Saturday, November 28, 2015

Killibinbin nega las z Aussie! / Killibinbin hair care with Aussie!

Pozdravljeni! Tokrat imam za vas oceno izdelkov Aussie, ki sem jih pridno testirala v preteklih dveh mesecih in sem jih tudi že skoraj porabila, sploh šampon za lase ter balzam. Aussie izdelke lahko pri nas zasledite že kar nekaj časa, na voljo so v Muller trgovinah, od te jeseni naprej pa tudi v prodajalnah DM in ponujajo pa različne linije - Miracle Moist, Aussome Volume, Miracle Shine, Mega Instant, Colour Matte ter Luscious Long. Sama sem poskusila šampon Miracle Shine za utrujena lase brez sijaja, Miracle Moist balzam za lase ter 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor Deep Conditioner za poškodovane lase.

Hello! Today I have prepared a review of Aussie products I have been testing in the last two months and have also almost used them up as well, especially shampoo and conditioner. Aussie products have been available in Slovenia for some time now, first at Muller stores and since this Autumn you can also get these at DM stores. They offer different product lines - Miracle Moist, Aussome Volume, Miracle Shine, Mega Instant, Colour Matte and Luscious Long. I have tried and reviewed Miracle Shine shampoo for tired, dull shineless hair, Miracle Moist hair conditioner and Three Minutes Miracle Reconstructor Deep Conditioner for damaged hair.

Najprej pa malce o Aussie na splošno, da boste vedele, zakaj je tako poseben :P Aussie je leta 1979 ustanovil Tom Redmond. Po obisku Avstralije je dobil navdih za razvoj 3 minutnega čudeža, intenzivnega balzama, ki postreže z izjemnimi rezultati v samo treh minutah. Samozavest znamke se skriva v mogočnosti izvedbe, kvaliteti sestavin in značilnem videzu. Vsak Aussie izdelek je zasnovan tako, da lasje dobijo prave koristi. Raznolike, skrbno izbrane avstralske  sestavine omogočajo, da z veseljem razpustite lase in z njimi uživate. Aussie je edinstvena mešanica Aussie karakterja, Aussie tehnologije, Aussie las in Aussie vonja – skupaj pa ustvarijo edinstveno izkušnjo, ki ustreza vsem tipom las. 

But first, a little bit abou Aussie and what makes it special! Brand was founded in 1979 by Tom Redmond. After his visit of Australia he got  an inspiration to create a three minute miracle, intense balm, that gives instant results in only three minutes. The confidence of this brand originates from the performance, quality ingredients and signature look. Every Aussie product is based so that your hair get the right benefits. Different, carefully chosen australian ingredients give you the chance to wear your hair long and enjoy them. Aussie is an unique mix of Aussie charachter, technologie, hair and scent - all together create unique experience, that suits all hair types.

Za Aussie je značilna avstralska dediščina – živi in nam pusti, da poskrbimo za sijoč videz tvojih las :P, naravne, edinstvene avstralske sestavine – eksotični in nekonvencionalni viri Avstralije za katerimi stoji posebna zgodba, neustavljiv vonj – vsaka kolekcija ima poseben vonj, to jo razlikuje od ostalih izdelkov in vsakič znova prebudi strast, prelepi lasje – sijoči in zdravi lasje polni življenja, ki se jih želite dotakniti in vedno izgledajo čudovito.

Typical for Aussie is australian heritage - live and let them take care of your shiny hair, unique australian ingredients - exotic and unconventional sources of Australia, special scent - each collection has it's own signature scent, beautiful hair - shiny and healthy hair full of life, that make you want to touch them and look wonderful!

Prvi izdelek v moji rutini je šampon za lase  Miracle Shine. Embalaža je nekako tipična za vse Aussie izdelke - bela plastenka, ki jo na vrhu dopolnjujejo kenguruji ter napis Aussie. Šampon vsebuje 300 ml, kar je super količina, ki vam bo zdržala nekje dva meseca zagotovo (odvisno od porabe in pogostosti umivanja ter ali ste pripravljeni šampon deliti še s kom:P). Doziranje je enostavno, samo stisnete ven željeno količino, plastenka je dovolj mehka in to ne povzroča nobenih težav. Vsaka linija ima svoj posebni vonj, od preizkušenih izdelkov mi najbolj diši Miracle Moist balzam za lase, na drugem mestu pa je šampon, ki ima meni osebno res najbolj bonbončkast vonj. Vonj šampona je vseeno močnejši od balzama, vsaj meni se zdi, da po uporabi še vedno bolj vonjam šampon kot balzam... oziroma kombinacijo obeh izdelkov. Vonj se na laseh zadrži nekaj časa po umivanju, kar mi je zelo všeč. Šampon obljublja sijaj in naj bi bil primeren za lase, ki potrebujejo malce pomoči, da lažje zasijejo. Šampon vsebuje izvlečke avstralskega ginsenga in biserni prah. Načeloma nisem opazila povečanega sijaja na mojih laseh, imela pa sem lepo navlažene in mehke lase po vsaki uporabi. Drugače pa s sijajem nimam takih težav, tako, da se na meni tole ni morda izkazalo tako, kot bi se na kom drugem. Moje lasišče je šampon dobro sprejelo, brez iritacij, srbečice in podobnega. Kar se tiče samega mastenja lasišča in las pa se to po uporabi tega šampona ni nič spremenilo, še vedno imam mastne lase že takoj drugi dan in si moram lase umiti na vsake dva do tri dni, odvisno, koliko mi pomaga suhi šampon. Mislim, da je tale šampon tudi zaslužen za malce več volumna, pa tudi Miracle Moist balzam za lase, definitivno imam več volumna kot sem ga imela prej, in to štejem v velik plus!

First product I have tried is Miracle Shine shampoo for dull, tired hair begging to shine. Packaging is somewhat typical for Aussie products  - white plastic, that is decorated on top with a kangaroo and purple Aussie name. It contains 300 ml,  which is just the right amount. Should last you for about two months, but it depends how much product you need for one use, frequency of use and your willingness to share your shampoo with other members of your household. It's easy to dose the right amount, you just need to squize the white bottle, which is just of the right softness. Each line has it's own scent, from the products I have tried I like the Miracle Moist the most and than comes the Miracle Shine shampoo, which has a bit of a sweet, candy like scent. I find the scent of the shampoo stronger than the scent of conditioner and I feel like I can smell it on my hair after use as well, or a mix of the scents from both products. I like the scent tends to linger even on dry hair for a longer time and I can really smell my hair even later into the day (in case I have washed my hair in the morning). Shampoo promises to give your hair some shine and contains Australian Ginseng extract and Pearl powder. I have not noticed changes in my shine but I always had soft and nourished hair after use. Anyway, I don't have much trouble with shine, so maybe this didn't show as well on me as it might on someone else. My scalp seemed to like this shampoo, there were no irritations, itchy feeling or anything like that. As for greasy scalp and hair, these shampoo didn't change anything for me, I still get my hair greasy the second or third day and need to wash them a lot (depends a bit if dry shampoo helps me or not). Also I think this shampoo helped me a bit to gain some more volume, and also the Miracle Moist conditioner, I am definitely having more volume and this is a big plus!

Drugi korak je nega las z balzamom in sicer sem zadnje čase pridno testirala Miracle Moist, ki obljublja vlažilno nego lasem, ki so suhi in poškodovani in kažejo znake nezadovoljstva. Embalaža je velika bela plastenka, s pokrovčkom na potisk. Doziranje je enostavno, samo stisnete ven željeno količino izdelka, vsebuje pa 250 ml. Vsebine je sicer manj kot pri recimo šamponu, vendar balzama porabim manj in mi tako zdrži dlje, posledično me razlika v količinah nič ne moti. Izdelek sem vedno nanašala takoj na umita lase, tako kot vse druge balzame za lase, predvsem po dolžini las in na konice. Navadno se izogibam lasišča, saj ne želim, da bi se mi lasje prehitro mastili po uporabi. Balzam obljublja povrnjeno navlaženost las. Osebno se mi zdi, da se rezultati pri balzamu hitreje in bolje vidijo kot pa pri recimo 3 minutnem rekonstruktorju. Ne vem zakaj, ampak tale balzam sem takoj vzljubila, res mi je všeč lahka tekstura in prijetno mehki lasje po uporabi, ki se tudi precej lažje razčešejo. Super mi je tudi vonj! Posebna sestavina, ki omogoča nego pa so olja avstralskih oreškov ter makadamije. Lasje so po uporabi tega balzama res mehki, nežni, niso obteženi ali se lepijo v pramene, bolj bi opisala kot "fluffy" izgled, imam definitivno več volumna, kot sem ga bila navajena pri drugih izdelki tega tipa. Z veseljem bom poskusila še šampon za lase!

Second step is conditioner and I have tried Miracle Moist, a conditioner for hair that's dry, damaged and a bit unhappy. The packaging is similar to the shampoo, white plastic bottle, the same way of dosing the product. It contains a bit less, 250 ml, but I prefer it this way as I don't use as much of conditioner as I do shampoo, so it lasts me a long time anyway. I have used this product straight after washing my hair, only to the lengths of my hair and hair ends. I tend to avoid my scalp as I want to prevent my hair getting greasy too fast. This conditioner promises to hydrate your hair. Personally I believe that results of this conditioner were visible sooner than with my 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor. I don't know why, but I loved this balm from the start, love the light texture and soft hair after use that are easier to detangle. I also love the scent of this product! The special ingredient that helps my hair is Australian Macadamia Nut Oil. My hair are really soft, gentle, don't grease up or glue together after use, the look I get is more fluffy, I get more volume than I was used to from other products of this type. I am looking forward to also testing out the shampoo from this line!

Ter še tretji korak, ki se ga načeloma poslužujem občasno - 3 minutna intenzivna nega las z  3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor za poškodovane lase. Izdelek je pakiran v platično tubico, ki se za razliko od ostalih dveh izdelkov ne odpira zgoraj ampak spodaj, vsebuje pa 250 ml. Izdelek sem nanašala takoj po umivanju las, ponavadi potem nisem uporabljala nobene druge maske ali balzama v kombinaciji s tem rekonstruktorjem.  Na laseh sem ga pustila delovati tri minute, včasih malce dlje, če sem se zamotila vmes in malce pozabila. Potem sem izdelek temeljito sprala. Izdelek sem nanašala izključno na dolžino las, ne na lasišče. Vonj izdelka mi ni nič kaj posebnega, je sicer prijeten in nežen, ampak v primerjavi z bonbončkastim vonjem ostalih izdelkov ni tako intenziven. Tekstura je podobna kakšni maski za lase, ni pretežka. Izdelek mi je lase lepo negoval, ni jih mastil ali lepil skupaj, po uporabi so bili lepo navlaženi. Priznam pa, da nisem opazila drastičnih sprememb, kot so jih opisovale nekatere druge uporabnice. Morda zato, ker sem v osnovi imela lase v tako dobrem stanju, da niso potrebovali take nege? Nisem prepričana, ampak bom izdelek vseeno porabila do konca, saj se v zimskih mesecih to dobro stanje lepih las lahko zelo hitro spremeni. Skrita sestavina, ki neguje vaše lase pa je izvleček avstralskega grma balm mint.

Third step is something I don't do every time I wash my hair, but only occasionally - I use 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor for damaged hair. The product has a bit different packaging - a tube that opens up at the bottom and it's even easier to use. It contains 250 ml of product. I have used this right after washing my hair, usually didn't combine it with any other hair mask or other hair balm. I have left this product on my hair for three minutes, sometimes a bit longer if I was doing something that distracted me. Than I washed my hair thoroughly.  As with Miracle Moist conditioner, I used this only on my lengths and hair ends, not on my scalp. The scent of this product is ok but nothing special, especially compared to other two lines mentioned in this post. Texture of this conditioner is more like a mask, but it's not too heavy. The product took good care of my hair, didn't make them heavy or greasy or sticky, after use they were well nourished. I must admit though I have not noticed many changes, some say this is truly a miracle worker, to me this is just a very good conditioner as I have not noticed any drastic changes. Also must add, that I don't really have a need for such products, not much, my hair seem to be fine right now, so maybe this is the reason why I haven't noticed drastic changes. Anyway I plan to use this up as winter time can change this great hair time very fast. The secret ingredient in this product that helps your hair is Australian Balm Mint.

Upam, da vam je bila ocena v pomoč! Ste tudi sami že poskusili izdelke Aussie? Morda kakšnega priporočate? V kolikor vam je objava všeč, bom zelo vesela, če jo boste delili naprej! 

Najlepša hvala za pozornost!

Hope this post was helpful to you! Have you tried Aussie products? Maybe recommend some? If you liked this post it would make me really happy if you could share it!

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

*Izdelke sem prejela v oceno

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