Saturday, January 23, 2016

Eleganca večne črne z Oriflame!

Pozdravljeni! Tokrat vas zopet čaka malce drugačna objava, namreč načeloma nikoli ne predstavljam modnih dodatkov, pa vendar sem se odločila, da se letos malce več preizkusim tudi v teh vodah. Tokrat sem od Oriflame v test in oceno prejela torbo Hayley ter rokavice Hayley! Sama bom tema dvema izdelkoma kar rekla rojstnodnevna, ker sta prispela ravno malce po rojstnem dnevu! 

Hayley torba je klasična modna torbica retro oblike! Narejena je iz mehkega umetnega usnja, na otip je zelo mehka in žametna, sam videz pa je mat. Monotonost črne razbijejo pozlačeni dodatki - zadrga, okrasni elementi  z detajlom v obliki črno pozlačene pentlje. Notranjost torbe prekriva podlaga z enakim cvetličnim vzorcem, kot pri ostalih izdelkih kolekcije Hayley. Vsebuje tri notranje žepe, manjše žepe, ki se nahajajo na straneh torbe, vmes pa je en sam nepregrajen velik prostor, kamor lahko zložite svoje stvari. En žepek je na zadrgo, kar je meni super za kakšne kartice, bombone ter labele, da se mi ne raztresajo po celi torbici. Dva dodatna žepka pa sta odprta, eden večji ter eden manjši. Oblika torbice je s strani bolj trikotna, spodaj se lepo razširi, proti vrhu pa je ožje oblikovana. Na ta način ohranja eleganten izgled tudi, če ste v torbico natlačili malce več stvari. Všeč mi je ker ni premajhna ali prevelika, v njo spravim vse stvari, ki jih že tako nosim s sabo - veliko denarnico, telefon, slušalke, par balzamov za ustnice, kremo za roke, ogledalo, robčke, ključe, rokavice in še kaj bi se našlo, poleg tega pa lahko v njo zložim še bombažno nakupovalno vrečko ali pa manjši zvezek, A4 format je že malce velik in bi ga morala po robovih zviti. Torbica je sama po sebi lahka in enostavna za uporabo, zadrga pa se odpre skoraj čisto do konca, kar omogoča, da lahko v njo spravite tudi kak večji artikel, podaljšana zadrga pa služi tudi kot okrasni element. Ker gre za malce drugačen, žametast material, vam ne priporočam odlaganja torbice na tla ali umazane površine, saj se to lahko res takoj prime na njo in od vas zahteva takojšnje čiščenje. Dimenzije torbice so 31 x 12 x 26,5. Cena izdelka je 22,90 evra, na voljo pa je samo v trenutnem katalogu, ki velja do 25.01.2016. 

Hayley rokavice so super elegantne in res čudovito pristajajo kamorkoli! Gre za elastične akrilne rokavice, ki dajejo občutek in videz volne. Posebna zanimivost je stranski detajl treh pozlačenih gumbkov, ki omogočajo, da si sami zapnete rokavico, kot vam najbolj ustreza. Gre za univerzalno velikost rokavic, meni pa se super prilegajo. Všeč mi je tudi, da so malce daljše v smislu pokritosti zapestja in se mi do konca zapete super lepo prilegajo in me ščitijo pred mrazom, povrhu pa potem potegnem še pulover ali jopico ter plašč. Rokavice so dokaj tanke in zavzamejo zelo malo prostora, so lahke in enostavne za uporabo. Zunanji rob rokavic ob sistemu za zapenjanje je obrobljen s črnim umetnim usnjem. Črno zlata kombinacija se ujema tudi z samo torbo in skupaj res tvorita idealnega sopotnika za elegantne zimske večere. Cena rokavic je 9,90 evra.

V trenutnem katalogu lahko najdete še Hayley okrogle šal ter Hayley torbico, v kolikor vam je bil notranji potisk torbe všeč, vam bosta morda všeč tudi ta dva artikla. Cena šala je 7,99 evra, torbice pa 10,90 evra! Osebno sta mi torba ter rokavice najbolj všeč, saj sta najbolj vsestranska za uporabo ter kombiniranje, ter ju lahko nosim tako za vsakdan kot tudi za kakšno posebno priložnost. Odvisno seveda od ostalih kosov s katerimi kombinirate ter ustvarjate svoj "look". Če vas izdelki prepričajo, imate čas za naročilo še vse do konca ponedeljka, 25.01. :)

Upam, da vam je bila objava zanimiva! V kolikor si želite še več takšnih objav na blogu, mi prosim sporočite v komentarju! :)

Hvala za pozornost ter hvala Oriflame za super izdelke!

Love, UniqaPoly

*Izdelke sem prejela v oceno

Friday, January 22, 2016

Modni nakit z Avonom!

Pozdravljeni! Tokrat bom govorila o nakitu znamke Avon, ki sem ga prejela že pred novim letom, pa nikakor ni prišel na vrsto. Vsi, ki redno ali pa samo občasno spremljate Avonove kataloge že veste, da imajo vsakič v ponudbi tudi cel kup super nakita, torbic, denarnic, šalov, občasno tudi rokavičk, nogavic, pižam, ur ter podobnih dodatkov. Sama sem imela tokrat priložnost poskusiti kompletek prstanov ter zapestnico!

Anjali set prstanov trenutno ni na voljo v katalogu, lahko pa na spletni strani Avon Slovenija najdete Yessenia zapestnico. Za prstane nisem prepričana, če bodo še na voljo, lahko pa trenutno najdete naslednje kompletke - Metal Twist set 4 prstanov, Carrie set prstanov, Serena prstan. Yessenia zapestnico pa dopolnjuje še Yessenia ogrlica, ki se popolnoma ujema v dizajnu.

Najprej nekaj malega o prstanih! Set je sestavljen iz treh barv, kar omogoča bolj pestro kombiniranje odtenkov - zlata, srebrna ter bronasta. Kompletek sestavljajo štirje srebrni prstani v štirih različnih velikostih, trije zlati v dveh različnih velikostih, dva bronasta ter trije zlati s kristali v dveh različnih velikostih, torej skupno kar 12 prstanov! Kompletek mi je bil najbolj zanimiv ravno zaradi različnih barv ter velikosti, ki omogočajo, da prstane nosite na drugačen način, kot smo bile vajene do sedaj! Če spremljate lepotne ter modne blogerke, potem ste zagotovo že zasledile nošenje večih prstanov naenkrat ter ožje, manjše prstane na prvem členku prsta, medtem, ko večje na koncu prsta. Sama najraje kombiniram  zlate ter bronaste ter srebrne z zlatimi s kristali. Nekaj primerov kombinacij pa vas čaka na spodnjih slikah!

Vsak izmed prstanov je malce drugačen, ima drugačen dizajn, relief, je malce drugače oblikovan. Tako so kombinacije lahko naštete. Lahko bi tudi nosila samo enega izmed prstanov naenkrat, lahko dva, ali vse ter si jih razporedila na obe roki. Možnih kombinacij je res veliko, zato je tale kompletek tako poseben in primeren tako za vsakodnevne izhode kot tudi za posebne priložnosti. Čeprav so nekateri prstani ožji ter namenjeni, da se jih nosi višje na prstu, vseeno ne drsijo s prsta dol, niti pri umivanju rok, čeprav jih sama raje odstranim ter jih potem spet nataknem nazaj, saj mi je na tak način lažje obrisati roke do suhega, hkrati pa pazim na prstane, da bodo čim dlje ostali taki kot novi. Prstani so lahki in prijetni za nošenje, predvsem pa drugačni in zabavni ter omogočajo kombinacije, ki jih prej nisem bila vajena nositi in so, vsaj zame, super sprememba!

Ter še nekaj besed o zapestnici, ki me je prav tako navdušila!  Zapestnica je tako kot prstani, prevlečena s prevleko, tokrat z zlato. Je lahka zapestnica, prijetna za nošenje ter se enostavno zapenja, na krokodilčka, kot smo vajeni pri podobnih izdelkih. Sama imam vseeno občasno težave pri zapenjanju, zato prosim dragega naj mi pomaga. :P Zapestnica je od začetka krokodilčka pa čisto do konca sistema za zapenjanje dolga 21 cm, zapenjanje pa je prilagodljivo in si lahko sami nastavite na željeno dolžino. Sestavljena je iz treh finih, tankih zlatih ketnic na vsaki pa se nahaja različen obesek. Dva obeska imata statično pozicijo, saj sta dodana v zapestnico fiksno, med ketnico, medtem, ko je obesek v obliki zlate cevke premikajoč in se premika po ketnici. To mi je morda včasih malce moteče, saj se mi ta cevka rada obrne stran od ostalih dveh obeskov in jo potem popravljam nazaj. Predvidevam, da je Yessenia ogrlica izdelana podobno, vendar ker se ogrlica načeloma manj premika kot zapestnica, menim, da je pri ogrlici manj težav z uravnavanjem obeskov. Vsaka izmed ketnic je pripeta posamezno na zapenec in jo lahko po želji odstranite ali dodate nazaj. Vsaka stran ima posebej zapenec, ki omogoča, da odstranite ketnico ter nosite samo eno ali dve ketnici, poleg tega pa ne potrebujete klešč, da bi sami odstranjevali ketnice. Izmed treh obeskov mi je najbolj všeč okrogli zlati, ki ima rahel relief, kot tolčen zlatnik. Zapestnica deluje zelo elegantno, skupaj v kombinaciji z ogrlico bi bila zelo primerna za večerne izhode. Načeloma, ko jo nosim se malce prepleta med sabo, kot lahko vidite na spodnji sliki, vendar vseeno se nikoli ne zaplete preveč in vedno izgleda lepo!

Ste tudi ve ljubiteljice nakita? Sama načeloma nisem bila pristaš zlatega nakita, sedaj pa me vedno bolj navdušuje! Tako set prstanov kot zapestnico zelo rada nosim, kot lahko vidite na sliki so možne tudi super elegantne ali pa svetleče kombinacije, odvisno kam se odpravljate!

Upam, da vam je bila objava v pomoč! Avon ima res čudovit nakit, ki ga z veseljem priporočam, saj me je navdušil in prepričal! :) Pazljivi morate biti le pri kataloških obdobjih, saj se ponudba spreminja ter tudi cene lahko variirajo. Trenutno lahko kupite Yessenia zapestnico za 13,90 evra, ogrlico pa za 12 evrov. :)

Hvala za pozornost!

Love, UniqaPoly

*Izdelke sem prejela v oceno

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Skincare Cleansing Routine!

Hello! It's been some time since I last posted a mix and match post and I have never really talked about my skincare routine at all. So I decided in December it's finally time to write it. I couldn't post it sooner so I finally managed to talk about these goodies now. As you can see some of the photos still have a little bit of a christmas tree in the background... ups.. And so here is my current skincare cleansing routine. In this post I will talk about the products I use to keep my skin clean, how I use them and how much, the running order and such... Just products to keep my skin clean, no actual skincare in the sense of creams and serums and such. If you will like this post or find it interesting I will prepare another one where I will be talking about everything else I use in my skincare routine.

One of the products I loved last year and has now come to an end is by Oriflame and it's Milk& Honey Cleansing milk. This milk is actually meant for  for dry to very dry skin but I was using it anyway, even though my skin type is actually oily to mixed skin. I find this product very gentle, very easy to use and effective! I love the gentle honey scent, not too overpowering and agressive, not too gentle. I also loved the texture of this product as I could just rub it all over my face or use it with a cotton pad and apply it. It has just the right consistency, it's not that runny as other cleansing milks I have tried so far, its more rich and creamy, still not too thick. It comes in a plastic bottle, containing 200 ml, which is a normal size for such a product. Once opened it should be used up in 12 months. I also like that it has a pump dispenser which makes it easier to use. Now that this is almost at an end, there is still a little bit of product still inside, I keep it upside down and than just shake what's left of it on to a cotton pad. So you can actually finish the product completely, without throwing any away. I find this cleansing milk to be one of the best I have tried so far (although I have not tried many, but still). It does the job really well, my skin feels smooth and gentle, no negative reaction to the product, it removes my foundation very well and also my eye makeup, especially my mascara (I don't use waterproof mascara). How I use it? This is actually my first step in my cleansing routine - before anything else I will go over my face with a cotton pad or two and this product and try to gently remove the top layer of my makeup.

When I noticed I am running low on the cleansing milk I started using Kozmetika Afrodita Mandelj naravno olje / Almond natural oil. Before this one I tried the L'Occitane Shea one and loved it so I thought, as that one is pretty expensive let's try a cheaper alternative. And this one also performs just as well! This is again, meant for dry and sensitive skin and not exactly for my skin type, but it worked for me as well. As the name already suggest it's an oil, so you can expect what kind of consistency it will have, however I find it very nourishing and gentle and I love that it's got a very gentle scent to it, almost can't sense it at all. As this is usually used as the first step in my cleansing routine, this or the cleasing milk and than come other products, I can not say if this leaves my skin feeling greasy or not as I wash it off. I can tell you that I tend to use this just strainght on with my fingers, massage my face all over with the oil and than use my cleansing gel to wash it off. If I see any of my mascara still under my eyes and around the eye area I use a cotton pad, apply a bit of the oil and go over my eyes with it. It's a really gentle remover and causes me no irritations, plus it performs just as well as any other makeup remover I have had before (makeup removers specially designed for removing eye makeup). Some people also use coconut oil but I find that coconut oil clogs my pores and causes me more acne so I don't use it on my face. The bottle of this oil is simple, plastic, has a nice design, contains 150 ml of product and you just pour it out, no need for a dispenser system. Not to get me wrong - I use either this oil or the cleansing milk, I don't use both at once, but both are used as the first step, before I do anything else.

My current cleaning gel is by BioBaza and it's theirs Clean - it - all! face wash with parsley, borage and vitamin E. I was actually planning a full post for this one, but never managed it, so I will present it here. BioBaza is available at Muller stores and is one of the natural cosmetics, though on the packaging I can not see all of the needed certificates (symbols), but it's got written ECOCERT certified, 100% organic, free of paraben, sodium lauryl sulphate, alcohol preservatives, colors and perfumes and than 96% natural origin. I will not judge them, as I loved the product, but mostly this is sold as natural cosmetics. I think this costs about 7 euros for a bottle of 200 ml. It says it's a face wash but it's actually more a gel with silky, light texture and a unique composition, consisting of parsley seed extract, borage oil and vitamin E, which gently removes impurities, reduces pores and makes your skin look smooth. It also promises to be suitable for all skin types. However due to the strong scent this has and the texture and effect it's got on my skin, I would say this is not suitable for those with very dry and sensitive skin. I find the product very strongly scented and though it doesn't bother me it might not suit you. The texture of this is a bit on the runny side and doesn't foam or get any more creamy when introduced to water, but still does the job very well! I like that it makes my skin feel very smooth, causes me no irritations, no redness or dry feeling during or after use. However I feel that on it's own, without the help of my cleansing milk or makeup remover oil this wouldn't get my face clean enough and wouldn't remove all of my makeup. I am currently out of micellar solutions otherwise I would have included them as well, as they are also step one in my cleansing routine, but this face wash is my step two and usually after these two steps my skin is really clean!

Sometimes my step two is a cleansing foam by KRASNA. I don't use this every day as I must admit this cleansing foam did not impress me that much. I like to use it in the morning, if I feel like my skin is not too greasy. Otherwise in the morning I would use only BioBaza face wash or AlpStories Sage & Mint Cleansing Gel. That's kinda enough considering I just woke up and don't need to remove a lot of makeup and everything else from my face. Krasna has a couple of products I really love, like their toner that I have repurchased a million times now and just fits me so well. But this cleansing foam kinda dissapointed me as it doesn't get the job done as it's supposed to, especially at my evening routine when it's supposed to wash off all my makeup and it doesn't perform that well at that. Otherwise it's a gentle cleanser, has a lovely lavander scent to it. Still for the price of about 7 to 8 euros you get 160 ml plastic transparent bottle with a pump dispenser and it's a good deal, but maybe better for those with normal to mixed skin type as to me I feel like this doesn't get my skin as clean as the AlpStories cleansing gel or BioBaza face wash. It doesn't cause me any reactions or irritations, it is gentle but just doesn't leave my skin with a fresh, clean feeling I prefer. Still it's a good product to use in the morning and I actually moved this product to my parents house so I can use it there, when I sleep over, as in my apartment I just never used it as much and it didn't get much love. So this cleansing foam can be a step one in the mornings and also step two in my evening routine, but I never use this as well as a face wash or cleansing gel, only one of these.

The second product I am currently using by KRASNA is a really loved one and has been repurchased many times - refreshing toner with lavander and tea tree. As I am writing this it's already empty and it makes me soo sad! I knew I had to buy more while I still had the 50% off at DM store, but I was like, nooo, one will be enough.. yep, for one month maybe. :( This toner is meant for more oily skin and suits me very well. Tea tree helps you balance your function of sebaceous glands, has antiseptic properties which is great if you want to eliminate acne and calms your skin. The only downside of this product is that you get 200 ml in a plastic transparent bottle with a silver twist on cap for 12 - 13 euros. Which I personally find quite a lot since I use a bottle in about a month. If I were to repurchase this regularly this would cost me a fortune. Anyway, I love this toner and I have already posted a full review here, but I will not be repurchasing so soon yet, I will wait for another discount bonus :P I use this product in the morning as well as in the evening and it comes as step three in my routine. I usually apply this with a cotton pad but I could just spray it on and save it a bit, use it for a longer time but I never got around to pour it into another container with a spray pump on top.

Before purchasing the KRASNA toner and now that I have already used it up, I was regularly using Melvita Damask Rose floral water as a toner. So this product used to be my step two in my morning routine and step three in my evening routine or better to say it has returned! I wanted to save it up a bit, as I really loved to use it so I bought another toner by KRASNA and also, as mentioned above, already used it up. I only have the small size, the 50 ml one and I really like it, so I will probably repurchase it as soon as possible. It's a floral water with Damask Rose extract and it's meant more for a mature skin type, but as I have read at other beauty bloggers and at other user comments, this can be used by anyone who likes the rose scent and doesn't have any special sensitivity to such extracts and other sensitive skin problems. This can be applied to your face and neck, but I usually just spray it all over my face. Lately I got used to spraying it in three small dots, on both of my cheeks and my forehead and than I redistrubute it using my fingers and gently applying it all over my face, Since it's got a spray pump it lasts me a lot longer than it would if I were to use cotton pads. This is also recommended to be used as a calming product after sunbathing. As it's great at hydrating and regenerating it's suitable for almost any skin type really. The price for 50 ml is 7,50 euros, which is quite normal.

You must be wondering if I ever use any  exfoliating products or peelings. I do, just not every day and so I am talking about this last product at the end. I am currently using up Noemie Cosmetics Gentle Exfoliating Cream with plant extracts. I think I have two or three uses still in the packaging and than.. hmm.. will see, I still have a couple of peelings at home I want to use up. I will not talk about this one at length, as I have already posted about it here. Still, I have to admit that this exfoliating cream became one of my favourites from the bunch I got to test and review. It really does the job well, it's gentle and doesn't irritate my skin at all. It suits me and I like that it's soo creamy and actually meant for all skin types. I must admit that even though I have oily to mixed skin and sometimes dehydrated skin I don't use a lot of anti-shine, anti-oily skin products as they never seemed to really work for me in the sense they would dramatically change my skin and it wouldn't be so oily anymore. I prefer to use gentle products especially considering cleansing products as I don't like the feeling I usually get with products meant for oily skin - I feel my skin is red and hot and irritated and feels dry or even tightening and such and even after I apply my oils or serums or creams I still feel my skin very tight and immovable under the cream. So this exfoliating cream is yet another example this type of products suits me way better than regular products for oily and acne prone skin. The only problem I have with this cream is that's it's kinda expensive for  a 60 ml plastic tube, priced at 26,23 euros or at the moment reduced to 18,73 euros. As for oils, serums, creams and such I try to find and use the right one for my skin type, but with cleansing products I really tend to stick with those that feel nice on my skin and that actually don't cause me any more problems than I already have. The only product mentioned here that is actually meant for my skin type is probably the AlpStories cleansing gel and it performs so amazingly I have already repurchased it twice! And the KRASNA refreshing toner!

So these are the products I am currently using! If you have read through all of this you know that some of these are already empty. For example I finished the BioBaza face wash and I am again back to my beloved AlpStories Cleansing Gel Sage & Mint. If you have any recommendations what else I should use or what I should try let me know in the comments, I really like to read what other people like to use and how it suits them! 

Also, if you liked this post let me know and I will prepare two more, where I will be talking about my skincare routine concerning my serums, oils and creams I use and a separate post for all the face masks I love to use and which ones are my favourites!

I hope this post was helpful to you!

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Monday, January 11, 2016

Zimska nega kože - Adria Spa BioBalm - Arganova krema za telo in obraz :)

Lepo pozdravljeni! Če ste že prebrali mojo zadnjo objavo NEW IN Deceber 2015, potem ste že vedeli, da se bodo v januarju vrstile ocene izdekov, ki sem jih prejela v zadnjih mesecih prejšnjega leta. Tokrat pričenjam sezono novih ocen z izdlekom, ki sem ga prejela v test s strani Adria Spa in sicer z Arganovo kremo za telo in obraz.

Najprej nekaj besed o izdelku! :) Arganova krema je bogata z arganovim oljem in alantoinom. Alantoin je glavna zdravilna učinkovina gabeza, ki spodbuja obnavljanje kože in pomaga pri zdravljenju brazgotin. Zaradi sestave nenasičenih maščobnih kislin in visokega dela vitamina E je arganovo olje eden izmed najboljših anti age olj. Krema vsebuje tudi kakavovo in shea maslo.

Embalaža je preprosta in učinkovita. Plastičen bel lonček z nalepko ter belim pokrovčkom na navoj, ki se lepo zapre in tesni. Vsebuje 100 ml, kar se bo morda komu zdelo malo, ampak vseeno količina kar dolgo zdrži. Gre za nekje srednje velik lonček, ki je rahlo bolj podolgovat in tudi ne zavzame veliko prostora na polici. Plus meni je zelo všeč, da ima raven pokrovček, ker vedno odlagam na kremo še kaj drugega (preveč kozmetike in ne gre drugače kot da zlagam eno na drugo :P). Cena kreme je v spletni trgovini Adria Spa 9 evrov.

Sama tekstura kreme je gosta, kompaktna, podobna skoraj kakšnemu maslu za telo, pa vendar lažja. krema je lepo mazljiva in se tudi zelo hitro vpije v kožo, sploh glede na to, da gre za zelo hranljivo kremo. Ima odličen vonj, v katerega sem se takoj zaljubila! Težko ga opišem, ker načeloma samo arganovo olje, če je res naravno nima nekega vonja, ampak tale krema je kombinacija še drugih sestavin in ima tak rahel vaniljasto - oreškast pridih! Poleg tega vonj ni pretirano močan pa tudi ne prenežen, ter tako nežno odišavi kožo ter na telesu ostane še nekaj časa po tem, ko se krema vpije v telo. V kolikor iščete in uporabljate izključno neparfumirane izdelke, potem morda tale krema ne bo ravno najboljša izbira za vas. Zelo sem zadovoljna tudi z dejstvom, da krema ne pušča nobenega mastnega ali lepljivega filma po nanosu, koža se ne lepi na oblačila ali posteljnino. 

Seveda, vas verjetno zanima tudi, ali krema deluje? In odgovor je da in to odlično! Kremo sem večinoma uporabljala po dolžini nog ter rokah, predvsem komolcih in morda še kakem drugem delu telesa, kjer sem imela malce bolj suho kožo. Krema odlično nahrani in navlaži, ter to vlago ter izboljšano stanje tudi dlje zadrži. Načeloma imam pozimi vedno čisto suho kožo na nogah ter se lahko prav vidi bele razpoke po koži, ker je res čisto suha, sploh po predelu meč, pa tudi stegnih. No tale krema je odlično opravila svojo nalogo, moja koža ni izgledala tako lepo navlažena niti poleti :P Definitivno priporočam vsem, ki se v zimskem času bojujete z suho kožo ter imate radi tople vonje! Naj opozorim še to, da kreme na obrazu nisem preizkušala, ker je moj tip kože načeloma masten do mešan in ta krema ni ravno primerna za moj obraz. Tako, da v kolikor jo boste uporabljale na obrazu, vam ne morem posredovati informacij, kako se obnese tam.

Ter še sestavine: Aqua, Amygdale Oleum, Glycerin, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Argania Spinosa Oil, Dicaprylyl Carbonate, Dicaprylyl Ether, Cetearth 25, Butyrospermum Parkii, Cacao Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter, Sodium Stearate, Phenoxethanol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-diol, Parfum, Allantoin, Xantan Gum, Benzyl Salicylate, Limonene, Linalool, Coumarin, Alpha-isomethyl lanone, Citronellol, Geraniol, Citral, Isoeugenol, Eugenol, Benzyl Benzoate.

Ste že poskusili to kremo? Vam je bila všeč? Meni je idealna za nego zimske suhe kože!

Najlepša hvala za pozornost, upam, da vam je bila ocena v pomoč!

FOLLOW ME: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Google +

Love, UniqaPoly

*Izdelek sem prejela v oceno

Saturday, January 9, 2016

NEW IN December 2015 :)

Hello! Happy New Year everyone! Yes, I am still alive and kicking, even though I have not posted much in the last couple of weeks. Holidays can be pretty tricky and full of everything, so I hope you  can understand the need to work on everything else in my life and sometimes not post as much... New year arrived very quickly, I hoped I will be able to post more in December, so I can already tell you that in January you will be reading a lot of reviews of products I have received in the last months of the previous year. But it's time for me to stop rambling and go on with my newbies from December, that's what's really interesting anyway!

Let's start with the pinks! From Kozmetika Afrodita I was sent a very lovely package, those who follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you have already seen this, and of course the whole package with the gourgeous box and all! Inside I have received Body Mousse cocoa butter & vitamin E with the scent of strawberries! It smells amazing, not like a fake plastic strawberry scent, but like a really nice strawberry smoothie or ice cream. I haven't tried it out yet, but you can expect a full review. The second item here is a lovely daily eyeshadow palette by Catrice which was a gift from lovely Natalija from Essence & Catrice! It's from the latest limited edition Graphic Grace and it's called C01 Linear Lines! I love the combination, even though I rarely use pink eyeshadow! The other three shades are very gentle and very wearable, so far I liked them! There will be a full review for this palette as well! Last item is another brush, I wanted this one for a long time and I finally bought it at my local Interspar actually, it by UBU brand and it's for contour or bronzer, and I like it soo slim I can use it for a more light and precise application. I prefer this one to the regular fan brush as this one is more compact and it's easier to control the amout of product I want to apply.

Some newbies for hair! The first product is a hair mask I got as a Christmas gift, it's by Le Petit Marseillais, its the Shea Butter and Honey one, more suitable for dry and  damaged hair, but I have heard soo many great comments and recommenations for this one that I will try it as well! The second product is a repourchase for me, my second bottle of Batiste dry shampoo! I really like this one and it's priced at a reasonable price, about 5 euros, so I guess I will keep repurchasing for now! I love that it doesn't make my hair white and that if I apply enough of it, can actually get away with really greasy hair! And it holds for a whole day, not just for a couple of hours!

New jewelry! From Rock Vibe I won a giveaway and received this lovely pendant necklace with cat's eye stone in it, as well as the necklace next to it, though that one is really not my style and I probably won't end up wearing it. However I am really excited I have received two sets of earrings, both by H&M! I really wanted these winter themed one, with stars and snowflakes! Love these so much! I have also a new necklace, also by H&M, which I conveniantely forgot at my parents house and couldn't photograph it... But it's also a gorgeous one, very unlike me, but it's golden, shiny and colourful - with again - stars, moon, sun pendants! I will show it to you once I get it back, so keep watching out my social media pages!

Do you love chocolate as much as I do? If you do, than these two products by AVON are perfect for you! I received both as Saint Nicholas's gift at the beginning of December! These are both from the Planet Spa collection called Indulgent SPA Ritual and they are Chocolate Bath Elixir and Chocolate Face Mask! A perfect winter treatment for me!

I admit to being very active on Facebook in December, especially with all the giveaways, so these two goodies by I Love... came to me through a giveaway as well. I won it over at Beauty World. I am in love with the scent of the Mango & Papaya combination! It's really juicy and fresh and fruity! I haven't tried the lip gloss yet, but it looks very promising! From the I Love.. lip glosses I have already  the Coconut& Cream one and I really like it! The shower gel is sadly just a mini version, but I guess I will repurchase a bigger bottle after I use up this one!

I have a new skin care product I am really looking forward to try! From Eucerin came a wishing letter and this AQUAporin Active cream. I have not yet tried any of their facial creams, not even testers, don't really know why, but I just never had anything from them. However my (to be) mother in law really likes the brand and uses their creams all the time! I plan to test and try also the body milk I was sent some time ago ( I know, I still haven't gotten around to trying that one out,..) and write a review on that one too.. though I might just write it all together in one post, will see. I am using the last bits of my Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep cream and even though I am sad to see it go, I am looking forward to trying out this one!

From Dvorec Trebnik I have received a huge box of goodies - the trio you see here and the book as well! I have already posted about the shower gel Juicy Orange, but I am glad I got it again as I feel like winter is perfect for fresh, citrus scents! I know some people prefer them in summer time, but I really like to use something light in winter time as well.. Along with it came Massage oil Vanilla, which has been sitting on my desk for a couple of days now, waiting to be tested, but I haven't finished yet my previous body cream, and I really want to do that first. So I have no idea how it smells, how it feels, how greasy or nourishing it is, but I will post about it for sure. The third product was Argan Ointment and I have already had a couple of testers of this one and I loved it! It is really amazing for any scars, scratches, dry skin! The way this helps me is really impressive and I was super excited to receive this in full size! The last part of the gift was this book Lepo; O lepoti, staranju in estetski kirurgiji by Franc Planinšek and others. I haven't started reading it yet ( I'm into exam mode right now), but if I do find the book interesting I will surely post about it here!

Some more Dvorec Trebnik goodies! Both of these I got as a gift at work (there were also other gifts, but weren't beauty related, so I haven't includeed them here) I got Shower gel Marigold and Marigold Ointment! I have already tested both and also spoken about them in this post, so I was really happy to get these two as well! The lucky coincidence with these was that in the morning I received the gift from Dvorec Trebnik and than in the afternoon the second one at work! 

Another lovely surprise was this huge snowball by NIVEA and inside was hidden under snow this mini travel size Nivea creme 10 ml! Such a cute packaging and it was such a lovely surprise! This was one of the most original and different surprises from previous month! I got lucky the postman didn't crush this and it got to me whole!

If you read any Slovenian Beauty Bloggers than you already know that we had a Secret Santa game going on and eash got a gift from a randomly picked blogger. I have received a huge bunch of goodies from Ana - Beautysaur blog! I love her blog, her photos and the beauty choices she makes - I would love to borrow some of the products she has! Go check her blog here, if you don't know her already! So on to what my Secret Santa brought me! I got this huge round pot of I Love... Peachy Passionfruit nourishing body butter! Haven't opened it yet (same reason as above - I want to finish up one product before starting new ones), but I hope I will like the scent! I don't think I ever had anything this juicy! Than I got a glass nail file, but I am not sure who's it from, I will check with Ana. Also for nails I got the nail block thingy for nails! How did she know my nails need some more care?! Than there was a KIKO Nail Lacquer in shade 338 Light Lavander and it's such a gorgeous shade! Anyway, if you want to see the shade you will have to meet with me for a coffee or something, because this one definitely didn't want to be photographed! I also got a tinted lip balm P.S. in a lovely rosy shade. And also for lips is this KIKO Smart lip pencil in shade 712 Rose Mauve! I haven't been using the lip products much yet, I know that's unusual for me, but my lips are soo dry lately I kinda avoid regular lipsticks/pencils/glosses and try to stick with the lip balms more. The last lovely bit here is a scented wax Snowflake Cookie by Yankee Candle. Adore the scent so much! Plus - for all slovenian readers - this scent is the scent of the month January and you can get it now for 20% off! 

So after all of these goodies, there was another one at the bottom of the box! And it is soo beautifulll it deserves a special place in this post! From Sephora I got my very first ever Sephora eyeshadow and face makeup palette! I have never tried anything from them before, only one mono eyeshadow and I liked that one, but these are soo pretty! The design of the plastic box outside and than the design of the box itself, how it opens up, the shades! It's the ultimate "take me with you anywhere" palette with a lovely blush that suits me and also two highlighters! I fell in love with shades  Friday night and Scented candle at first sight, but the rest are also very beautiful! Love that I can make daily looks with this one as well as evening looks!

You may have already spotted that we had a special pre - new year event and that some of the beauty bloggers posted about it already! I won0t post about it separately, but all I can say is that it was really nice to see all the girls again! I have also met some of them for the first time and I had a nice time there! We met at Sputnik Svetovna kavarna , and I had no idea this was soo close to where I live! A big thank you goes to Gabi from Parokeets and Ajda from Ajda's for organizing the event, reserving a place for us and also for getting us some sponsors! I thought this was just gonna be like a bunch of girls going for coffee but it became a lot more! I would also like to thanks all the sponsors who decided to participate - AlpStories, Jessica Slovenija, Alessandro and E- kozmetika, 4 kids and us! I got lucky to receive some amazing gifts at the event! From AlpStories each one of us received a personalized and very creative gift! I got Have a Very Cherry Merry Christmas body milk with cherry scent, Keep Calm It's Almost Summer  .. or take a btah and use your imagination bath salt with vanilla scent, This May Be A Wine ... But it's not, it's masage oil with rosemary scent and also two minis - Body milk and Shower gel Marigold. I mean, pretty amazing, right! The design, the colours, the names! I really love this gift and I like that a brand really invests into being more creative, different and personal! It makes a lot of difference if you get a gift like this instead of something generic.

Also at out little event I got another Alessandro nail polish, this time in shade Purple Purpose and Jessica Phenomen Oil. I haven't tried the nail polish yet, but I am regularly using the oil! And I love it! It does miracles, like some other bloggers promised me! I love the shape of the bottle, the pipette system and the scent of the product. It sinks into my skin really fast and actually visibly helps instantly! One of my most recent favourites (of all times, especially considering products for nail care)! Also treated myself a bit with Essence Winter? Wonderful! to coat in 01 A Winter's Tale. I won't be posting about this one separately, but I have already posted a review of a couple of products from this collection here.

A couple of random lovely bits! Won another giveaway over at Yves Rocher and got Fruits Noirs Blackberries sparkling body powder! I already have the hand cream from the collection and love the scent, you can read more about it here! So you can guess I was pretty excited to get this one as well, smells the same, yummy as well! Another gift was the new Bourjois  Poudre de Riz de Java! I actually have the previous one as well and I have never posted about it, but it's a pretty amazing product! Smells divine, the effect on my skin (even though I have greasy skin) is also pretty great and it's just a little something I like to use every now and then... Now that I have both versions I will most definitely post about them! Third product is my new foundation by Deborah, called Dress Me Perfect in shade 00 Fair, which I bought at my local DM store. I got lucky they were sending the 50% off coupons, so of course I had to give this a try as it already impressed me with the testers! It doesn't happen often that I like a foundation soo quickly, but this one actually wow-ed me!

December is also perfect time for new fragrances and my Santa brought me a new one by Oriflame! I got My Naked Truth EdT and it's a very light scent, smells like a perfect flowery fruity combination and maybe this is more suitable for spring time, but I love it now and I use it almost daily! I feel like winter is full of heavy, sweet and spicy scents anyway.

A couple of random bits! I bought Nivea Creme Smooth cream shower and I must say I actually bought three at DM and two are already empty! I used the as hand soap as well and they smells so clean! I know it's a funny word to use when describing scent, but it does smell like a clean cottton! Anyway, I like that these don't dry out my skin, plus the scent is a big bonus.I needed another nail polish remover so I got Ebelin one, the usual one, nothing special about it, just another repurchase. Also got two new lip balms! One is by Oriflame and it's from the Tender care collection with Honey scent with organic honey. Love it, this really helps my lips lately, so I keep using it! Also like the scent, even though I am not a big fan of honey scented products. Some are just too plastic, but this one is actually pretty good! The second lip balm I got from my mom and it's the new Labello Cocoa  Lip Butter! Also love to use this one, though it doesn't have a strong scent and I hoped it would have.

Another surprise package I got in December were these cute socks that came with a wishing card from Adria Spa! There's never enough socks and these are really cute and soft! Plus I loved that they were thinking outside the box, giving a bit different gifts than "just" cosmetics.

And now - LIPS! A big bunch of new lippies this month! From Essence limited edition All That Greys I received two lip glosses that are actually more like liquid lipsticks, they are very pigmented. I got shades 01 Roaring red and 02 That's what Rose would do. So Far I liked both shades, especially the dark one! From Catrice I got a new lip oil 01 Cozy cashmere, from the limited edition Rough Luxury. Also two new lipsticks in shades C01 Natural Nude and C02 Rustiy Red. I must say none of these really impressed me. I mean I like them, but they are not that, you know... amazing. I like the darker shade more than the nude one, thought the nude one suits me well too. The lip oil is just too runny and doesn't really do much for my lips, I prefer the lip oils from Essence Winter? Wonderful! collection. The last lippie here is also by Catrice, from the Alluring Reds collection, it's lip colour & care in shade C01 Smooth Operator. From the bunch I loved this one the most as it's most easy to use, cares for my lips and also gives me a hint of colour! 

And of course that's not just it yet, I got some more lipsticks! From Deborah I have my third Absolute Liquid lipstick in shade 08! It's a true red shade, but I feel like this one doesn't suit me as well as the other two I have. Also won a giveaway over at a fellow blogger tara and her blog The Beauty Of A Nail Polish. I won ArtDeco lipstick from their winter collection Arctic Beauty in shade 103! And also bought two new lippies - Revlon Matte Balm  in shade 270 Fiery and Oriflame The ONE  Power Shine lip gloss in shade Sapphire Irridescence. I have been loving both very much, sadly, there weren't many chances to wear them... Though I must say the Sapphire Irridescence doesn't look blue on my lips, just slightly bluish and sparkly and it's got such a fine shimmer it doesn't look glittery, just ultra shiny. Love the shade!

And more Christmas gift! My boyfriends sister got me a little something from Sephora! It's a special edition Let it snow collection! This came in a lovely light blue and white packaging, designed like a little snow house, looked very cute! Inside I got a shimmering bubble bath & shower gel, a velvety body moisturizer and a white shower flower! Love the design of the whole package and especially of the bubble bath! It's round at the back and flat at the front with the white snowflake print! And the little round pot also has a bit of a face on it, looks like a snowman on the side ( other side, I didn't get to photograph, cause the product was constantly moving and rolling over). I love the light scent of this and I am planning a full post for these goodies as well!

So finally, this is it! I may rest now! Took me a long time to write this down! Also got some more gifts I didn't include in the post as they are not beauty (brand) related - some kitchen stuff like red wine glasses,  a three story stand for cupcakes and such, a container for butter, a new pan for sauces that can also be used in the oven, some fluffy cozy socks for the lazy days, some more socks for every day... some amazing food treats and teas.. anyway, I was spoiled rotten in December!

How was your December? Any new gifts that impressed you?

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly