Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ocena: Montagne Jeunesse - Blemish Mud face mask

Pozdravljeni! Zopet ocena, tokrat malo bolj kratka, ocenjujem pa masko za obraz znamke Montagne Jeunesse, ki sem jo dobila v test s strani :) Prejela sem masko za obraz z imenom Blemish Mud, ki je namenjena osebam, ki imajo težave s kožo, kot so nepravilnosti v smislu mozoljčkov.  Vsebuje nepozebnik, ki pomaga očistiti kožo, aloe vero, ki pomaga pri pospeševanju celjenja ranic in izboljša vlažnost kože, plus vrbo za izboljšanje prekrvavitve.

Maske načeloma ne uporabljam redno, čeprav jih imam dovolj in bi jih lahko... enostavno sem prelena ali pa preutrujena. No delam na tem, da bi jih uvedla v svojo tedensko rutino, saj se mi zdi, da dejansko precej pomagajo pri izgledu kože. Imam mastno do mešano kožo, malo je odvisno od letnega časa kako se mi koža obnaša, seveda pa so tu še razširjene pore in mozoljčki.

V test sem prejela testno velikost, torej 5g. Količina  mi je zadostovala za enkratno uporabo, nanesla pa sem jo čez celoten obraz in malenkost skozi spodnjo čeljust, saj se mi tam zadnje čase konstantno delajo mozoljčki. Drugače je redna količina maske 15ml, seveda pa je po odprtju potrebno masko ustrezno zapreti, lahko si pomagate s kakšno sponkico ali pa jo stisnete v kakšen lonček in zaprete.

Maska ima zelo močan vonj, zelo svež vonj, mislim da se predvsem vonja rožmarin. Vonj mi je sicer všeč, ampak je kar močan. Če nimate radi močno parfumiranih izdelkov ( tale ni ravno parfumiran, vsaj ne po sestavinah, ampak je res močan vonj), potem tele maske morda ne bodo ravno za vas. Barva maske je rahla svetlo zelena. Konsistenca maske je precej gosta, kar se mi zdi zelo dobro, da vam potem ne steče z obraza prehitro in omogoča lažji nanos. Lahko nanesete s kakšnim čopičem ali pa kar s prsti. Maska je na meni imela rahel hladilni učinek, vendar nič pretiranega ali motečega. Naredila mi je res lepo, mehko kožo, umirila rdečico po obrazu in po vnetih mozoljčkih. Predvidevam, da bi z redno uporabo res pripomogla k zmanjšanju pojava mozoljčkov. Spere se jo brez problemov, z mlačno vodo. Kožo pusti navlaženo, vendar bi jaz osebno vseeno po maski nanesla kakšen lahkoten serum ali pa morda samo aloe vero. Bonus je tudi da gre za izdelek, ki ne uporablja živalskih sestavin ali testira na živalih :)

Hvala MojaDrogerija za tester in upam, da vam tale kratka ocena pomaga pri izbiri prave maske za vaš obraz :)

Love, UniqaPoly

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ocena: P2 - Pure Color Lipstick - 042 Madison Squere

 Pozdravljeni! Končno spet ena ocena na vrsti..tokrat ocenjujem izdelek znamke p2, ki se jo v Sloveniji dobi v spletni trgovini MojaDrogerija :) Jaz sem imela to srečo, da sem lahko izbrala izdelek za ustnice in katero koli barvo te znamke.. in izbrala sem si p2 Pure Color Lipstick v odtenku  042 Madison Squere.

O sami znamki sem veliko že slišala, saj je dostopna v  DMjih v Nemčiji, v Avstriji jih držijo nekatere Palmers trgovine. Če spremljate kaj nemške blogerke boste videle ogromno ocen za njihove izdelke, je znamka kot vse druge in ponuja izjemno velik nabor dekorativnih izdelkov, vključno z omejenimi kolekcijami ("limited editions"). V bistvu bi znamko lahko postavila ob bok Catrice, cenovno je morda še malo cenejša, po kvaliteti pa primerljiva če ne celo boljša. Sama nisem poskusila še nič od njih razen tole šminko, ampak komaj čakam izgovor za obisk Avstrije ali Nemčije, čeprav bo bolj verjetno, da se bom poslužila spletnega nakupa v MojiDrogeriji, ker bo to hitreje  ;) 

Odtenek, ki sem si ga izbrala si lahko ogledate tudi na strani in preberete sestavine, opis. Cena izdelka je 3,50e, kar se mi zdi zelo sprejemljivo, sploh glede na izdelek, ki sem ga testirala. Šlo naj bi za šminko z dolgoobstojnim učinkom, "wet lookom", odlično pigmentacijo in dodano hialuronsko kislino za vlaženje ustnic.

Embalaža - enostavna metalik srebrna tubica, na kateri se na žalost hitro vidijo sledovi prstnih odtisov, če vas to morda moti. Jaz najprej sploh opazila nisem. Zapiranje je enostavno, šminka se mi v torbici še ni nikoli odprla in res dobro tesni. Predvideni rok uporabe je 24 mesecev po odprtju, prejmete pa 4,5g izdelka.

Zelo je postalo modno, da tudi cenejše znamke dekorativne kozmetike odtisnejo svoj logo ali ime v izdelek, kar so naredili tudi tu. Na vrhu šminke imate vtisnjeno p2, kar pa seveda gre hitro dol, že po recimo treh uporabah, se tega napisa ne vidi več. Nisem uspela več slikat, ker sem prehitro pričela uporabljat. ;)

Izbrala sem si odtenek 042 Madison Squere. Naredila sem v bistvu celoten "search", pogledala na internetu vse swatche za vse kar imajo na voljo v MojiDrogeriji, in sem na koncu pristala na seznamu top petih šmink, ampak sem se odločila za najbolj neobičajno barvo zame, saj se mi je zdelo, da bom za tak odtenek šminke vedno potrebovala več poguma, sploh pa odločnosti v trgovini in si je verjetno ne bi takoj kupila, ampak bi raje izbrala kakšen že bolj preverjen odtenek. Glede na količine šmink, glosov, stainov in podobnega imam res vsega že preveč, ampak takšne šminke pa res še ne. Gre za temno vijolično šminko, ko jo pogledate direktno iz tube, ampak dejansko je lahko vse od svetle roza, do magente, srednje do temno vijolične. Vse je odvisno od tega koliko slojev nanesete. Res so mi všeč take šminke s katerimi lahko ustvarjam različne "looke", pa mi ni treba s sabo nositi pet različnih šmink. Odtenek morda ni za vsak dan, sploh če jo nanesete na debelo in močno, drugače pa se jo da z rahlim lepo zabrisanim nanosom nositi čisto vsak dan, v službo, na faks ali kamorkoli drugam.

Formula šminke je izjemna!  Ima sicer rahel sladkast vonj, ampak nič motečega ali preveč umetnega. Pigmentacija je odlična, res zelo sem zadovoljna z njo, mislim da lahko rečem da je boljša kot marsikatera Catrice, Essence, Misslyn šminka. Seveda je odvisno od odtenka in ni vsak izdelek pač čisto isti, ampak tale moja šminka je res zelo dobro pigmentirana. Ker je barva taka specifična je tukaj zelo pomembno, da imate dobro pripravljene ustnice, saj se vam lahko zgodi, da se vam več barve nanese in zatakne v razpoke in nato izgledate kot da imate črtaste ustnice, kar pa pri tej barvi ne izgleda ravno najbolj lepo. Če ne bi radi dosegli premočnega in pretemnega učinka vam bo že en sam nanos zadostoval. Sama navadno naredim dva, da se barva bolj lepo prime in dlje obdrži, popravke pa navadno potrebujem samo na sredini ustnic. Nazaj na formulo - je zelo kremasta šminka, mehka, lepo steče po ustnicah, zdi se mi tudi kar vlažilna.  Finish je res kot v opisu, "wet look", lep glossy zaključek, kot bi si dali čez še malo prozornega glosa. Ta zaključni sij seveda sčasoma zbledi, ampak prvi dve uri se pa kar obdrži. Glede obstojnosti - na meni stika z hrano in pijačo ni najbolje prenesla, ampak tega tudi nisem pričakovala. raje vidim, da gre dol, da pojem do konca in potem še enkrat popravim. Ker so popravki s to šminko že tako bolj redko potrebni, me ne moti, da ne zdrži prehranjevanja. Seveda tekom dneva tudi ta šminka malo zbledi. Na sebi sem opazila da zbledi zelo lepo, še vedno ostane obarvanost tudi po več kot 6 urah, brez popravkov. V bistvu še zvečer zasledim malo roza ostankov na ustnicah, sploh če sem se namazala samo  enkrat in potem nisem več nič popravljala. Kar se tiče občutka navlaženosti pa je na začetku zelo v redu, po parih urah( nekje 3-4ure) pa vsaj moje ustnice potrebujejo malo več balzama. 

Pa še nekaj slik odtenka in poskus slike kako izgleda na ustnicah :)

levo: ena plast, desno: več plasti

Več slojev šminke
šminka kot stain
ena plast šminke

Ste že poskusile kakšen izdelek znamke p2? Mi kaj priporočate, kaj naj poskusim naslednjič?

Hvala še enkrat MojiDrogeriji in Anji za izdelek in prijaznost ;)

Love, UniqaPoly

Friday, October 17, 2014

Essence & Catrice event for bloggers Slovenia - October 2014 :)

 Hello! Today's post will be about an event I attended on Wednesday, 15th October :) I was invited to participate at a Cosnova Essence and Catrice event for bloggers! This was my first event of this sort, but many other bloggers have been invited for the second time to Essence&Catrice, plus many other events. I am not really sure where to begin so.. let's start from the first thing that happened that day :P

Normally I don't write personal posts or anything like that, but this one will be a bit different :) I had to wake up early, go to Uni, finish my classes, run home, get changed, shower, wash my hair, put on some makeup.. I was kinda happy I didn't really have a lot of time to get ready because than I would complicate with what to wear and what makeup to do and the longest I took was what to choose for my lip colour... I ended up wearing Avon's lipstick Luxe in shade Cheri. But than I was eating and drinking and most of it went off very fast... Plus I had very chappy lips, as I was taking photos of different lippies on Monday for three hours and rubbed my lips so much and so many times they started to peel and cause problems...

So finally, got ready, on the bus and to the center of Ljubljana, where we were to meet before the event with some bloggers and have a drink together, at leats some of us. Than we continued to the Ljubljana Castle, a bit early, but better save than sorry. We entered the Ljubljana castle's White Hall ("Bela dvorana") on time and were greeted by two lovely girls from Cosnova and the one and only Natalija Dečman, who invited us all to the event :) 

First off, I must really comment on the venue and all the arrangemets :) Everything was prepared, very well organised, thought off and simply very lovely! The arrangements of the place, where the stands were, the products, the limited editions, the tables to swatch and compare, comfortable chairs, the sweets and the sour snacks, drinks.. and really loved the white flowers on the tables! 

We started with taking some photos while we were served some fruit cocktails (aperitifs), which I didn't try, but I really liked how it looked.. I think I regret now not trying one :P Than we started the presentation of the brands and their products. The two lovely ladies from Cosnova ( I am really sorry, I forgot their names) presented us the latest facts about the brands, showed us some videos and presented some latest new limited editions. There was one by Catrice that I really liked, called Viennart ( you can check the preview here), but that one was unfortunately not available. The design is so gorgeous, I bet lots of cosmetics lovers will fight for those products!

Than we were told we can check out the products, do some swatches, take more photos and well - have fun with the products! Plus there was  a spot where we could get our nails done or make up, whatever you prefered. Well I didn't go for any of that, mostly because I was so busy checking out the stands and talking :P I had never ever had a chance to get my nails done by someone else, or my makeup.. so this was my chance, but I didn't take it, because I was simply so absorbed with everything else :P We were told to pick up to 10 products, whatever that may be... So we started digging :P I already had my wishlist, so I kinda knew what I wanted to try! Ever since I knew I was invited to this event I really tried to make a list of products I would love to try, to at leats have a chance to see them live and swatch and test them before purchasing, or maybe hear some comments from other bloggers what would be best to buy. As we were lucky to be allowed to choose ten items of our own desire, I was able to get my hands on everything that was on my wishlist! Sooo happy!

And than we talked and chatted and chatted some more! I got to know in person some really great girls, I didn't get to talk to all of them unfortunately.. I feel kinda sad about that, so if anyone of you lovely ladies want to ever talk to me about makeup, make swaps and such, or just grab a coffee I would be really happy if you would contact me ;)

We were able to choose our 10 product from full length stands of Essence and Catrice cosmetics plus from limited editions. I think they offered us some that were already seen in Slovenian stores and some yet to come, like Essence Rock Out!, Catrice Feathered Fall, Catrice Check&Tweed, Essence Come To Town, Essence Hello Autumn, Essence New in Town, Catrice It Pieces, Catrice Metallure

Also if we needed any help or any suggestions, or anything at all, both Cosnova girls and Mrs. Natalija Dečman were available to talk to and answer some questions. I didn't really talk much to them, sorry girls, but how can I talk even more than I already did? :P We were really all over the place, I checked all stands multiple times just to make sure there is no other product that I would rather try than the my top 10 picks, because if you are given an option, why try something you know won't work for you or you won't like as much as something else :)

Than a special paragraph about food! :D Yes, I love food, and I especially love something sweet! And they really took good care of that! I tried a piece of that lovely fruit cake and a cake pop and they were both really really good! I need to learn how to make cake pops! Not too sweet, but than again just the right amount of everything! One of the bloggers commented on the coffe, claiming to be the best coffe she ever tasted ;) Plus there were some salty/sour snacks, that looked really delicious, but I was too excited to feel hungry at all :) I didn't eat much the whole day, didn't really have the time for a proper lunch, I was too busy and too excited :)

So than it was time to go home and on our way out we got a huge, I mean HUGE surprise! Each of us got two really big and full bags of products to take home! I really did not see that coming! They pampered and spoiled us too much! Happy! :D

And as some of us didn't want to really go home just yet we decided to go grab another drink and than home to search our bags and check all the goodies :)

I am really thankful to everyone who helped organise this lovely event and especially to Mrs. Natalija Dečman for noticing my blog and inviting me along :) It's nice to know my blog doesn't go unnoticed by others, plus I was really pleasantly surprised to see so many slovenian beauty bloggers knew UniqaPoly :) It was great to see all these lovely ladies in person, I hope to see you soon! I would do this whole event again and again! ;)

And some more photos.. I didn't take many, plus some were really bad quality.. so I will link some of the posts other bloggers did, or will do ( will try to update it), so you can see what they had to say about the event and some more photos... 

My top ten.. missing the Catrice Volumizing Lip Booster, because I already tried it and is currently in my handbag.. 
Some more contents of my bags... Need to check out the promo material and some pens that came along ;) Really thoughtfull to think of some ballpoint pens, they always come in handy :)

As you can see I got so many goodies.. I need to write them all down, categorize them and make a list what to try first, what to give as a giveaway for my lovely readers... There will be another giveaway, but as I am currently hosting one, this one will happen later in November and I will add some more stuff, not just these two brands :)
And some more photos from the event :) Sorry, some are bad quality.. I forgot to charge the batteries on my camera so I took them with my tablet, which doesn't have the best camera at all.. I know, what kind of a blogger doesn't charge the batteries for an event like this! Sorry ladies, it was a crazy week and plus, it's better I don't show you all the same photos as others, you can expect some more posts from them about the event and sometimes photos or the content can repeat..

And yes I took photos of the food... and no I was not excited to go to this event for free food :P I just really loved how well everything was prepared :)

 Really loved the flowers so I tried to take a photo of them...

And thank you again for invitation and everything :) Also thanks to all the lovely bloggers I was able to meet and I hope to see you soon!

Here are links to check out what other girls had to say about the event:

- Parokeets Beauty Blog: 

Essence/Catrice prireditev za “beauty” blogerke na Ljubljanskem gradu 2014

- Get them curious. Get them talking.: Essence & Catrice event
- Passing fancy: Catrice & Essence Blogger Event Slovenia - Fall 2014
- Cherry Colors:  Cosnova Beauty Bloggers Event 2014, Ljubljana [Picture heavy]
- Viva la vida blog: Essence and Catrice event part 1
- Ajda & Tjaša's Beauty Corner: Cosnova beauty bloggers event 2014
- Taya:  Essence and Catrice Event 2014
- Mateja's Beauty Blog: Catrice and Essence Event Plus a GIVEAWAY
- Tinna's Pink Place: Catrice & Essence Blogger Event - Slovenija 2014
- Baroque fool: Catrice and Essence blogger event (picture heavy)
- Angel Beauty:  Essence and Catrice Blogger Event
- AJDASblog: Beauty: Huge Catrice&Essence Haul (without any splurge)
- Hysteria of Decay: Essence and Catrice Blogger Event 2014
- Lovely Little Luxuries: Essence& Catrice Blogger Event (+ a little surprise at the end)
- Nail 2 Express: Essence&Catrice Blogger Event 2014  + Giveaway
- Nihrida: Catrice & Essence Blogger Event
- AnGeL BeAuTy: Essence and Catrice blogger event

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Preview: Catrice - Viennart LE :)

Beauty Vernissage. The fascinating glamour of Art Nouveaux is celebrating an impressive comeback. Floral elements and elegant lace applications attract the attention of the front rows at the international fashion shows. Designers are placing great emphasis on a modern interpretation of slim silhouettes and ornamental prints. The Limited Edition “VIENNART” by CATRICE unites this trend in an artistic and extremely feminine beauty collection. From midNovember to December 2014, various red nuances are combined with apricot. Mauve is contrasted with metallic lavender and modern gold as well as shimmering mother-of-pearl create glamorous highlights. The absolute must-haves of this collection are the Baked Eyeshadows with an intricate lace embossment, the Scented Powder in a decorative spray bottle and the silver pocket mirror. Fascinating Art Nouveau – by CATRICE.

Baked Eyeshadow - Artfully Decorated! The three limited Baked Eyeshadows ensure an expressive eye make-up style. The powder eyeshadows have a high pigmentation and guarantee intense colour-dispersion. Available in a choice of lavender, gold and mauve, the eyeshadows have a feminine lace embossment. Available in C01 Pearly Plastering, C02 Stunning Stucco and C03 Lovely Lace.

Shimmer Lip Colour - The Kiss. Pure pigments and finest shimmer particles are guaranteed to make your lips shine. The texture is pleasant and soft, and the elegant packaging with floral ornaments is an absolute eye-catcher. Soft nude, fresh apricot and dark Bordeauxopen up so many possibilities – from subtle daytime make-up to an elegant gala look. Available in C01 Nude Nouveau, C02 Klimt‘s Gentle Kiss and C03 Klimt’s Ardent Kiss.

Powder Blush - Art Collection. The Powder Blush offers a touch of colour and an artistic embossment. Fresh apricot and light nude are united in an ornamental pattern and give your cheeks a radiant look. Available in C01 Floral OrnARTment. 

Scented Powder - Creating Accents. The transparent, fragrant powder not only sets beautiful highlights on your face and neckline thanks to its subtle shimmer, it also gives your skin a wonderfully pleasant, floral scent. The decorative, round glass bottle with a balloon pump atomizer has a nostalgic charm and distributes a thin layer of powder on your skin. Truly a must-have product. 

Mirror - Reason to smile. The folding pocket mirror with a silver packaging belongs in every handbag. The symmetrical floral-ornamental pattern pays homeage to the Art Noveaux era. Ideal for a quick beauty-check when you’re out and about. 

Ultimate Nail Lacquer - Lace Lacquer. Four nail polishes convince with ultimate colour, ultimate coverage and ultimate shine. The effects vary from colour to colour, and give the light mother-of-pearl, lavender, apricot and Bordeaux an individual character. The unique packaging stands out with its floral-ornamental print. Available in C01 Pearlescent Purpose, C02 Vienna Rose Woods, C03 LilART Lily and C04 ARTful Red.

 Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

Sunday, October 12, 2014

300th post + GIVEAWAY!

Hello everyone! This is my 300th post and I thought it was past time to show some love for my readers and everyone who checks this blog and reads my posts, gives a comment and some feedback on other social medias! Also my blog was celebrating 2 years in August but I was really busy at that time and well, I didn't prepare anything for you. So now here we have a brand new giveaway!

What you can win:
- A hand made piece of jewelry, by me of course;), a pretty blue glass beads necklace
- Yankee Candle scented wax in Soft Blanket
- Essie nail polish in Over the knee
- Alessandro mini nail polish in Disco Boy, from my first Dashbox ;)
- 3D Nail seal stickers with some hearts and snowflakes for the season to come ;)
- Essence Night Club glamour to go eyeshadow mini palette in 03 dance-til-dawn
- Weleda Sanddorn handcream to help keep your hands soft ;)
- Yves Rocher Nourishing lip balm Cocoa and pistachio
- Some testers - L'Occitane En Provence repairing shampoo, conditioner and mask and also from my Dashbox, Lee Stafford Argan Oil from Morocco nourishing shampoo and conditioner

There is only 1 prize and there will be only 1 winner! Giveaway starts today, 13.10.2014  at 12AM CET and will last for the next three weeks, ending 2nd November at 12 AM CET, (2.11.2014) :)

How to participate? Fill in the Rafflecopter form and that's it!  Please note, one person can only participate under one name. If you try to be included twice or more with different names and emails and such the prize will be given to someone else! Also make sure you fill in all the required forms or your entry won't be valid and I can not include you! It is mandatory to write a comment and reply to my question, I think it's an easy one, we all love to talk about cosmetics, don't we? + It's mandatory to leave me your email adress in the comments! You get 11 points just for that! Also you can follow me on Twitter or Facebook, whatever you use, or even both :) The more points you score the better :)

Giveaway is open to anyone and anywhere so feel free to participate from whereever you are!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
And some more photos of the products you can win! :)


Love, UniqaPoly

Saturday, October 4, 2014

NEW in September :)

Hello! Time to write about my new products from September... Have you seen the first photo of this post? What do you think, what was your first reaction? Because mine was .... ooohh myyyy, when did I get all these things? Soo many goodies to play with :P

Yep, I admit, I went a little overborad this month, I mean  a lot.. I have spent quite a lot of money and I think all of it was very much worth it:P I love each and single new product. Plus I have invested in my new wardrobe and bought some items for my home and kitchen... so yes, it was a month of extreme shopping. I don't remember the last time I have spent so much money, but I had to treat myself a bit, after all I have finished my studies and graduated :) So I took treating and spoiling myself to a whole new level, didn't I? Plus I just started my masters programme. Plus I started a new job this past week, well actually an old one, I already worked many new stuff going on! What can I say, a september full of changes and new adventures :)

So let's start with a very pleasant surprise I got from UK :) A friend went there to attend a conference and she remembered that I wanted to try some The Body Shop products, so I was really really excited when I saw these three gems :P I got Moringa shower gel, Shea and Coconut hand cream. I have already tested the shower gel and let me tell you, it smells divine! It also feels very gentle on the skin, but what gets at me the most is the amazing scent. The hand creams are still waiting to be tested, I need to use up some first.

Moving on to another set of products I have received :) I got a Blemish Mud face mask by Montagne Jeunnesse and a p2 Pure Color lipstick in shade 042 Madison squere from :) I have already tried the lipstick and it's amazing! The shade is a perfect plummy with a good staying power and nice stain, so I am gonna love to use this one this fall/winter season.

I have also got some stuff from a friend, because she didn't use them anymore. We did a little trade with the nail polishes and I gave her some of mine, that I rarely used. I got a Catrice nail polish in 15 Denim Moore and Coral Prosilk nail polish in shade 16. Also she gave me this amazing Wet'n'Wild eyeshadow palette I wanted to buy for a long time now, it's called Comfort Zone and the colour selection is simply amazing and perfect for any time of the year really...

Now.. some nail polishes.. I got three by Deborah Milano, from their  Gel Smalto effect colore extra brillante maxi pennello collection. There was another gel collection, called GelLike, but this is a new version. I had a 50% off dicount at DM store for these three, so I couldn't simply stop at just one nail polish, I decided to get as much as the coupon allowed :P I got shades 01, 03 and 06. Next two are from L'Oreal Paris  available at Muller shops, for 3,50 euros each, they were on discount. I got shades 892 Totally D'accord  Spiky Effect and 893 Metallic Cuff Metallic Effect. Each makes a different effect when it dries, so they are quite interesting, thou not exactly what I imagined. Last one here is by O.P.I., haven't bought any of their nail polishes in a while, so as soon as I saw this particular shade, I simply could not resist not to buy it. I had this shade, Amazon... Amazoff,  on my wishlist the whole summer long and now it was on discount, so I got it for about 7,80 euros. It does leave a strong green colour on your nails even after removing with loads of nail polish remover, so use with a base coat is a must!

Moving on to make up for face, I got a new foundation, again by Bourjois, can you imagine my monthly haul without a Bourjois product? I gor the last foundation I really wanted to try by this brand, it's the Healthy Mix foundation in shade 51 Light Vanilla. Another foundation I got this month was by L'Oreal Paris, Mat' magique mattifying foundation, I already have this one at home but I am gonna use it up soon. I got this in shade 02 Rose Ivory, traded it actually for a product of mine that I didn't use.  Also got a new  multi colour powder by Essence, from their Hello Autumn LE, in shade 01 Autumn& The city, which I am yet not sure if I use it correctly. Plus I got Catrice Calligraph Ultra Slim Eyeliner pen  waterproof, which turned out to be pretty much useless and a bad buy.. 

Next is a pack of Bourjois products, that were really affordable alltogether. I got  Volume 1 seconde mascara, which I already have, but it's a pretty good one, so why not have two. I got some fake eyelashes, called Easy faux cils mini fringes, which I hope will work for me. Also two lip products in this pack, a lipgloss Effet 3D action baume hydratation 8h in shade 33 Brun Poetic, plus a lipstick Sweet kiss in shade 41 Beige elegant, I really couldn't resist such a good deal, plus I really love the lipgloss and the mascara will come handy once the old one is too dry to use.

Finally I also have some KIKO Makeup Milano products! I have spent about two weeks online, checking shades, reviews, prices... and than I finally settled for these four products. My friend went to Italy and she told me she plans to raid KIKO, so I really couldn't miss such an opportunity and added her shopping cart these four gems :) I got two nail lacquers in shade 317 and 275, plus I got a Kiss balm in shade 06 Blackcurrant and Unlimited lipgloss in shade 20. So far I have tested the lip products and the dusty rose nail polish and I really like all of these :P

And some more lip products.. if you haven't noticed by now, I love lip products! First I bought Labello Lip Butter tin pots, I got Blueberry Blush at Muller for 2,99 euros and than I finally found the Coconut one in Interspar for 2,38 euros and I haven't seen it cheaper anywhere else. I love both of them, coconut is a classic but Blueberry blush has an amazing scent and I really recommend it to all blueberry lovers :) Also I got two new lipsticks from Avon LUXE collection Couture creme lipstick, they were on discount, each costing 6,90 euros, normally they are over 10 euros each. I got a neutral shiny everyday shade called Lustering Nude and a neutral plummy -pinky, a new shade in the selection, called Cheri. I love these two so much! The texture, the scent, the pigmentation, the application, the feeling on the lips.. all of it is pretty amazing! I really recommend these lipsticks, they are a really good deal when on discount, especially if you find a shade that really works for you.

Some skin care products! I have finally bought NUXE Rêve de Miel lip balm in a pot! I have read so many comments and so many people said it was the ultimat lip balm pot to have and that it really works.. So I got it on discount at, at their summer sales, also bought  the face cleansing and make-up removing gel and both products are amazing! I am saving the face gel for winter time, because it's really rich and nourishing, the lip balm I am using every day before sleep and it really does help my lips.  Next are two products to help my skin, one is by Paula's Choice Clear Anti-redness exfoliating solution with 2% Salicylic Acid for blemish prone skin and Derma E Evenly Radiant Overnight Peel to help me exfoliate my skin better and help me with my large pores. Have only tested PC salicylic acid so far, will see in about a month if it will help me at all or not.

And some more products for hair.. I repurchased this L'Oreal Paris shampoo Fibrology, because we ( me and my bf) both liked the effect and it makes my hair really soft, so I use it a lot. Next are two  products by Subrina, one is NutriShine elixir for hair ends and the second one is Heat Protector to spray it on after washing and before blow drying or styling your hair. On top of the photo I have Alverde little round pots of three different body butters. One is Hibiscus shea butter, Pomegranate  and cocoa butter and last one is Aloe Vera and mango butter. Haven't tried them yet, but they look really cute and I bet they are pretty good for dry skin.

And some more face products.. I got two by Kozmetika Afrodita, one is a micellar solution Cleansing &make-up removing& moisturizing and one is tonic  for normal to oil skin, Clean phase collection, with astringent effect, which I will start using soon, as my Essence tonic is almost empty. I really use up tonics fast, as I tend to use only one until the bottle is empty. I repurchased Inell makeup removing milk at E.Leclerc, but got a bigger bottle this time. Just an everyday makeup remover, that's really cheap and affordable, especially if you use it almost every day. Last is another repurchase, a tonic by Krasna, another slovenian brand. I really loved this combination of lavander and tea tree oil and I had some 50% off discounts at DM store for this brand so I bought just this one product, but it will have to wait it's turn before I will use it.

Last one is Slovenian Dash Box, a new way to test new products. I have tried this for the first time, it costs 10 euros for one month and you geta  box filled with different products each month. I got some testers from Pukka, Lee Stafford, Philip Martin's, Decleor,  a mini nail polsih by Alessandro, Deborah Mitchell and a full size hand &body moisturizing emulsion by Jessica.  I will see which of these I will test myself and I think I will give some of these away as a giveaway! This is my 299 post and the next one will be a giveaway to celebrate my 300th post and also two years of my blog, which happened some time ago but I didn't have time to prepare anything for you yet.

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly