Hello! Let's talk about one of my favourite skin care products - a great serum by Vichy - Idealia Life Serum Skin Idealizer Serum! I had this for a couple of months now, been testing it for about two months straight and now I use it when I feel like my skin needs a bit of a pick me up, as I am testing other skincare products, but this one seems to have acquired a status of a holy grail product as I keep returning back to it.
Pozdravljeni! Danes bom govorila o enem izmed meni najljubših izdelkov za nego kože - odličnem serumu Vichy Idealia Life Serum Skin Idealizer Serum! Imam ga že nekaj mesecev, testirala sem ga nekje dva meseca konstantno ter ga še sedaj uporabljam, kadar imam občutek, da moja koža potrebuje dodatno pomoč. Sicer vmes testiram še druge izdelke, ampak tale je eden izmed tistih, ki so očitno pridobili status "svetega grala", sajse vedno znoa vračam k njemu!
About the product - It's an ultra-light, ultra-soft concentrate, with a non-greasy and non-sticky texture. The serum is enriched with a unique combination of LR2412+LHA molecules, the formula helps transform and protects skin exposed to stress, pollution, smoke or unbalanced diet. The product is hypoallergenic, includes soothing and fortifying Vichy Thermal Spa Water, it's non-.comedogenic and paraben-free. Suitable for almost any age or skin type :)
O izdelku - Gre za zelo lahek, zelo mehek koncentrat, z nemastno in nelepljivo teksturo. Serum je obogaten z unikatno kombinacijo molekul LR2412+LHA. Formula pomaga transformirati in ščititi kožo, ki je izpostavljena stresu, onesnaževanju, kajenju in neuravnoteženi dieti. Izdelek je hipoalergen, vsebuje Vichy Thermal Spa termalno vodo, je nekomedogen ter ne vsebuje parabenov. Ustreza skoraj vsem starostim in tipom kože.
Packaging, price - Packaging is very pink-ish, seems girly to me, but again also very feminine and pretty. Comes in a glass bottle with silver dispenser system and plastic transparent cap. Contains 30 ml od the product and once open it's good for another 12 months. The pump dispenser is very easy to use and I like that product doesn't tend to clog the hole. Price depends on where you buy it, pharmacy, local stores that stock Vichy, but it's around 38 euros.
Embalaža, cena - Embalaža je zelo rozasta, malce dekliška mi deluje, ampak hkrati ženstvena. Izdelek je zapakiran v stekleničko z srebrnim sistemom za doziranje in plastičnim prozornim pokrovčkom. vsebuje 30 ml izdelka, ki je po odprtju dober še naslednjih 12 mesecev. Dozirnik je zelo enostaven za uporabo, tekstura pa ne zamaši odprtine. Cena je odvisna od tega kje nakupujete, lekarna ali kakšna druga specializirana trgovina, stane nekje 38 evrov, lahko malce več ali malce manj.
What it promises - This product promises to help your skin and transform it's appearance - your skin tone, smaller pores, adds more radiance. It is suitable for all skin types, even for sensitive, but it is scented so it may not be suitable for you if you don't like fragranced skincare.
Kaj izdelek obljublja - Serum obljublja, da bo koži pomagal, jo transformiral - poenoten ten kože, zmanjšane pore, več sijaja. Izdelek je primeren za vse tipe kože, tudi za občutljivo, vendar je parfumiran. Če nimate radi izdelke za nego obraza z vonjem, vam to morda ne bo všeč.
The scent - it has a very pleasant, fresh scent. Reminds me a lot of the Vichy Idealia Sleep Recovery Night Gel-balm :)
Vonj - Izdelek ima zelo prijeten, svež vonj. Spominja me zelo na Vichy Idealia Sleep Recovery Night Gel-balm.
Consistency - The serum is very light and silky, sinks into the skin really fast, I mean it! And leaves my skin smooth, soft and hydrated. Also doesn't leave any greasy residue or makes my face more oily after application.
Tekstura - Serum je zelo lahek, mehek, se zelo hitro vpija v kožo. Moja kožo pusti mehko in navlaženo. Ne pušča nobenih mastnih sledi in mi po nanosu tudi ne masti kože še dodatneje.
Colour - Unlike usual serums, this one is slightly "tinted" with a golden-pink sheen and it looks very fresh on the skin immediately after application. The skin tone looks more even in an instant! Sometimes I even use it just on my own and than some pressed powder on top, especially when I am in a hurry and have no time to apply my regular base foundation.
Barva - Serum je rahlo obarvan, ima zlatkasto rozast odsev in deluje zelo sveće na obrazu takoj po nanosu. Ten kože deluje instantno poenoten in bolj svež, bolj sijoč. Včasih izdelek uporabim kar samega, povrhu dodam malo pudra v prahu in to je to, sploh kadar se mi mudi in nimam časa nanašati tekoče podlage.
Effect on my skin - I must say I was, still am, very impressed with this product! I was mostly using this serum at night, as part of my night time skincare routine but as well in the morning, just a bit less regularly and the effect was visible within two weeks and the longer I used it the more satisfied I was with my skin! My skin is oily to mixed and this serum still worked for me - it helped me control my oilyness, even though it gives no such claims in product description, it helped me look more fresh, more radiant and well rested. My pores seemed to be a bit smaller, less visible. My skin showed less drier patches, especially helped me heal around my acne scars. With autumn/winter period we tend to have more troubles with radiance and this is ideal radiance booster for anyone who wants their skin to look a bit more healthy! Also, I have been using this serum as a base for my foundation a couple of times and it worked great! I will be definitely repurchasing this product as it has helped my skin more than any other product I have had so far.
Učinek na koži - Moram priznati, da sem bila nad izdelkom, še vedno sem, zelo navdušena! Večinoma sem serum uporabljala zvečer, kot del moje večerne rutine in tudi zjutraj, vendar sem bila pri tem malce manj konsistentna. Efekt je bil viden že nekje po dveh tednih in dlje kot sem ga uporabljala bolj sem bila zadovoljna z mojo kožo! Moja koža je mastna do mešana in serum je vseeno ustrezal mojim potrebam - pomagal mi je kontrolirati izločanje loja, čeprav tega ne obljublja, izgledala sem bolj sveža, bolj sijoča, bolj spočita in dobro naspana. Tudi pore so bile videti manjše. Z jesensko-zimskim časom se nam pogosto zgodi, da potrebujemo malce več nege in nekaj kar nam povrne zdrav sijaj kože in osebno menim, da je tale izdelek kot nalašč za to! Naj omenim še, da sem izdelek uporabljala tudi kot podlago za moj tekoči puder in se je odlično obnesel. Ker se res hitro vpije in naredi lepo poenoteno kožo, se puder ni tako usedal v pore kot bi se drugače lahko. Izdelek bom zagotovo ponovno kupila, sja mi je pomagal bolj kot marsikateri drugi izdelek, ki sem ga poskusila do sedaj!
I hope this review was helpful to you! Thanks for reading! If you are interested in any other products by Vichy Idealia you can read my review of Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep Recovery Night Gel- balm :) If you liked this post you can share it on your social media profiles!
Upam, da vam je bila ocena v pomoč ter hvala za pozornost! V kolikor vas zanima še kakšen izmed izdelkov linije Idealia si lahko preberete še oceno Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep Recovery Night Gel- balm :) Če vam je bila objava všeč, jo lahko delite na svojih socialnih omrežjih :)
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Love, UniqaPoly
*Izdelek sem prejela v oceno/PR product
Your blog is very good I really like. kedeapannya hopefully for the better this blog again
ReplyDeletepropolis plus capsule green world
obat amandel
Obožujem ga <3
ReplyDeleteSva že dve :D
DeleteI have the Idealia face cream and I love it! Never tried this serum but I definitely will :)
I also have Idealia skin sleep cream and it's also amazing, but if you would like something that has a lighter texture this is a must try! :)