Hello! Let's start a new week with a new review! Another little cream gem I have received as a gift and I must say it has impressed me so much it definitely deserves a review. I find this cream to be an effective natural and chemical free moisturiser that really does the job. Weleda Skin Food is a cream well known to any cosmetics lover and also in the world of celebrities, if you would believe it, such as Adele or Victoria Beckham, but of course with a normal price.
Weleda Skin Food cream is packed in a green box and than in a matching shade of green, a tube. It contains 75 ml of product and the price is usually around 11 euros in Slovenian stores, if my memory serves me right, but you can also order it at feelunique for 14 euros.
It's a very rich and heavy all-over body cream and it's specially made for really dry skin. It can also be used by anyone with dry hands, elbows, feet. It contains all-natural ingredients and I have a photo below where you can check :)
Usually I don't have much problems with dry skin, but lately I do have some more. Mostly it's my feet, my calves and my knees, my arms and especially elbows, my hands and sometimes even my face. Especially if I have been using some acids... than this cream really helps. Or with sunburn... it helped me with that too! It's got a very calming effect, so if you have any redness you want to reduce, this might help with it as well. Especially redness from wind, cold, sun and such factors.
This cream has a specific scent, I have no other words to describe it than to say it's herbal. But in a pleasant way, I really like it. But I bet some of you will really hate it, as it's smelling really healthy and like some herbal tea, but not minty :P The texture of this cream is heavy and thick and needs some work to really massage it into your skin and make sure there are no white marks left on the skin. Also the cream is of a slight yellow colour. With regular use my skin looked a lot more supple and well moisturised. But it does leave my face very shiny and oily looking so if I use this cream on my face I only use it in the evenings, before going to sleep.

Anyway, if you have a really oily skin this is not a suitable face moisturiser, as it's just too heavy. Also, again a reminder that this cream has a strong herbal scent that many might not like, so be careful when purchasing, maybe if you have a chance smell a tester. If you are not using the cream on your face it might not bother you as much and this product could still work for you. Anyway, I find this cream to be a little miracle worker as it's really helped me to get my skin in a better shape and better moisturised. I would definitely repurchase this cream. Also, as it's a heavy cream I will probably not use it much in summer time, but more in autumn/winter time, meaning a tube of this could last you for a long time .)
Hope this review was helpful to you! Thanks for reading!
Love, UniqaPoly
Tolikokrat sem že videla to kremo in vsakič si jo zaželim.:) Ne vem zakaj, ampak se mi zdi malo pretirana cena za nekaj kar bom verjetno dokaj hitro porabila po telesu. Bi razumela za roke in obraz, ampak verjetno se kar hitro porablja za telo? Drugače se ti zdi da se lepo maže oz se kaj stopi v stiku s kožo? Ker če je precej gosta, je take kreme včasih težko razmazat.
ReplyDeleteJa cena je kr precejšnja, zato sem jo dolgo tudi sama imela na seznamu želja ter imela potem to srečo, da sem jo dobila za rojstni dan. Jaz sicer uporabljam res majhne količine te kreme ker se mi zdi da če si vzamem čas in jo res dobro razmažem imam že eno kaplico dovolj za cel obraz. Če bi jo ves čas pridno mazala po telesu bi jo zelo hitro porabila ja, verjetno v enem mesecu zagotovo. jo je malo težko razmazat, zato si jo jaz dam malo med dlani, jo vmasiram in potem šele vmasiram v recimo meča, ko se že malo stopi, ker je taka rahlo voskasta. Ampak jo vseeno priporočam, ker sem imela po mečih čisto suho, že popokano kožo pozimi/pomladi in mi je ta krema res pomagala.
DeleteZgleda precej gosta...Mislim, da za mojo čudno kožo ne bi bila primerna, sem jo pa že gledala, tako da hvala za ta review ;)
ReplyDeleteXoxo, Nyx
ja je precej gosta, ne kot kakšna nivea recimo, ampak še bolj malo bolj gosta. Ni problema, zato pa so ocene, da vidite če vam bo izdelek sploh lahko ustrezal :) Če drugega ne je dobra ideja za darilo :)
DeleteGreat, I love it! Enjoy the week honey!
ReplyDeleteCheck my last post here!
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Thanks :) Of course, follow each other, why not ;)
DeleteJup, I need this cream in my life :)
ReplyDeleteHehe, jaz jo bom tudi privlekla nazaj na police z vsakodnevnimi izdelki, zdaj za mrzle mesece bo odlična :)