Hello! Time to write a couple of words about this face toner by Essence, called Pure Skin anti-spot toner&powder. I was really intersted in this product because I was searching for a cheap version of toner, because I really use it fast and I saw this was a toner and a powder in one product. The powder in it was supposed to absorb oil on your face. This sounded like a good thing because I have mixed to oily skin and most toners tend to leave a tacky film on my skin. My experiences with this toner were, well, average. It gives a big plus to it that it's cheap, you get 200 ml of product for about 2,59 euros, if my memory serves me right. It's a classic bottle, just plastic bottle with a cap screw. I use toner twice a day, so morning and evening and for me a bottle goes fast, about a month and a bit and that's it. I really soak the cotton pad and apply all over my face and neck and I use toners as a way to make sure I have washed off all my makeup plus to give my skin some moisturization before the face cream. The ingredients on the back claim this product has salicylic acid which is mostly good for combination/oily skin as it is supposed to unclog pores and inhibit pimples and blemishes. It also contains allantoin which is a natural chemical compound that sooths the skin and increases the smoothness of the skin. The product has mild scent, fresh scent but not disturbing. It gives a slight cooling sensation whan applying but it feels fresh and nice. It absorbs very fast after application and helps keep your face matte. Also it leaves your skin feeling soft and powdery, because of the ingredient added to make you look more matte after it dries. It doesn't leave any tacky film on your skin. It did not dry my skin or cause me any irritations, but the promise of having a little helper to keep my face matte was not completely true. It did keep my face matte for a moment, but after 10 minutes I was shiny again. Maybe I used too little or too much, but this effect doesn't last long. Overall it's decent product worth trying out or buying if you are on a budget and need something that is not too expensive. I think I will not repurchase any time soon as I have other products I want to try. Plus it contains alcohol which is bad for the skin if you want to have a toner for everyday use. And as for the promise to help against my pimples and spots, well I must say I haven't noticed any differences there while using this product. So maybe it helped some people but on me I haven't noticed any differences. Some more photos of the product and ingredients:)
Did you try this product? What did you think? Hope this was helpful to you! Thanks for reading!
Hello! Another short review, this time it's a face product by Balea, face wash foam or Zarter Reinigungs schaum. Sorry, I don't know German so I kinda translate by sense. This is a very cheap product available at DM stores for only 1,99 euros. I have tested this and already used up a bottle and maybe I will also repurchase. I liked this face foam because it was so easy to use and your face was clean very fast and easy. The packaging is simple bottle with a pump, contains 150 ml of product. It is scented with lotus flower and it does smell nice but to me a bit too intense. It is suitable for normal to mixed skin, I have mixed to greasy skin but it did the job well anyway. I was using this one mostly in the mornings as it feels very light and very refreshing but also in the evening. I usually used micellar solution first than went over with this foam to make sure I really removed all my makeup and to also introduce some water to my face, because that's what your skin really needs. Also the scent of the product lingers on your skin for a while, but I usually go over with my toner and than the scents mix. This product doesn't cause me any irritations or any more skin problems, it also doesn't leave my skin feeling dry but just really soft. I would really recommend this to anyone who like to use foam washes for face and doesn't have very dry skin or any such skin problems. Plus to anyone who is looking for a budget buy. I think I really will get a bottle of this one soon as it simply feels nice to use it and have it at hand at all times. Here you can check some more photos of what they promise this product does and ingredients :)
Did you try this product? What do you think? Have you tried any similar products that you would recommend? Hope this was helpful to you and thanks for reading!
Hello! More empties for you, as promised. :) Another bunch of empties, I am finally going to catch up with my latest ones. :)
Starting with some products for my face :) First I used up this face toner by Essence Pureskin named anti-spot toner&powder. I bought this because I really didn't want to spend a lot of money for a toner but wanted something that would have some effect on my skin or at leats help me keep it clean and with less pimples and such. Well, this really didn't do much for me. I never got that powder effect, because I really never noticed anything different from any other toner I had. This was just an ok product, nothing special and I am not planning on repurchasing. The only thing that it maybe did help was prevent new breakouts, but since I use different products to go with my daily routine in evening and morning time I can not say if it did really help me keep my skin spotless or was that some other product. In the middle we have eye make up remover by Inell, actually called Lait Demaquillant Douceur, I have been repurchasing this for some time now. Actually I have decided to stop repurchasing the smaller version and the last time got the big bottle and I use it almost every day. So far so good and my skin doesn't have any kind of reaction, so I will probably keep repurchasing. Last one on this photo is Balea Zarter Reinigungs Schaum, basically a cleansing foam for face. This is also a pretty decent product, also very cheap and does the job well. I loved to use it in the evenings as my last step, to make sure all my makeup was removed and also really loved to use it in the morning as it refreshed my face very well. I would repurchase this.. if I will ever run out of my stash of cleansers. :P
Than my hair shampoo by Kozmetika Afrodita, called Kopriva or nettle. I really like this shampoo, I always have it at home and I have been using it for a long time, since I was a kid actually. What Can I say, it's a classic and keeps my hair strong and clean and really gets to the roots and washes away everything plus it doesn't cause me any problems, irritations or making my hair grease faster. I keep 1000 ml bottle at home at all times and I repurchase it at DM store, for under 4 euros. Next is Palmolive shower gel Irresisitible Softness with the scent of orchids and aloe vera. You may have noticed I use a lot of Palmolive shower gels, mostly because they are pretty good for the price, they often have discounts, the scents are pretty good to and well it's an everyday product and I usually don't spend much on shower gels. I don't think I will be repurchasing this particular scent as it didn't appeal to me as much.
And some more shower gels... I use these products faster than anything else, plus I did save up my empties for some time now.. Here we have again by Palmolive shower gel Ayurituel peaceful with indian neem and jasmine, plus Aroma therapy absolute relax bath foam, that I have been using more like a shower gel, with ylang ylanf and iris extract. I really loved these two, maybe I will repurchase this Ayurituel peaceful, but I have been repurchasing the Absolute relax for years now and will repurchase again. It is one of my favourite shower gels ever!
And some makeup empties. This time I was checking my products for eyes and eyebrows and some really didn't work for me anymore so I decided it's time to throw the out. I really loved Essence Guerilla gardening LE eyebrow mascara and have been using it almost every day. Since this was a limited edition I can't repurchase, but I did get myself a similar product by Catrice, which should be available at the moment at every Catrice stand, This was my first eyebrow product and I must say it was really easy to use, nice effect, not too overdone and looking really natural, plus very fast to use, one swipe and I was ready to go. Than I have here by Essence Stays no matter what waterproof eyeliner pen, but I must say this never really worked for me.. The first couple of uses it was ok and really dark and a bit hard to remove, but than I guess it soaked up too much of my eyeshadows or something because it got grey really fast and I doubt that was because I would use it up so fast. I will definitely not repurchase this one ever again. The same goes for Catrice Eyeliner pen waterproof. I had the same issue with this one and I think I really don't know how to apply these things so I am going to opt for eyeliners in gel form and apply them with a brush or liquid eyeliners. I liked these two just because they had that lovely tip at the end that helped me a lot with shaping my line. Last one here was Catrice Precision Eye pencil in shade 060 Khakitoo. This was an ok product, but the problem is that it got too old and went all flakey on me after 5 minutes on my eyes. So well, this one just got old. Will not repurchase as I didn't like it that much plus this is an item that has been discontinued for some time now. This is it, my empties do far. And I have just checked and I already have five more products to put in my next empties post... :) Have you tried any of these? Do they work for you? Thanks for reading! Love, UniqaPoly
It’s time to go weak at the knees with a pounding heart and butterflies in your stomach! From mid January to mid February 2015, essence puts all beauties in the mood for Valentine’s Day with the trend edition “like an unforgettable kiss”. The day of love is all about kissing - – exciting, tingling and simply unforgettable. The romantic color scheme mainly consists of pink, purple and red, and focuses on this special sign of affection with lovingly decorated products. Must-haves include the lip smoother for super-soft and kissable lips, the two-tone blushes with a cute heart embossment as well as the fruity-floral fragrance in a mini-size. Love is in the air… with essence! Fragrance - Take my breath away! This sparkling, fruity-floral fragrance is as exciting as a first kiss and brings back beautiful memories! The top note with pink grapefruit, mango and tangerine creates a fruity freshness. Combined with lily of the valley and raspberry in the middle note, this results in a sweet and floral composition. Creamy sandalwood, musk and vanilla in the base note give the fragrance a warm touch. As unique as an unforgettable kiss! Available in 50 ml around €*. The large as well as the small fragrance – as always in a 10 ml size for €* – will be joining the standard range afterwards.
Blush brush - True love! The blush brush made of fine synthetic bristles in pink has a slanted shape that makes it especially easy to capture, distribute and blend powder. The purple heart at the middle gives this brush a totally unique look – wow! Available in 01 dear valentine!
Duo blush - Twosome… The duo blush gives your face a gorgeous touch of color thanks to the two perfectly aligned shades with a high pigmentation. A combination of light apricot and vibrant peach or rosé and pink ensures fresh, rosy cheeks. And the cute heart-shaped packaging is an adorable eye-catcher, too. Available in 01 nothing but lovestoned and 02 pink me.
Eyeshadow - Memorable moments… the three highly-pigmented eyeshadows with a soft texture create gorgeous eye make-up styles in mint, blue and purple with a fashionable pearl effect. A cute eye-catcher: each color is embossed with its own symbol – locks, hearts and puckered lips decorate the different colours. Available in 01 always on my mint, 02 love is in the air and 03 cloud number nine.
Lip smoother - First kiss! The lip smoother makes lips feel wonderfully soft and supple. Its light peeling effect evens out small lines around your lips. On top of this, the lip smoother also offers a gorgeous shine and feels nice and pleasant on your lips. Available in 01 keep calm and kiss me.
Lipstick - Hopelessly in love… the lipsticks in apricot, pink and bright red keeps the focus on beautiful lips. The high-shine finish offers glossy results and long-lasting moisture. Available in 01 nothing but lovestoned, 02 pink me and 03 keep calm and kiss me.
Nail polish - Kiss the hand! Apricot, mint, purple and pink are sure to make the hearts of all beauties beat a little faster. The nail polishes offer high coverage and a gel-shine finish for long-lasting, extra-glossy results. Available in 01 nothing but lovestoned, 02 always on my mint, 03 you let my heart skip a beat and 04 pink me.
Pozdravljeni! Nov teden in še ena ocena, ki sem jo nameravala objaviti že nekaj časa. Tokrat ocenjujem izdelek znamke Oriflame Sweden, lak za nohte z imenom The ONE Long Wear Nail Polish v odtenku Steel Shimmer. Lak sem prejela v test s strani Oriflame Slovenija, skupaj z njihovim novim parfumom Miss Giordani, katerega pa sem že ocenila in lahko oceno preberete tukaj :)
Z novo kolekcijo ličil The ONE so prišli tudi laki za nohte. Najprej so bili na voljo klasični odtenki, vse skupaj jih je bilo 15, od teh sem že testirala odtenek London Red, katerega oceno si lahko ogledate tukaj :) Sedaj so kolekcijo še razširili in v ponudbi imate kar 5 novih odtenkov. Poleg Steel Shimmer mi je zelo všeč tudi Amethyst Rock, upam da ga nekoč sprobam.
Odtenki so del omejene izdaje in so popolni za sijoče, metalne nohte. Izbirate lahko med klasično črno, zlato, srebrno, temno sivo in temno rjavo z zlatimi svetlečimi delci. Torej popolno za vse ki imate radi temnejše odtenke ali take bolj kovinske odtenke. Torej sprobala sem odtenek Steel Shimmer in sem bila res zelo vesela, ko sem videla v kuverti še tale lakec poleg parfuma. Z odtenkom London Red sem bila namreč zelo zadovoljna in sem seveda pričakovala veliko tudi od tega laka. Oriflame pravi, da je glede na test uporabnikov, skupaj z podlakom, nadlakom in popravki lak zdržal kar 14 dni! No to se sliši precej super, ane? Odtenek, ki sem ga prejela v test je v bistvu temna siva z rahlim, nežno svetlečimi, srebrnimi shimmer delci. V bistvu se jih niti toliko ne vidi, niso moteči delci in tekstura laka je res zelo dobra kljub svetlečim delcem. Gre za bolj gost lak kot je na primer London Red, se mi zdi da se hoče kar skupaj držati in da je treba potem ko odprete stekleničko in hočete nanesti lak na nohte kar hitro to storiti, saj se vam bo formula hotela malo posušiti in postati taka "gumijasta". Torej če nanašate lak sproti in v rednem tempu boste obe roki imeli hitro namazani, za res popolnoma prekriven sloj pa sta včasih potrebna kar dva sloja. Na enih nohtih sem imela srečo in sem res lepo že z eno plastjo potegnila čez in ni bilo potrebe po dveh, na enih pa se mi je zdelo da sem imela ali preveč ali pa premalo laka in so se naredile lise. Posuši se zelo hitro, isto velja tudi za odtenek London Red. Trenutno sem kot podlak uporabljala Essence Studio Nails hardening nail base in nič nadlaka pa se mi je lak res lepo obnesel skoraj 5 dni! Torej precej daleč od obljubljenih 14 dni, vendar pa je treba upoštevati da imam zelo mehke in lomljive nohte in da tu žal noben lak ne bo mogel zdržati dlje. Načeloma ne uporabljam nadlaka ker se mi rado potem spacka oziroma ne maram nositi toliko plasti na nohtih, ker se komaj dotaknem mize in se že poznajo črte, vdrtine in podobno, ravno pač zaradi tega ker imam vsaj 4 plasti laka na nohtih... Saj počakam da se posuši tudi po 20 min za posamezno plast, tako da to res ne bi smel biti problem.. no pa vseeno očitno je. To govorim nasplošno za vse lake, ki jih imam in sem jih kdajkoli uporabljala. Formula tega laka je očitno tako dobra, da vseeno prenese tele moje probleme. Po dveh dneh se sicer že vidi, da bo treba kje popravljat, se okruši in podobno, drugače pa sploh nimam problemov. Z drugimi laki navadno že 1-2 ure po nanosu so takoj problemi in je treba "zaflikat" luknjice. Morda mi je tokrat malo pomagal tudi tale podlak, vendar sem ga komaj pričela uporabljat in nisem prepričana. Predvsem sem pa navdušena nad barvo Steel Shimmer! Popolna zame, taka "so very me" barva, klasična zame in za moj repertuar na nohtih :) Zelo priporočam, da poskusite kakšen njihov lak, v kolikor najdete odtenek, ki vam bo všeč. Sama si ogledujem še odtenka Lilac Silk in Ruby Rouge, pa seveda Amethyst Rock. Pa še nekaj slik :)
Najlepša hvala Oriflame Slovenija za lak in možnost testiranja! Upam, da vam ocena morda kaj pomaga, če vas zanimajo odtenki in cena izdelka pa si jih lahko ogledate tule: redna ponudba odtenkov, redna cena za lak je 7,90e. Najlepša hvala za pozornost :)
Hello! Time to do some empties.. old ones actually, I had these photos for months now...but only now did I get to finally post about some of my empties... Starting with a group photo and than some more details... I also have some more empties that are more recent, but than the post would be a bit too long and I have decided to divide it and make at least two different posts (but the name of the post still continues as I would be posting regulary..:)
Loved all of these three hair products. L'Oreal Paris Elseve Fibrology shampoo and conditioner are both amazing ( the shampoo is not in the photo as I threw it away too soon), I have already repurchased the shampoo and am using it at the moment... The products both smell very nice, the conditioner even better and also leaves your hair slightly scented. The effect on hair is also pretty good, makes them really soft and nourished and gives them a bit of volume and shine, they are easy to brush through... When I was first using this Fibrology line I had really long hair, I mean like almost longer than the length to half of my bottom and I was still able to see the difference. Now that my hair is cut short ( mid-back, that's short for me :P) I can say the effect is even more visible and this is something I really recommend and will continue to repurchase. Next is AVON Advance Techniques 360 Nourishment Moroccan argan oil leave-in treatment for all hair types. I really liked this one, used it mainly as oil for my split ends, but at the time I was using this I had really long hair so I basically used it for the length from mid back to mid bottom, just applied a couple of pumps to my hands and spread it through my hair at the end. This really helped me seal al my split ends and nourish the part of my hair that was most under the impact because it was the longest and therefore had the least of it's natural nourishment. I would definitely repurchase this, plus the smell of the product is pretty amazing and I really loved it! It isn't too greasy or too dry and make your hair really soft and shiny, so I will definitely repurchase once I finish up the products I already have. Last one here is again by L'Oreal Paris Elseve Arginine Resist Light Strengthening shampoo, which I was using during summertime and I must say it's pretty good. Leaves your scalp feeling refreshed but not too dry, also really good to use in summertime when you don't want to apply anything too heavy on your body, as it's hot already enough and you don't want to wash your hair every 12 hours.. Also suitable for anyone who has trouble with greasy hair as it is really light and doesn't cause any more problems with greasy scalp, it also helps keep your hair strong and nourished. I liked this a lot, but the Fibrology simply does it better for me. repurchase is a maybe for now...
And now some shower gels and daily intimate wash.. not much to say really. I just liked the secnt of these and bought them without any other expectations. I have used up Palmolive Aroma therapy Warm Vanilla shower gel, which really smells lovely and is perfect for anyone who loves vanilla scented products. I have also used up Oriflame Sweden Discover Hawaii Aloha Beach shower gel with the amazing pineapple scent and I must say this is a perfect summer shower gel, well unless you don't like pineapples.. The third shower gel here is actually called beauty shower gel by Naomi Campbell Queen of Gold. I have the perfume and I really love it. It's strong, warm, the scent of vanilla, a bit fruity, .. perfect for wintertime really, but I love to use this perfume all year round. Plus last product is Femfresh intimate hygiene daily wash, pH balanced. Not much to say really, it served it's purpose, behaved as it should and that's it. I usually don't repurchase shower gels or intimate wash, because there are so many out there to try and I just buy the ones I really like when in store. Though there is a chance I will be repurchasing the Palmolive Warm Vanilla shower gel as I liked it the most from the bunch.
And some mix of products I used up. Starting with Lush Ro's Argan Body conditioner, which I had for ages and only used it really rarely. I think it was past the date when I finally used it up, but I must say this really makes the difference for your skin. I used it on my legs, after shower, waited a bit than rinsed it off. There is no lotion, body butter or oil that had such an instant effect on my dry skin than this, however the scent is a bit odd and I don't like it, plus the product is pretty expensive, so I have decided not to repurchase it. If you have really dry skin on your body or just parts of your body, this will really help you. Next to it is a Nivea anti-perspirant powder touch deodorant. Just something I use everday and buy without much thinking. The only thing that I do consider is whether it's gonna cause me problems if I use it after shaving and white marks on clothes. This one behaved just fine, nothing special to say about it. Maybe I will repurchase, maybe not. And last one here is a hand cream by L'Occitane Fleurs Merveilleuses, which I also had for ages and finally finished it up this summer. A classic hand cream by L'Occitane, nice scent but not that nourishing... As it was limited edition I won't repurchase.
For face I have finished up this face toner by Balea for dry to senstive skin. It doesn't have alcohol so it's suitable to use everyday, I have finished up the bottle pretty fast, in about a month and a bit. It worked fine for me, nothing special to say about it. The price is pretty good, 1,99euros, so if you are using your toners really fast this could work for you. I used it in the morning after washing my face and the same in the evening, it didn't cause me any irritations or any other problems. It did get a bit soapy though, I noticed that after applying it to a cotton pad and starting to go through with it all over my face and neck it would leave a white mark of foam on my face, like some soap. So I guess it has something inside that doesn't need to be and I probably won't repurchase it. Next is AOK Pur Balance wasch gel for unclear skin after age of 20. This was pretty decent, used it in a couple of months. A drop gets you far and you really can keep this bottle for some time. Price is about 5 euros in Muller stores, which is quite ok, does the job well, but nothing special to say about it. I can say this didn't help me with my skin problems at all, it's just a cleanser for everday use.
And some makeup empties.. If you have been reading any of my posts you already know I love Bourjois and their makeup. So I also loved these two products! I have used up Healthy Balance 10hrs matt finish &natural healthy glow in shade 52 Vanilla and Happy light ultra -covering concealer in shade 21 Ivore. I must say both products are pretty good, especially loved the concealer and have already repurchased and am using one at the moment. The first time I have bought this concealer I got it for 2 euros at a special sale and than at DM store for about 6 euros, also a discont price, the regular one is about 8 I think.. Well, it is well worth every penny as it really covers up well any blemishes and redness I have. It's creamy and has a mirror inside and really stays put all day. I will keep repurchasing this one for some time I think. The only thing that this is not that good at is covering dark circles under the eyes. At least on me I sometimes manage to really do a good job with it and some other days it doesn't matter how hard I try it just doesn't work and I can not layer this too much or it will crease. As for the matt powder, it did the job pretty well, but of course it didn't last 10 hours. I must say on me it lasted about two hours, but with a bit of touch ups it worked well through out the day. Will repurchase after I finish up my stash. It has a nice matte velvety finish and looks really natural on me, like I have no powder on at all. Also includes a mirror in the packaging and I really love that! So this is it for now, more empties will be coming soon :) Have you tried any of these? What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading!
Pozdravljeni! Tokrat sledi ocena še enega izdelka, ki sme ga prejela s strani Oriflame Slovenija. Tokrat sem prejela testerček parfuma Giordani Gold - Miss Giordani. Kot sami pravijo gre za parfum, ki izraža vitalno italijansko ženstvenost, njegove glavne note pa so sorbet manga, neroli in poprova češnja. Oriflame o dišavi pravi, da je glamurozna in ženstvena. Predstavlja strast in eleganco. Je nežen, a živahen vonj, Cvetlično-sadni vonj se ponaša z že omenjenimi sestavinami plus notami bele grenivke, kalabrijske bergamotke, cvetovi frezije ter mošusa. Načeloma nimam tipa dišav, ki so mi všeč, vem samo da ne maram sladkih ali pretirano sladkih vonjev ( kakšna Christina A. ali Kylie M. imata pogoste take vonje...). Rada imam cvetlične vonje na splošno, lahko tudi bolj močne težke vonje ali pa kombinacije cvetlično-sadnega. Izključno sadni parfumi me ne pritegnejo. Tu pa gre za lepo uravnoteženo cvetlično-sadno mešanico, vonj je res ravno prav ženstven, ne presladek ali prelahkoten, hkrati pa tudi ni pretežek. Je rahlo sladek in topel vonj in se mi zdi idealen za jesensko zimski čas. Sama sem tole dišavo uporabljala tako za v službo kot faks, je zelo nosljiva dišava, ki jo lahko uporabljate za vsak dan. V kolikor imate radi cvetlično-sadne kombinacije, ki so ravno prav sladke in tople, hkrati pa dovolj rahle, da čez dan lepo dišite, brez da bi imeli občutek da imate premočen parfum za dnevne opravke, je tole zelo dobra popestritev vaše zbirke :P Sama sem prejela sicer tester, ampak drugače ga prejmete 50ml po trenutno znižani ceni 19,99 evrov, redna cena pa je 32,90e. Dizanj stekleničke je res zelo lep, enostaven, eleganten in čist. Klasična zlata kombinacija, tipična za izdelke linije Giordani Gold. Parfum se je na meni lepo razvil in po prvih parih minutah šele res lepo, toplo in prijetno zadišal. Tudi obdržal se je dobro, nanesla sem ga na vrat in na zapestja. Sicer na koži toliko hitreje izpari, oziroma se delci vpijejo v kožo, vendar mi je zdržal skoraj tri četrtine dneva. Navadno si ga malo našpricam tudi na obleke in potem res zdrži dolgo, tako da testerja nisem hotela porabljati prehitro in sem raje nanesla samo na kožo. Ne povzroča mi nobenih problemov v smislu kožnih reakcij, srbečic in podobnega. Parfum je že tudi na fragrantica.com in si lahko komentarje drugih preberete tudi tam :) Sama sem zelo zadovoljna z njim, mi je zelo všeč, ampak ga bom uporabljala bolj za dnevne izhode kot večerne. Ob večerih imam rada parfume, ki so bolj težki in močnejši,..se mi zdi, da enostavno bolj ustrezajo priložnosti ;)
Najlepša hvala Oriflame Slovenija za prijaznost in izdelek :)
Hello again! New month and time to show my newbies from October. I know I said I will not spend much, and I did really try not to, but in one month a lot happened so I still have more cosmetics than I planned. Plus there was the Essence&Catrice blogger event where I got an enourmous amount of makeup for free to test and try and play with.. so yes, it's been a very full month. Let's start with a list... - Kozmetika Afrodita Hyaluron moisturizing body lotion, Hyaluron shower gel and Coconut Milk cream shower gel and Coconut Milk nurturing body milk - L'Oreal Paris Collection Exclusive Pure Reds, Blake's red - Maybelline Color Tattoo 24hr in 35 On and on bronze - Catrice Eyebrow Filler Perfecting&shaping gel - No name eyeshadow palette with neutral shades (dupe for BH Cosmetics) - Balea Shower gel White passion and Black Secret - Essence 24h hand protection balm vanilla&cinnamon - Oriflame Miss Giordani edp tester - Oriflame The ONE long wear nail polish in Steel Shimmer - Vichy Anti-dandruff treatment shampoo - Maybelline Eyestudio Lastin drama Gel eyeliner 24h 01 Intense Black - KIKO Color-Up long lasting eyeshadow 20 - KIKO Eyeshadow 180 - KIKO Velvet Mat lipstick 614 - KIKO Quick Dry nail lacquer 856 - KIKO Water eyeshadow 202 - Garnier Hautklar Wasabi Clean peeling - L'Oreal Paris Colour Riche Extraordinaire 600 Nude Vibrato - L'Occitane Sublime Beauty Cream BB cream Light - A huge package of over 50 products from Essence & Catrice blogger event :)
Starting with a package of products from Kozmetika Afrodita. I got some really great stuff to test and try, the new Coconut Milk range and also new Hyaluron range. Both are pretty good, but I like the Coconut Milk one more. You can read the review here, but it's only in Slovene.
Next is a mix of products I bought at the start of October. I got new red lipstick by L'Oreal. The range called Collection Exclusive is amazing, I want all of the shades, but this one was the best from the ones available in Slovenia. For brunettes they recommend Eva's Red, but since that one was not available I chose this one, a bluish based red, but still wearable even for brunettes with warm skin tone. Than I also purchased eyebrow filler by Catrice, which I actually needed, as the one by Essence dried out and will be soon in my empties post. So far so good, a decent product, worth the money and gives a gentle effect, for everyday use. Last one here is a Maybelline eyeshadow, I already have three of them, review here, but I heard so many great comments on this one so I decided to take this one too, the shade On and On bronze.
Well this palette has no name, as it actually has no name written anywhere. I believe this is a very good dupe for BH Cosmetics, the quality of the shades is very similar. I bought this one brand new but from second hand, so it was reasonably priced. I really like the pinkish shade form the first row, fifth in the row from left to right.
Also another splurge.. Balea released new limited edition shower gels and as I was unable to decide which one smelled best I chose both. The price for these was 0,79euros, so yes, well, why not have both? I will use them anyway. Also got my hands on new limited edition hand creams form Essence, shoce the vanilla&cinnamon one, because it simply smelled the best. The other two have something added that doesn't convince me. You can check the preview for the limited edition here.
Than I got this lovely surprise from Oriflame, a new fragrance to try plus the new shades of their The ONE collection nail polishes. I got to try the shade Steel Shimmer, such a me colour, really happy to have a new nail polish of theirs in my collection, they are really great and actually long lasting. The edp is called Miss Giordani and is a very warm and cozy scent, I got a tester, but it really smells very nice, perfect for autumn/winter time. Will post the review soon, I hope.
My feelunique.com order has arrived in the middle of October, I got the Vichy shampoo, as it is the only one that actually helps me with dandruff, plus it was on discount and a lot cheaper than in any pharmacy in Slovenia. Me any my bf both use this shampoo and have been repurchasing for a couple of years now. Than I decided it was past time to learn how to make a nice line with my hooded and small eyes so I got this gel eyeliner by Maybelline and so far it's been easy to use and last very well. I must say I am pretty impressed by it and looking forward for next time to use it, as it actually makes applying the cat eye look a lot easier and fun.
Well, well, well.. I said I wanted to save some money and stop spending so much.. well I got a chance to go to the KIKO Makeup Milano store in Venice.. so well, umm.. how could I pass? I did control my desires and tried to buy fast and leave the store or I would buy it whole, everything, at leats one shade of each product! They are amazing, the shop, the salesgirls, the products, the lights, testers, everything clean and organised... I wish we had shops like that in Slovenia.. Plus the prices, not 5 euros more for each product, as it usually happens. I got one velvet mat lipstick in amazing pinky-purply shade, very wearable for everyday. Tested it right away and loved it! Than a nail polish, shimmery bluish-greyish shade, such a me colour and very suitable for fall/winter time. Also three eyeshadows - a classic black, for smokey eyes, very soft and well pigmented, a water eyeshadow, haven't tested yet but read great comments about it and also eyeshadow pen which everyone compliments and claims that this is really amazing, even Lisa Eldridge used it, so I guess it really must be good :P Happy now:P Well, now I want even more of their products!
Almost at the end of the month I got these three bad boys. I bought new peeling fo face by Garnier, called Wasabi clean, as I am running out of the old one by Neutrogena, which I bought in February ( click on to see my post NEW in February :)... Also bought new, but from second hand and a lot cheaper a liquid lipstick by L'Oreal, a daily nude shade called 600 Nude Vibrato. Plus I got this BB cream from L'Occitane from a friend. She couldn't use it as it was too dark for her and she gave ti to me, so now I will try to make use of it. It is abit dark for me too, but than I mix it and it can work for me even in winter time, when I tend to be more pale than usual. It smells amazing and the skin feels really really soft!
Ok the last photo is actually a bunch of photos because I got so many new goodies form Essence& Catrice event. Some of these goodies will be given away as giveaways on my twitter, facebook or blog, but some I have already tested and loved. You can read the whole post here - Essence&Catrice event for bloggers :) So this is it, a lot of newbies, some were really unexpected and some were just pure joy to buy and now use... Well, I guess November is the month when I start saving money and stop purchasing makeup :P Thanks for reading!