Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Review: Catrice - Absolute Matt Eyeshadow palette - 010 Eyes Wide Matt :)

Hello! Today's review is another Catrice product I have been really liking and also using a lot! I have received this Catrice eyeshadow palette at Essence&Catrice blogger event and I never really got the chance to post about it. The palette I will be reviewing today is called Absolute Matt Eyes Wide Matt palette and it's one of the four different eyeshadow palette available at Catrice. In Slovenia it is priced at 5,29 euros, making this palette one of the most affordable in drugstore that includes only matte shades.

Personally I am a big fan of all eyeshadow colours, I really like adding a touch of colour on my whole look through makeup and I find eyeshadows best suited for that, even more than lipsticks. I must say I used to prefer shimmery shades because they were usually easier to use and sometimes one shimmery shade was enough to create a look, but with matte ones I always felt like they needed some more work and more blending and a thoughtful combining with other shades. Also at first I was never much for natural, neutral shades, I prefered black, than more colourful shades and later I also developed a liking for natural, gentle, earthy shades.

With this palette you get six matte shades and a small double sided applicator, I never really used. The packaging is plastic and well, pretty cheap, with a transparent lid on the top. It weighs 6 g and it's actually very small, which is very good if you want to take the palette on your journeys. On the photos you can see a shade missing and also two other shades a bit broken?... Well, the packaging survived the fall, but the eyeshadows didn't and there was no saving them.. and it happened right before I was about to go photograph the palette. I am still really angry because I dropped it but oh well.. not much we can do now, except buy a new one...

The shades in the palette go from white, beige (with a hint of pink), taupe, warm brown, dark brown to dark grey. All of them have a very smooth texture, but I dislike that they are so dusty. However the pigmentation and colour payoff is really good! Most of the shades don't need any building up.

They do feel really creamy and are easy to apply and blend, also easy to swatch.. well unless you drop it on the floor and ruin one shade completely. I find the palette perfect for everyday use and for natural or even a more smokey look. The first two shades, the lightest ones are good for highlightning or for use all over the lid as a base colour. Personally I really like the third and fourth shade and I like to use them on their own, simply just apply them all over my lid and add some black liner. Also, these are truly matte, there is not a trace of any kind of shimmer so it's perfect for all of you who don't like to use shimmery, glittery, shiny eyeshadows or have hooded eyes and feel like matte shades suit you better. 

On my lids I used Catrice eyeshadow primer and also Urban Decay and with both these eyeshadows lasted well, for at least a couple of hours without any changes. They also didn't crease which is always a win! 

I couldn't swatch the lightest shade as I broke it but you can see how light it is on the Catrice page. I am really liking this palette and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to stay on the budget and still afford a good eyeshadow palette! Also because the matte shades are really matte without a hint of shimmer this would be great for anyone who has hooded eyes, for those of you who have some wrinkels on your lids and want to avoid shimmery shades (as shimmery colours tend to emphasize the crease and wrinkles) and to all of you who just want a good quality matte eyeshadow palette that is affordable and available at a local store! :)

Hope this review was helpful to you and thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly


  1. Moja naj paletka :D Od oktobra ko sem jo dobila, je bila v uporabi res skoraj vsak dan. 2,3 in 4. senčka so že zele boge, sploh 3 skoraj ni več, bo treba po nvo pa tut če samo zaradi 3 senčk <3

    1. Hehe se pozna ja, z resno rabo se kar hitro porabi ;) Drugače pa tudi če kupiš samo zaradi treh senčil se ti splača ker je res cenovno ugodna :)

  2. Res lepa! Si jo ogledujem že nekaj časa, pa sem se odločila, da bom pridna in najprej porabila eno paletko s podobnimi odtenki od Avona, ki jo že imam doma. :D (Natalija)

    1. Hvala, se strinjam :) Oo lepo , če ti uspe da se zadržiš in ne kupiš čestitke, sama nisem tako vzdržlijva, če vidim kaj lepega si pač moram kupiti ;)

  3. Sama jo tudi imam in jo veliko uporabljam, mogoče bi si želela še močnejši pigment, ampak za to ceno je zakon. Zj imam prav obdobje mat senč in ta je res fina:)

    1. ja se strinjam, ampak za to ceno je res super, navadno so kvalitetne paletke mat senčil po 30e in več...


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