Wednesday, December 12, 2012

BLOG SALE: Make up sale pt.1

I have some make up products that I will not use anymore, or never used them at all. They just never get their turn and I see it as a waste of products that perhaps will be more useful to someone else.

So here are the products:

 Alverde  Quattro Lidschatten 316 Mareike is a natural cosmetics eyeshadow quttro, it's only been tested, never used. The sponge applicator has been broken, so I did not add it here. The price is 3 euros.

Bourjois Smoky eyes trio in 12 gris lilac has been only tested once. The sponge applicator is still new, never used. The price is 4 euros.

Revlon Custom Creations 030 light/medium  foundation, spf 15, has been only tested. The shades do not fit me. This foundation is special because it has two shades in it, separate in half, at the top you choose what colour you would like and just turn the head and the mixture of the both comes out. Price is 4 euros.

Essence nail polish Colour&go in 21 Fabuless and 83 Luxury secret, Show your feet in 01 Caribbean sea. They've all been tested and used a little, they all lack for about 2 - 3 mm. The price for all three of them is 2 euros.

MaxFactor False lash effect Fusion, Volume&Length, only been tested, open for about two months. Stored and closed, it did not dry out. Price is 5 euros. Sorry, the photo is not mine, my camera currently doesn't work.

The prices already include ordinary posting, if you want prioritaire you need to pay extra. The sale is limited only to those who are from Slovenia. Payment is only possible with wire transfer on my personal account. If you are interested in buying and for more information you can write me here or email me:
In case more than one is interested in the same product it will go to the one who will ask for it first :)

Since the sale is limited to Slovenian customers, I could just write in Slovene, but I prefer to have my whole blog in English and in it's usual order :)

Thank you for your time :) Have a nice day :)


  1. Financiranje poštenega in hitrega

    Potrebujete kredit za projekt ali razviti svoje dejavnosti.

    Smo finančna institucija, dajemo posojila posameznikom in
    podjetjem v finančnih težavah in vse osebe, ki lahko spoštujejo naše klavzule.
    Kontakt samo po e-pošti (, da izkoristijo finančno pomoč.

    Naši pogoji posojila so preprosti in dobro opredeljeni.

    S 3-odstotno obrestno mero ponujamo posameznike v višini 5.000 € do 20.000.000 EUR .

    Če potrebujete posojilo ali naložbo za izvedbo projektov, kot so:

    * Osebno posojilo

    * Posojilo za komercialno denar

    * Negotovo, hitro in preprosto posojilo ...
    Naš uspeh pri delu je 100%

  2. POZOR PREVAR! Zaradi spletnih prevarantov sem izgubil €15.550, preden me je prijatelj predstavil kompetentnemu posojilodajalcu (gospa Elena Nino). Zdaj lahko zaslužim €200,000.00. Če vas zanima posojilo, jo kontaktirajte s tem e-poštnim naslovom:


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