingers, take a small amount and apply to the cheekbones. With jojoba and apricot  oil from controlled biological cultivation.The mousse Rouge is available in the shades Sweet Rose and Deep Rose, both are vegan.

Cleaning powderWith its delicate foam cleaning powder frees the skin from makeup, debris and excess sebum, suitable for oily skin. Application: Apply a small amount of powder sprinkle in your hand and mix with a little water. Then spread on the face and massage. Avoid the eye area and rinse with warm water.The cleaning powder is vegan.

Rose gel The Rosengel with wild rose extract and aloe vera from organic farming gives shimmering highlights on face and décolleté. The delicate rose fragrance will captivate your senses. Use just a small amount  and gently spread freely on the skin.The Rosengel for face and neckline is vegan.

Pretty, right? I would love to try the lipsticks, cleaning powder and rose gel :) These seem the most interesting to me :))) How about you? See anything you like? :)

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


GIVEAWAY!!!!!! Odločila sem se, da novo leto in moj rojstni dan začnem z novim mini giveawayem, ki je namenjen vsem mojim FB sledilcem :))) Sodelovanje je odprto za vse, tudi mednarodno :)

Vse kar je potrebno storiti je, da: 
1. Všečkate stran UniqaPoly :)
2. Delite objavo/sliko na svojem zidu :)

Začetek nagradne igre je danes, 15.01. in traja vse do 25.01.  :) Nagrada je ena in zmagovale je lahko samo eni, objavljen bo tudi tu, na moji strani 26.01. 2014 :)

GIVEAWAY!!!!! I have decided to start the new year and my b-day  with another giveaway :) This one is for all my FB followers :)))) Participation is open to everyone, also internatinally :)

All you need to do is:
1. Like page UniqaPoly :)
2. Share this post/photograph on your fb wall :)

Giveaway starts today 15.01., ends 25.01. 2014 :) There is one prize and only one can get it :) The winner will be announced  here on 26.01. 2014 :)

P.S. Sodelujete lahko samo z enim FB profilom, samo z enim imenom. V primeru večkratnega sodelovanja iste osebe z različnimi FB profili, bom tako osebo izključila iz sodelovanja. Bodimo fer, vsi imate enake možnosti, en like strani in en share objave je dovolj za sodelovanje :) Zmagovalec bo objavljen na strani 26.01., poleg tega ga bom kontaktirala tudi prek zasebnega sporočila. Če v treh delovnih dneh ne prejmem odgovora, bo nagrada prejela novega lastnika.

P.S. You can participate only with one FB profile, only with one name. In case of multiple participation of the same person but with different FB profiles, I will exclude that person from participation. Be fair, all you need to do is like FB page and share the post on your wall, all have equal chances of winning :) Winner will be announced on my FB page on 26.01., also contacted by personal messeges. If I get no response in three working days, thw prize will get another owner :)

- Deborah, Pret a porter nail polish in shade  47
- Garnier, Intensive Care repairing hand cream
- Essence, 2in1 kajal pencil, 12 Free&Style
- Schwarzkopf, Gliss Hair Repair, Ultimate repair instant hairtherapy for very damaged, dry hair
- Essence, Pureskin, anti-zone T-zone mask
- Essence, Glossy lipbalm in Pink dragonfruit
- Manhattan, Eyeshadow in 65Q Violet


Love, UniqaPoly

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Review: JOHN FRIEDA - Full Repair Deep Infusion for perfect ends

Zdravo! Današnja objava bo ocena izdelka znamke John Frieda, Full Repair deep infusion, ki sem ga v testiranje prejela s spletne trgovine :) Gre za izdelek, namenjen negi las, ki naj bi pomagal lasem da se lažje obnovijo in so nepoškodovani. 

O izdelku so na strani Click2Chic zapisali takole: " Infuzija za obnovitev las John Frieda. Gladi in ščiti lase pred visoko temperaturo. Napredna formula vsebuja Inca Inchi , lahko mikro olje in omega-3 maščobne kisline, ki delujejo globinsko, saj se vpijejo v poškodovanan pramena las. Za gladke, polne in sijoče lase."

 Uporaba izdelka je opisana tudi na embalaži - izdelek nanesete na še mokre lase, uporabite ga malo, en potisk naj bi bil dovolj in ga porazdelite po laseh. 

Sama tekstura izdelka je zelo tekoča, izgleda bolj kot prozoren zelo razredčen fluid. Sama ga doziram več kot je navedeno saj imam zelo dolge lase, zato tudi večjo površino, kjer imam poškodovane konice. Sama uporabim nekje tri potiske pumpice, uporabljam pa izdelek nekje dva do trikrat na teden, po vsakem umivanju. 

Po enomesečni uporabi lahko povem, da se izdelka ne porabi veliko, kljub temu da ga sama doziram več kot je navedeno. Nanašam ga samo na spodnji del las, predvsem konice in pa nekje 10 do 15 cm dolžine las do konic, tam se mi tudi največ cepijo in potrebujejo največ pomoči :) Sicer ne morem videti v flaško koliko izdelka še imam, ampak po teži sklepam da ga je še nekje polovica. Izdelek las ne masti, ne otežuje, ima prijeten vonj.

Učinek izdelka je bil v prvih dveh tednih zelo opazen, takoj ko sem nanesla izdelek se je med sušenjem videlo da so konice ostale manj poškodovane, pa tudi do naslednjega umivanja las je bilo zelo malo znakov razceplenih konic. Glede na to da je trenutno zima in so lasje še toliko bolj podvrženi vremenskim in temperaturnim spremembam, sem mnenja, da mi je tale izdelek pomagal ohranjati cele konice in lepe lase. Druga dva tedna sem še vedno opažala, da so lasje v redu, z zelo malo lomljenih konic, vendar so se lasje na izdelek nekoliko navadili in sem potrebovala še nekoliko bolj močno in hranilno nego, uporabila sem Gliss Kur fluid za konice. Lasem doda prijeten lesk, vendar ne masten, ne na način kot drugi balzami ali olja za konice.

Poleg tega naj bi izdelek ščitil lase pred vročino, kar še posebej prav pride ravno pozimi ko si moram lase vedno sušiti s fenom. Meni se zdi da je bilo stanje malo boljše, da so bili lasje malo manj občutljivi na suhi vroči zrak iz fena in so se počasneje izsušili in lomili.

Izdelek bi priporočala vsem, ki radi delate fen frizure, ki ste veliko izpostavljeni suhemu vročemu zraku, osebam, ki imajo občutljive lase in nagnjene k lomljenju konic. Jaz osebno sem kar zadovoljna s tem izdelkom, meni se zdi da mi je pomagal predvsem ohranjati lase cele, brez dodatnih cepljenj. Glede na to da, sem ga uporabljala več kot je predvideno in je izdelek še kar dolgo zdržal se mi tudi cena ne zdi pretirana. Pri nas sem ga zasledila tudi v trgovinah DM, vendar je tam nekje 14e, tako da se vam bolj splača opraviti nakup v spletni trgovini Click2Chic ali pa mogoče še kakšni drugi, ki prodaja njihove izdelke :)

Hvala za vašo pozornost ;)

Love, UniqaPoly

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BEST OF 2013 :)

Hello everyone! Todays post is a kind or review of the past year where I will show you best of products and non beauty favourites of the previous year. I don't have any praticular order, so I will just start somewhere and finish with the last thing that comes to my mind :)

1. Best blusher (also most used): Catrice, Powder blush from LE Revoltaire, shade 01 Colour Bomb. This is actually from a pretty old LE, but I didn't really get to use it at all until this year. I wouldn't say it's my favourite or a very good product, but I did use it a lot.

2. Best powder: Bourjois,  Poudre de Riz de Java, universal illuminating powder. I love this for when I'm out the whole day or for going out. It really finishes off the look and it's not too shiny, it just gives the skin that little something. Also love the scent and the packaging of this one :)

3. Best brush (most used): Catrice, Powder brush. I used this one the whole year a lot, until I got the one from BH Cosmetics. Can't say it's the best out there, but it does the job just fine, I have no complaints at all, so I decided to include it in the best of post, since I really used it a lot. :)

 4. Best eyeshadow base: ArtDeco Eyeshadow base :) I've been using this little pot a lot and it's still half full! And really helps with certain eyeshadows to keep them in spot and looking good. I really liked this one, I will also probably repurchase when the time comes. :)

 5. Best concealer: Bourjois, Healthy Mix, shade 51 Eclat clair. This is the best concealer I have ever had! It covers everytging, from blemishes to dark circles under the eyes and gives matte finish. I love this one, I actually have two, one in my bag and one in the bathroom XD

 6. Best make-up remover: Alverde, make up remover with calendula. I have used a couple of bottles of this product and I keep repurchasing it, because it does the job and doesn't irritate my skin or my eyes. I don't use waterproof make-up so this is good enough for me. This is one of the most used and repurchased products I have :)

7. Best shampoo: Kozmetika Afrodita, shampoo for greasy hair with nettle :) This is my all time favourite because it makes my hair look healthy and strong plus it really gets to the scalp and gets them degreased. A winner for me and also another product that I have repurchased many times :)

8. Best hair care product: Schwarzkopf, Gliss collection, Hair repair conditioner. Currently I have this one for very damaged, dry hair because in winter time my hair need some more care, otherwise I have used a couple of others too and I really like this. Just spray it over after washing, leave in and dry your hair. It's not too heavy for the hair and actually helps keep them healthy. Another of my regular repurchases :)

9. Favourite perfume ( most used): L'Occitane, Peony edp. I love the scent of peonys and I really like this perfume. I have been using it a lot the last couple of months and I got really used to it. I love flowery scents, but more gentle ones like this one :)

10. Best foundation: Revlon NN in shade Shell :) I have been using this the whole year, since I got it in late spring :) I am already on my second bottle and let me tell you - this is amazing! For everyone that wants light coverage and a feeling like there's nothing on your face at all.. also the look like you have no foundation at all - this is it! :) One of my biggest favourites of the past year!

11. Best mascara: L'Oreal,  False Lash Wings mascara in black :) I love this one because it is the only one I have used in the past year that actually made a difference... I look like I have some lashes, finally! Givs lenght and a bit of volume, stays put all day and has a nice plastic brush :) 

12. Best eyebrow product: Essence, Guerilla gardening LE, eyebrow mascara. I haven't used many eyebrow products before this one, especially not regularly. But since I got this I use it every day and it makes quite a difference how my face looks like a whole image, really defines the face and the eyes. I don't like the draw in eyebrows because most of the times they look too fake and ugly, so this is kinda a really good choice for me. And most importanty - easy and quick to use :)

 13. Best lipbalm: Krasna, with lavander and lavander honey. I had this from the year before, but never really used it much so I finally finished the product this December and I must say it really helps my lips. It is a bit more greasy, but in winter time this is the best one that actually did something, except having a nice scent. :) I think this is available only in Slovenia, not sure...they have some other great products too that I want to try :)

 14. Best books: Robert Jordan, The Wheel Of Time, numbers 7,8, 9 and 10 :) I am currently reading the 11, Knife of Dreams and have two more to go to finish the collection :) I really recommend this if you are a fan of fantasy world, there is no story more epic that this one :)

15. Best concert: Satyricon and Chthonic. This was really hard to choose, because I went to some really great gigs this year, but this one stayed in my mind the most, especially because of the part after the concert :) Talking to the band, taking photos, getting autographs... it was really nice :)

16. Best beer: Kozel XD Hmmm... this was another one hard to decide, but I think it's safe to say I loved drinking light and dark version of Kozel a lot :) I wanted to say Double Chocolate Stout, I love that one too, but it would be unfair to Kozel, since it's a really good beer and tasty ;)

 17. Best board game: Hmm.. another hard one, but lets say Carcassonne, since I really played this one a lot, especilly with my bf and I have won alot XD It's fun and suitable even for just 2 players :)

18. Best PC game: Torchlihgt II :) Easy to play and relaxing XD

 19. Best surprise product: MaxFactor, Colour Elixir lipstick :) I have never tried these before and I was really amazed by the texture, pigmentation, staying power.. I really love this one, it's in the shade Burnt caramel :) 

20. Best lipstick: Anything from Revlon really... XD I'm a freak for Revlon lippies but if I had to choose just one shade, than it would be Lip Butter in shade Red Velvet :) A perfect red and you all know by now I love reds ;)

 21. Best lipgloss: Deborah Euphoric Shine lipglosses :) I have a couple of shades and it's hard to say which one I have used most, because I have really used all of them and I really like them. I like the texture, the shades, the packaging, the scent of the product :)

22. Best nailpolish: OPI Skyfall or Dior Nirvana. I simply can not choose just one, so I say both are really amazing, especially regarding the shades..

 23. Best eyeshadow: Maybelline Color Tatto 24hr in shade Metallic Pomegranate :) I have three of these little pots and this shade has been my favourite and most used :) These are really good in pigmentation and staying power so I will definitely try and buy some more.. I have my eyes set on the shade "Bad to the Bronze" :)

24. Best eyeshadow palette: Sleek Sunset :) This will come as no surprise, since you all know I'm a big fan of Sleek palettes :) It was  hard choice but I think this one is really the best in the pigmentation and texture of the shades :)

25. Best festival: MetalDays XD I went for only three days, but it was great! 

26. Best dietary supplement: Chia seeds :) I had a time where I ate these every day, now I do that a couple of times per week. But I really like these, I have used it in smoothies, desserts even jam XD

27. Best movie: Hobbit, The Desolation of Smaug :D Do I need say more?

28. Best tv show: Arrow :)

29. Best new tv show: Sleepy Hollow :)

30. Best tv channel : 24 Kitchen ;)

So this is it... I randomly posted everything that came to mind, no specific order... it has been a good year. Hope this one is even better ;)

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly