Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Coconut obsession!

Hello! Are you in love with everything that has coconut included, or simply smells like coconuts? Than this post is just right for you! I have chosen a couple of coconut scented products I have been using a lot lately and that smell amazingly or simply really work as promised :)

I have picked up six products that really have a lovely coconut scent. I have a lot more coconut scented products at home but these are my top picks at the moment! Starting with hair care, I have only one product that smells like coconut and it's one of my all time favourites - Uniq One all in one hair treatment. It is not the most reasonably priced product but it's a really good one as it helps my hair and hydrates them more, nourishes them really well and adds a gentle touch of coconut scent. Once applied and dried on your hair you probably won't be able to smell much, but it's still a really good coconut scent, not too sweet or vanilla like. It's a real hair treat and I have been saving this product a lot, as it's one of the most expensive for hair care I ever had.

For body I really like this body butter for normal to dry skin by Cien and I find it suitable for my skin too. I mostly use it on my legs and it really helps me as I have drier skin on my legs. It does need a bit time to sink in, but it leaves my skin really soft and lovely scented. Again I love the scent is gentle, not too sweet and just light enough. I don't know how this would work for me for a longer period of time as I have just began using it (last month) but so far it did well on my skin.:) For hands I have had a really lovely hand cream by The Body Shop  with Coconut and I loved it! I was saving it for a long time as we don't have TBS in Slovenia and I almost never go shopping in neighbour countries. The scent of this hand cream was soo good and so special everyone around me was able to smell it after I applied it, so many times during boring classes where I didn't need to write anything down, I would apply this and girls around me would sooner or later ask "whats that scent, it smells really good"! :) Anyway, if you are a coconut scented products lover you should give this hand cream a go!

And three products for lips! It is only right I chose three different products for lips as I am a huge fan of anything to do with lips. I love... coconut&cream has a lovely coconuty scent but is a lot more sweeter than any other product mentioned in this post, as it's actually a mix of coconut and cream. It give s lovely shine to the lips and can actually act as a slightly coloured lip gloss. It's also good you can just squize it out, meaning application is easy and fast. The second lip product is by Labello and it's one of their Lip Butters. The hype for lip butters has been decreased but I believe most people still love this lovely little tin pots. I have posted a full review on the Vanilla&Macadamia one and I have also the Blueberry one and I actually like the Coconut the most! At least at the moment ;) This one is really good, gentle, light and most importantly scented with coconut! It is not as good at nourishing as let's say Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm, but it's still very decent for the price and it's one of my favourites! The last product is by SunDance Lippen Balsam SPF 30 and it's scented with coconut and vanilla and it's not tha coconuty as other products, but a bit more milky, sweet. It's really good at nourishing and also very  good at protecting it against sun as it has SPF 30. It's not sticky at all, it sinky into lips well and also doesn't give any weird white colouring to your lips (as do Labello lip balm with spf protection and also Alverde). It's a tube and you just press the product out. Really love it!

So here are my six picks for this coconut obsession post! What are yours? Any recommendations what I should try?

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly


  1. Super izbor. :)
    Sem tudi jaz velika ljubiteljica kokosa, oziroma bolj obsedenka, ker se mi kar malo zmeša, ko vidim kak izdelek s kokosom. :P
    Od teh stvari imam tudi jaz ta UniqOne sprej (ki ga tudi jaz obožujem) in lip butter - moj najljubši od vseh Niveinih lip buttrov. Mam pa na WL še to Cien maslo (noro diši!), ampak trenutno se utapljam v svoji ogromni zbirki masel za telo - mislim, da se številka giblje nad 20. :/ Razmišljam pa tudi, da bi si kupila ta balzam s SPF. Škoda pa, da TBSja ni pri nas, bi takoj šla po njo - si me res prepričala z opisom. :P
    Drugače pa ti priporočam da še sprobaš Yves Rocher toaletno vodico s kokosom Noix de coco, Sun Dance kremo za sončenje s kokosom (SPF20), Victoria's Secret mist Coconut Passion (je pa mešanica vanilije in kokosa), Escada Born in Paradise parfum (tropski vonj kokosa z nekaj svežimi in sadnimi notami), kakšni geli za tuširanje - Balea After Sun (nasplošno diši bolj poletno, ni samo kokos), Balea kokos in nektarina (mislim, da je še na voljo v kakšnih DMih), Balea Paradise Beach (tropski vonj kokosa in ananasa), isti gel za tuširanje kot je ta I Love...lip gloss (kokos in krema); Balea pena za britje Caribbean Dreams..pa še bi se našlo. :D
    Drugače pa sem jaz nora tudi na kokosove čokolade, sladice, koktajle, kakšne druge napitke; ne samo na kozmetične izdelke s kokosom. :P

    1. aja, pa pozabila sem še na Alverde olje za telo s kokosom (ki je odlično tudi za lase - kot tretma pred pranjem). :))

    2. Tole Alverde olje še nisem poskusila, si ga bom dala na seznam želja :) drugače pa tudi jaz - nora na kokos, vse sladice vse kar ima kokos v sebi je dobro :)

  2. Uuu nekaj zame :) Zdaj si mi dala idejo. Bi morala sama tudi napisati kaj podobnega. Se strinjam s Sandro za Yves Rocher parfum in Victoria's Secret, jaz si že celo poletje špricam samo to kombinacijo :). Nisem zadnjič našla tega sun dance balazama :/ Sem pa vzela olje za ustnice in je fajn, ampak aplikator je pa res trd.

    1. Hehe, fajn :) moram še poskusit tale Yves Rocher parfum, ga še nisem :) Ja tale sundance je res malo trd, drugače je pa fajn olje :)

  3. Oooo tudi jaz obožujem kokosove vonjave. uuuuf"

    1. Hehe, fajn :) vidim da nas je kar nekaj ljubiteljic kokosa :)

  4. Še ena obsedenka s kokosom se javlja :D Sem sprobala vse te izdelke razen I love balzama za usntice :D

    1. heheh, ja tako je to, če si obseden s kokosom, se hitro nabere vse kar imajo v trgovini s kokosom doma :)

  5. Me veseli, da nisem edina obsedenka s kokosom :D Jaz pa obožujem Ziaja maslo za telo! :)

    1. Ja to pa, kokos je zakon! :) Tega pa še nisem poskusila, ga bom mogla dat na seznam želja ;)


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